SoleAccord said
Superman can one-shot people fifty thousand times much more interesting than himself, this is not very new to me :3
Which is really boring.
Not to mention that Batman actually beat Superman. With a little help, but still.
SoleAccord said
Superman can one-shot people fifty thousand times much more interesting than himself, this is not very new to me :3
UncannyWanderer said
I can see how this can be misread. Or abused by dirty minded people... Heh
OutlawedPanda said
Freakin' cool, Sketcher :D I'm the one with the freakin long rifle
Tyrant from the West said
I gotta say ty for making my character have that cool hands-in-pocket slouch pose, as well as having the sheath of his sword on the side and not on his back or anything 8D Im sorry but im just a giant sucker for those two things.
SoleAccord said
Superman is very uninteresting compared to Batman.There, I said it. -drops mic-
OutlawedPanda said
Hey sorry that I'm late! Just got home from work, so I'll be posting shortly
SoleAccord said
Might've been better had SSJ4 been nonexistent and everyone else wasn't so piss weak that the fact they even tried fighting anything but fodder wasn't laughable. A lot went wrong for the series after Cell Saga. Toriyama should've stopped there; t.v. specials and movies are 'okay' though.
Savato said
I guess you're right. Well no, Gohan killing Cell was a bit of a turn-off depite it being expected. OMG GOKU'S TOTALLY NOT DEAD GHOST HELPED A LIMPING GOHAN A BIGGER KAMEHAMEHA. But i digress. Made sense with Frieza yeah. No wait, a simple fucking Katana killed him in like 20 seconds. I take back what I said, that was fucking bad.
Yog Sothoth said
I still love what he did Madara, the best types of villains are the ones that seem unbeatable.