Avatar of Sketcher
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    1. Sketcher 11 yrs ago
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YAY! I'll be the guy people come to look more awesome :3
In a way...
YAY! As an engineer, would Aiden be able to modify mechas?
ShadowRaeper said
Both Accepted ^^and hi Sketch xD

Character Sheet

Name: Aiden Rose
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Appearance: Other than what you see in the image, here are some numbers. Metric system ftw.
-180 cm
-76 kg
He's very well built.
Job: Engineer
Personality: Aiden's rather lax, even during life and death situation. It almost looks like he's lazy, though he only comes off that way because he acts calm during times like that, in order to do his job perfectly. A sharpshooter does need a steady arm, huh? He's kind and easy to talk to, not acting cold to anyone who doesn't treat him poorly or who hasn't given a bad first impression. He trusts too easily, which is probably his fatal flaw. The one thing that he stands out with is his intellect. While he might not be great at memorizing, he's an amazing quick-learner and his analytical ability and quick wit are surpassed by few people if any. This tends to annoy people who decide to take up his challenge and play chess with the boy.
Biography: Aiden grew up with a family who were rather dimwitted in contrast to him. He was poorly educated at school, his parents unable to actually pay for what could be counted as a good education. He educated himself at the libraries, digging his head into books. He built his first significant 'invention', which was basically a human sized robotic monkey that could run around and stop in front of obstacles, at the age of 8, using some scraps he found in the junkyard. He spent most of his time bent over his table, working on blueprints of weapons and more robots like that, whenever he wasn't helping his parents with the fields or hunting with his father, although he would rarely make them since they couldn't afford most of the pieces. The second thing he made was a sniper rifle that he would use for hunting, that turned out better than he'd expected. It was strong enough to easily pierce through the animal's body and come out of the other side. He continued doing what he did, leading a rather boring life for quite some time. He decided to leave his house and try to sell some of his designs. Nobody really took a 14 year old kid with little to no education seriously, of course. Only an engineer would be able to actually understand the things that were on his blueprints. At one point, he was finally able to sell one of his designs to a company for a lot of money which he didn't think would be worth anything, since it was just something that he was doing for fun. It was a rather simple design for armor for the other things he was doing. He sent most of the money back home and made a name for himself, even if only among engineers or potential buyers. He started to bring some of his projects to life, be it weapons, robotic pets with simple AIs or anything one could think of. Before he could finish any of them, without any warning, the human population plummeted, mysterious robots that people called 'droids' started killing people left and right. He escaped and survived for a couple of days on his own until he learned that there was a militia group preparing to fight back. He thought that his capabilities would be able to help them out quite a bit.
Sniper rifle with four bullets in each magazine. He has a total of five magazines at once. The weapon itself is his own design.
-He has a small and unfinished pistol and a silencer designed for it that's currently unusable but he claims that when he's finished with it, it'll be the most accurate handgun seen by mankind, which is quite doubtable, but he's convinced his design will work perfectly.
Extra: He's quite adept at hand to hand combat, using a style that could be counted as MMA.


Name: Are-Shiki (Insignificant)
Weapon: A sharpshooting rifle attached to its arm, which is easily aimed since the user of the mecha can see through the scope from one of the screens inside the mecha.
Extra: Despite its bulky structure, the joints on its legs, elbows and shoulders allow it great mobility during battles, making it a worthy opponent. Even outside of battle, its capable of moving at speeds that seem impossible for its size, though regular for a less bulky yet quick mecha. It moves smoothly, making as little noise as it can in order to avoid detection.
Posted'r'st as well.
Katsu smiled as he saw Nikkaido walk into the room. He was rather confused about how she was able to fight with that crutch and prosthetic but he knew that she would get the job done.

"Hey Katsu, I think I'll join you on that training, if ya' don't mind."

"Not at all," the boy answered, smiling. He was glad to have someone to train with rather than just repeating the exercises he'd done over a thousand of times by that time in the last week. That was probably the one thing he liked about the group of assassins. There were always formidable opponents. While he didn't like to show off his love for fighting, he would never back down from a challenge. "Assuming you can keep up," he joked. He spun the staff in his hand once and took a couple of steps back, leaving space for her to step into for the fight.
Katsu reached for the hilt of his sabre when he heard the rustling of the leaves but stopped his hand when his index finger touched it.

"Lady Kaede sent me," the figure that had emerged said. It was a girl around his age with her hands held up defensively.

He lowered his hand and smiled apologetically. "Lady Kaede?" The Byakugan... I guess she saw a fellow shinobi in trouble and decided to send aid. If it was anyone else, I'd be suspicious but she's probably telling the truth. "Well, thank you for coming," he said warmly. "I'm low on chakra so I probably wouldn't be able to survive an ambush alone. I'm glad someone's here with me."

He truly did mean those words. It had been quite some time since he was able to feel this satisfying sensation of being near someone who would be there to help you.

"My name is Karela Yatoma."

It was hard for Katsu to hear the low voice but he was able to discern what she had said. He smiled at her. "Nice to meet you, Karela," he said. "Mine's Katsu Uchiha. I'm looking forward to working with you." He waited for her to lead the way.
Katsu watched as the water user was shocked and the chakra in the man's body was starting to stop its flow. The dying water shinobi suddenly felt a fading sensation of pain in his chest, being the last thing he would remember. His fall was only accelerated by the attack. The Fire using shinobi fell just as quickly, even though that was the only attack necessary to end the battle. Katsu's eyes opened wide and he looked at the woman who'd helped him. There was someone else...? Without thinking, he pushed himself back on the water and skidded away from her a couple of meters. He deactivated the Raitoninguchāji ("Lightning Charge"), cautiously eyeing her. He opened his mouth to ask who she was but before he could, she spoke.

"It is not your time."

She faded from Katsu's sight, leaving him confused and alone. He shook the questions away, knowing that he had to concentrate on his surroundings. He could see many sources of chakra towards the east. The closest battle was probably there, but he was already low on chakra. Should I go? I could still help but I would have a lower chance of survival. If I go before my chakra's at least half-replenished, I'll just be a burden. His gaze was now locked on the shiny blade of his sword below him, inside the water. I almost forgot... He quickly dove in under the surface, swimming towards his sabre. The moment he clutched it in his palm, he rushed upwards in order to get out as fast as he could. He stuck his head out and took a deep breath, panting and gasping for air. After a moment, he opened his eyes and swam over to the edge of the pond as quickly as he could. Leaping out of the water, he emptied the water in the sheath of his sabre and headed east towards the other sources of chakra with a quick pace. I can act as support, at least. He reactivated his sharingan, looking out for anyone nearby.
Yay, interaction time! :D
Katsu's waiting for someone to train with, if anyone needs something to do.
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