Anneli Kallela
Between the appearance, an elegant voice that sounds like she had smoked 20 packs of cigarettes in a minute, and how she practically needs to pause after every two sentences to catch her breath, many would assume that Anneli was just the quiet, loner type who would keep to herself and enjoy solitude. Well, shockingly enough, this horrifying girl that looks like she just climbed her way out the Chernobyl reactor actually prefers company. While she might not say much, its literally just because of her current physical restrictions. She enjoys the company of others and listening to the stories and gossip of the day.
Generally speaking, Anneli is a friendly individual who likes the company of people as stated earlier, but the type of people who immensely annoy and anger her are shy or reclusive people. Ironic as that may seem, it does make sense for her. These are people that, her eyes, can breath normally, talk normally, and yet waste it away with some "weak personality" who she'd just love to take away there voice and see how they like it. On that note, anyone who actually get's to know Anneli might discover a heavy undercurrent of anger and resentment towards the world.
Hmm.... well to call Anneli the ugly duckling would be the understatement of the century. Originally born to much more normal looking parents in Finland, fate decided to deal her a hand that consisted of no face cards and no pairs, aka a shitty life. Her parents were not normal looking, no, they were beautiful, angelic, to a literal degree with her mother. Her mother was an eagle mutant, sporting a brilliant pair of large wings and platinum hair. her father was a handsome man whose transformation abilities were highly refined to allow him to be a one man orchestra.
So, how could this culturally talented, practically picture perfect pair of adults produce a walking chemical disaster that was their daughter? Well, originally, Anneli was a bit of a... "late bloomer" only gaining her quirk when she was around the age of six. Up until then, she had resembled a perfectly healthy little girl sporting the same wonderful blond hair and had seemed enthusiastic about learning music, even at such a young age. Thus it seemed she'd grow up just like her parents.
When her quirk began to finally manifest, her parent's had initially thought she had been burned horribly. Her skin had begun to scar in some places, most notably around her mouth, neck, and arms. They resembled chemical burns and 3rd degree burns, seemingly beginning to form overnight. The initial process was incredibly painful for Anneli, as if her body was burning its self, then reforging what was left over. She was quickly hospitalized where it was finally revealed that this was, in fact, just her quirk finally surfacing after an unusually long period of dormancy.
Anneli's parents could not believe the news. The sagging eyes, the mutilated mouth, the raspy voice, and the burns made her a completely different person. In the eyes of Anneli's parents, she died in that hospital, and now this gremlin had taken her place. They acted almost as if she didn't exist, never eating dinner together, never making eye contact. The warmth that Anneli had once felt with her parents, forever gone. As it had turned out, her great grandfather had suffered from the same quirk, and she had been unlucky enough to inherit that gene from her father.
When Anneli's school offered an exchange program with a far away school in Japan, her parents jumped on the opportunity to send her away. Anneli remembers their fake smiles, how after all these years of silence, they suddenly wanted to give her more "opportunities" in learning a different culture. It didn't matter to Anneli, she frankly wanted nothing to do with them as well. Thus, she transferred, starting a new school life here, at Kosei Academy.
"Willie Pete"
Cute name, ain't it? Well its not so cute when you realize its US Army slang for a horrifying incendiary weapon that burns people alive with White Phosphorous, a chemical compound that can range from simply being used as a thermal smokescreen to cooking you to a disgusting crisp. Alenni can emitting the terrible substance in a number of ways.
First and foremost is the infamous "Wille Pete Round" where she can fire off a projectile of sorts that when it impacts a target, it explodes with white, scorching hot cinders, burning their way through most materials and even melting metals. Second is simply emitting a cloud of thick smoke around herself to provide visual cover. This can sometimes interfere with thermal based optics as the heat signatures would be more blurred and not specific. This usually only comes in handy when she creates the cloud in a group of people, preventing the more tech savvy opponent from picking out a particular target.
Can play the violin quite well and loves to edit music, making her own remixes and sounds.
A critical thinker/skeptic, never takes anything at face value.
Likes to build models/paint. Particularly loves tanks.