Avatar of Skepic
  • Last Seen: 4 yrs ago
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1094 (0.28 / day)
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    1. Skepic 11 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current Been practicing drawing for a few months now. Biggest tip I can give so far is copy, copy, copy. It really helps you learn the basics in a very hands on way,
8 yrs ago
Finally caught up on Rick and Morty. Pretty good shit. It's not every day a cartoon reminds me of my existential crisis.
1 like
8 yrs ago
The Boarder Patrol in Vermont has more important matters than illegal Mexicans. They have to stop the White Walkers.
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8 yrs ago
Unborn babies are essentially mech pilots, right?
8 yrs ago
You know what's worse then radio Country Music? Country Music Radio hosts.


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Will use for now then. Thanks!
Okay, I'll admit.... you might have peaked my interest.... CS coming soon.

*Begins to sweat upon realizing there is no CS*

So uh.... Ehem.... for some individuals that may or may not be new... uhh... mind sending a template my way?
rushed post was rushed, but I kept to my word for once. Posted
Krauss lagged purposefully behind, shaking his head. It would be any wonder in his mind, if they all made it out of this alive. The sound of Edward tumbling over himself through a brush line caused Krauss to refocus on the situation at hand. Before them was the mouth of a cave and in front of that..... what?

He blinked.

What. The. Fuck.

A man, a man that Krauss swears was never on the boat, dressed in, let's say, a rather flashy outfit, posed with a smile before the group. He claimed to be a magician, and looked as if he was about to give a performance, when he was suddnely grabbed and dragged into the back of the cave.

With that, Krauss through up his hands, and began to walk back the beach. "Well I don't know about you guys, but I think the sailors put something in our drinks and cause I'm seeing things. Either way, I'm not sticking around to figure out whether this is all real or not, so in the event that I'm wrong and this is my reality, it'd be best for me to warm up the engines." With that, Krauss, for a lack of a better phrase, got the fuck out of there. Making his way back to the beach, Krauss ran up to the captain.

"Well sir, we may have a situation on our hands, and its just as crazy as you think this will sound. So, I'm just gonna summarize, Edward, that reporter, stumbled literally upon a cave where a man dressed as a magician proclaimed his show before being suddenly dragged into said cave by an unseen force. With that, I'm gonna go get the plane running in case we need to get off this beach fast."
Bwah! What? What.... what year is it? What? What do you mean I didn't post when I said I would?

So yeah.... expect a post today, for real this time.
Still here.....
Indeed! All aboard the helicopter thingy! *poorly emulated engine noises*

Oh, wait, what? Saving him? Whaaat?

....will post tomorrow! Or tonight, depending on the universe.

"and since you want to put your two fucking sense in as well without giving any significant input I'm going to say this. I will have no problem on this mission overriding any commands you give if you compromise the integrity of this collective group and put us at risk. Finally, should you turn your guns on me, I'll shoot you in the head myself with two-hundred and fifty fucking five millimeters of HVAP round. See if you recuperate from that hole in the fucking head now-" Mason, the man who never asked for this, said, before redirecting his wrath at Hawthorne.

Alexi simply shrugged and smiled smugly at him. "Whatever helps you sleep at night, if you think that's all you need to stop me. But don't worry, super duper captain, as long as I'm happy and getting paid, you wont be my new trophy sitting on my wall." Naive as this man may be in her eyes, she simply decided to let it slide. Mr. Spec ops with the goatee was going to have to learn the hard way like everyone else. Besides, were does this man get off from, thinking noncombatants don't count. Simply crossing her arms, Alexi just let the sheriff dude finish the briefing before standing up finally, stretching her back with a sigh. The sheriff had made it clear to get goin, and Alexi was getting anxious anyway just sitting in this war room watching two men measure each other's dicks.

"Come on, doggy, we need to go play nice with the locals while Mr. Super Spec Ops guy here does his thing." she said, motioning ot Hawthorne as she walked out towards her mech. Alexi smiled as she approached "The Butcher", running her hand along the large blade that was sheathed at its side. Bloodstained still covered its edge, having built up over the years giving it a perfectly sinister look. However, much of the internals were new, having needed to be replaced after the incident. With a sigh of nostalgia, she climbed up into her mech.

"Alright, lets go meet and greet."
<Snipped quote by Skepic>

As long as it's not the Persian empire that decsends upon you, I think your misfortune ends there lol


Meh, honestly if legions of ancient Persian soldiers just appeared outside my apartment building, demanding my computer or something at this point, I wouldn't even be surprised.
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