Katsu was taking his weekly walk to the old teahouse, where he and his old, in both the sense of -once- and aged, mentor would go for his meals. There was a glum look on his face whenever he went there, remembering where they'd drink their tea and what stories the old man would tell him, or perhaps make him work in his own unique way. He still had the scrolls in which the poses he'd drawn years ago were. The place was practically empty as it always was at that hour. He stood still at the entrance for a moment and heaved a heavy sigh.
She had just entered Azumi. There was some paperwork she wanted to do, so she had the rest of the day for herself. The personal that had their shift at the teahouse had already started to prepare for the day. Like usual, Kiyomi would first visit the teahouse before heading to her own office. Though it was unusual she came at this hour, Kiyomi decided that it was certainly now a good idea to first get some tea before focusing on the paperwork that was waiting for her. Dressed in her more casual atire, she was waiting for her special order. Mint tea, with some honey in it. Yawning, she leaned on the bar as she drummed with her fingers on the wood.
Upon hearing a sound other than the rustling of the leaves, Katsu flinched and looked around for its source. He saw a girl sitting over at the bar with her fingertips striking the wood, making a basic rhythym. This was a first for the boy, seeing someone of his age at the place that would usually be filled with elder citizens-one could call-. He looked around to see if there was anyone she was accompanying but he couldn't see anyone with her.
One of the personal, a young man, came back with a mug. There was some steam coming from the mug as he placed it in front of Kiyomi. Mumbling a thanks, Kiyomi turned around as she had heard something. However, she wasn't really interested in who it could be, but she was surprised to hear that somebody came that early. And the more when she turned and saw that the person wasn't ''an older person''. ''Good morning.'' Kiyomi said. Her curiousity grew as she quickly examined the boy who had walked into the teahouse. If she had to be honest, she was really bad at guessing age, but he was probably not older than sixteen. Or eighteen?
Katsu froze when the girl spoke. She was definitely around his age, judging from her voice. He hesitated before speaking back, a smile forming on his mouth. "Good morning," he mimicked her. He looked around again, looking to see if he'd missed anyone before. "It's a change to see someone around my age here," he said awkwardly, trying to start a conversation.
Kiyomi had to resist to not giggle. Brushing some strands of hair away, she nodded. ''You can say that. What brings you here? If I may be so rude to ask.'' She added, realizing that it wasn't very polite to start throwing questions in his direction without even introducing herself. But she had already asked it and she could always introduce herself afterwards.
Katsu smiled at her, glad that she had elected to continue the conversation. "Ah... I used to come here with my old master," he said. "I just keep coming every week." The boy thought about talking about the old man but he decided against it, thinking it would be rather repelling. "My name's Katsu," he introduced himself with a smile.
''Kiyomi.'' She replied back. ''So, a weekly patron hmm? What do you think of this place then?'' Kiyomi asked, making a brief gesture with her right hand. She was kind of wondering what somebody of her age was thinking about the teahouse. Now she thought fo it, she hadn't really asked that. Mostly it were just seniors who came here. Though it was fun to talk with them, it was refreshing to see somebody who was a 'bit' younger.
"It's..." He paused for a moment, trying to find the right word. He let out a small chuckle before continuing. "... Rather dull, to be honest." There wasn't a better description for the place, according to him. "I have some fond memories of this place but the rest was just sitting and watching old people drink their tea and burn their tongues." He looked at her with a curious visage. "I'm also wondering the same thing... What brings someone of your age here at this hour?"
She couldn't help it. She laughed he said he found it dull. It was not really something surprising as she thought of it the same way. But it brought a profit as it was now. Many seniors and some other age groups liked how it was now. And Kiyomi wouldn't change it as she was content with the profit that was generated from the tea house. The other thing that was funny, was Katsu's question. ''I am the owner.'' Kiyomi answered back, a smile spreading over her lips.
Katsu stared at her blankly, confused. He pointed at the floor and lowered his head a bit as if asking "This?". He couldn't comprehend why someone like her would own a place like this. The first thought that came to his mind was the possibility that he had either asked the wrong thing or that she had misinterpreted the question. He was tempted to ask why but he didn't want to sound rude. "Huh. I see..." He kept pondering, looking at her, or rather in her direction.
''You look surprised. Why did you think then why I was here?'' Kiyomi asked, clearly amused by the surprise reaction of Katsu. The smile on her lips grew as she then couldn't help it, but she started to laugh again. ''Not that I find it that strange that you reacted like that. It has a story to it however.'' Thinking about it, she then decided to ask Katsu a question, again. ''What makes me wonder is, don't you need to go to school or something like that?''
"Oh... No, I graduated from the academy," Katsu said. "Only recently, but..." He looked back at her, his head not moving but his eyes locking his gaze on her rather than the wall behind her. "Could I perhaps hear the story?" he asked with a hopeful smile. He was quite curious as to why and how a young girl would come into posession of such a place.
The smile of Kiyomi faded away from a moment. So he was a genin, huh? She eyed him quickly while thinking about it. ''That means you're a shinobi.'' She mumbled. Then something crossed her mind. The smile returned on her lips. ''What about an exchange? I kind of wonder now what genins are made of these days. After that I will treat you on the story and lunch. How does that sound to you?'' Kiyomi suggested, taking a sip of her tea.
"What do you mean?" The stupid befudled look returned to his face. He didn't know how to respond to something like this without asking what he had. He really did want to learn this story so he figured he'd agree in the end, but he still wanted to understand the proposition before actually giving an answer. These days... He thought on what she said. Perhaps she was older than he'd estimated.
Now Kiyomi looked a bit confused. Raising her right eyebrow, she leaned a bit back. Making a gesture with her left hand, she started to explain. ''I thought it was pretty clear. You kind of revealed you're a shinobi. A genin, but still a shinobi. I happen to be one too and just want to see what you can do. Not that I plan to be serious or want to prove that I am better. Actually,'' She took a sip of her tea. ''I don't need proof of that. Nobody is beter than somebody else, in my opinion. But what do you say? Just a harmless little spar?'' Kiyomi looked back in Katsu's direction with a warm smile as she waited for what he would say.
"Sure," he said, smiling back. She refered to him as a 'genin'... She was obviously a higher rank than him and there wasn't much of an age difference between them. His smile was confident but he knew that a chance for victory was quite slim, if existant at all. In the end, at least he'd get to practice with someone better than himself.
Putting her tea back on the counter, Kiyomi asked one of the servers if they could save it. After that was confirmed, Kiyomi beckoned that Katsu should follow her. Walking towards the door, Kiyomi reached for the door handle. But then suddenly stopped. Her hand was on the handle, but she turned half around to look at Katsu. ''You never told me your surname. May I know it?'' Kiyomi asked, in a friendly way.
"I... I just didn't think it was important," Katsu mumbled. He then spoke up. "It's Uchiha." He went on to follow her to the door. He really didn't care much for the name. It was just a way to separate people into different groups, sometimes even creating hostility between these people because their names weren't the same.
An Uchiha. Very interesting. Opening the door, Kiyomi waved briefly with her free hand as she kept smiling. ''Don't worry. I was just curious. Mine is Sato-Hon. Not that I care much for clans. I have been taught that one person doesn't resemble a whole group, thus a clan.'' Kiyomi said as she would keep the door open for him. Briefly she glanced at the gardens. It had been some time since she had tried her hands at that. Maybe she could ask the gardener if he would be willing to help her with learning how to plant and take care of the flowers.
Sato-Hon. So she's one of her family members... He continued following her as they walked away from the building. He remembered passing by the training grounds right before each time he came there. "Are we going to the training grounds?" he asked, tilting his head slightly to the side. Nodding, Kiyomi would head to the nearby training field. Luckily they weren't that far from it. It was one of the reasons why she had Azumi being built on the current spot. It was perfect for when members of the Guardians wished to train, with the training fields that nearby. ''May I ask you a more personal question?'' Kiyomi asked, looking forward as she would keep on walking.
Katsu paused before nodding. "Sure," he said hesitantly. If she had to ask if she could ask about something, it was probably something most people wouldn't like to disclose. Though he couldn't think of anything he wouldn't want to talk about. He had very few pressure points when it came to secrets. ''Not just because you're an Uchiha, but do you... are you able to use the sharingan?'' Kiyomi asked, her tone very different than before. It was now more serious and direct instead of the polite and friendly manner how she had spoken before. Turning her head, she looked at him sideways. ''It is not that I don't mind, but I am just... curious. Think that is the closest tihng to describe it.'' Kiyomi told him.
He froze. "Er..." He was one of the few people in his clan at the age of 14 who couldn't awaken, or at least activate at will, the sharingan in his direct family. He continued to follow her, his gaze now locked on the ground in front of him. "No... Not yet, at least." This was probably one of the few things that made him feel insecure about his strength and skill. He sighed and looked up towards her again.
''Don't look like that. You almost look like you're disappointed. Genins these days.'' Kiyomi mumbled the last sentence. She then playfully patted Katsu's shoulder. ''It is a fact that only a certain percentage of Uchiha can awaken their sharingan. And besides, there are a lot more shinobi that are powerful and don't have a sharingan than vice versa. So don't make that face again, okay?'' Kiyomi said, but she thought about something. Not that she would show any hint that some darker thoughts were going through her mind.
He knew that quite well, but that wasn't really what saddened him. He sighed and nodded. "Right," he said, now sounding confident as he smiled. He looked over at the training grounds. And as they approached the field, Kiyomi began to ask Katsu something else. ''So, is it right to assume you also have Fire chakra affinity, like most of your clan?''
He shook his head. "I don't really have much talent using Fire techniques... I end up coughing smoke each time I try using one," he said. "I have a Wind chakra affinity." He sounded almost proud when he spoke about his chakra nature. He saw that they were finally at the field. He wasn't very comfortable fighting in an arena he hadn't visited before and prepared, but then it wouldn't be sparring.
The field was just a grassy plain. Nothing really interesting about it. Kiyomi's eyes gained a kind of glint when Katsu answered her. Turning around, she spread out her arms as she seemed to be excited. ''That seems great to me. To be honest, that means you're the first Uchiha I know that has another affinity than Fire. Interesting.'' Lowering her arms, she seemed to giggle. ''But time to test it out.'' Forming the Seal of Confrontation as she would keep walking backwards, the smirk vanished from Kiyomi's lips.
He mimicked her movements, a calm smile appearing on the boy's face. The smirk would usually annoy most people he sparred with at the academy, allowing him to remain calm and collected during a fight and easily have him analyze the situation. Once he stopped moving back, he waited for her to lower her hand in order to make his first move.
Still holding her right hand up, Kiyomi then only took a few steps back as she eyed how he stood like. He seemed neither too arrogant or confident. Meaning that he wasn't really that open. Which again was a good thing. Forming several handseals at a rapid speed, revealing she was true to her Hon bloodline, she would bring up her left hand to her mouth as she took some breath in. Taking a step forward with her left foot, she would lean forward while spitting out a big ball of fire towards Katsu.
Katsu turned his attention to the edge of the field the moment she changed her posture. He leapt backwards with his chakra gathered at his feet and tossed up two shuriken, clasping his hands together, shooting wind towards the fireball which pushed the shuriken with great speed along with the winds, making it larger and larger. Before the winds had reached the fireball, he had already gotten back quite a bit. He ran towards the side he was looking as the fireball got close and leapt out of its range just as it colided with the ground behind him due to its growth, the smoke covering his movements. The two shuriken he had tossed up were on the ground near Kiyomi, slowed down by the fireball, but they showed where they'd been thrown from.
She kept trying to track of how he moved around. The Great Fireball technique was just a way to see how he would react to such a technique. The smoke covered him from her sight, but she had her own ways on how to keep track of him. Pulling out a kunai, she easily managed to deflect the shuriken. She wasn't sure if he had planned to manouvre in such a way, to hide himself. But it was certainly something smart of him to do. Narrowing her eyes, she seemed to focus on something. ''So what will you do now?'' She asked, making the kunai in her right hand spin around.
A single wave of wind cut through the upper part of the smoke, flying towards Kiyomi. As the smoke itself started to clear, an image of Katsu was standing with his sabre drawn in the middle, where the smoke was least dense. Ducking underneath the wave, Kiyomi was frowning for a moment. That move reminded her of Kensuke Nimatsu. Raising her back, she noticed the sabre he was holding. But the details were hard to see, due the smoke. Then she threw the kunai towards Katsu, surpisingly accurately aimed towards the boy. Using her heighten senses of smell and hearing, she had aimed the kunai at his chest area. ''Better step aside, Katsu.''
The kunai flew through the image and it dissolved. He appeared out of the thicker left side of the smoke and bolted towards the trees. He threw a shuriken towards Kiyomi and patiently made five hand seals, ending with the tiger. He wasn't looking towards the shuriken he threw while he was performing the seals but he calculated that if it wasn't stopped midway, that would be the point where it got close. When he finished the technique, the shuriken split into two. He was hoping to have it at least distract her at the last second.
More shuriken? Kiyomi however stayed cautious. Pulling out six shuriken, she would throw five of them to deflect the five of Katsu in the air. Only to see that the shuriken split in two. Meaning she still had five shuriken heading her way. Running to the left, she held on to the shuriken in her right hand. Lightning crackled in the air, but didn't appear around Kiyomi. Throwing the shuriken towards Katsu, Kiyomi then performed a back flip. Landing on her feet, she would crounch and wait for how Katsu would react and do.
Katsu turned to see what had happened, to see the shuriken flying towards him. He imbued the sabre with his wind chakra and swung it, cutting through the shuriken while the blade left a faint trail behind it. He spun where he was and leapt behind the tree he was going towards. He stuck two explosive tags on its bark and then went to the next one, keeping his eyes scouting for Kiyomi.
Her nose wrinkled as she would stay crounched on her spot. Weaving several handsignals, Kiyomi held on to the last. Nothing seemed to happen, but it could just be that she was preparing something. A smile started to cross the lips of Kiyomi, as she would then slowly raise up from her crounched stance. The green eyes seemed to follow Katsu's position as she turned her head to his direction.
He kept his gaze on her as well. He pulled a kunai from a different pouch and swung it. It had a tag fluttering in the air attached to it with some string. Even though he hadn't prepared earlier, he was always carrying weapons that could be used to confuse the opponent. He followed the kunai with his sabre out. Kiyomi lowered both her hands as she then tilted her head. ''You're kind of... rare.'' She said. The sentence seemed odd. But what more seemed odd was that the kunai suddenly made a turn. It struck the bark of a tree. Pulling out a kunai, Kiyomi threw it towards Katsu. She still didn't made a move, still standing where she stood.
"What the--!? Katsu stopped in his tracks and threw his upper body back, dodging the kunai. He pushed himself back with his feet and landed on his feet, spinning around his hands. He flipped back a couple of times and looked at the kunai. He thought of using the violent wind palm again but she was also a fire user, which could become a problem if he used something like that. He took a couple of rapid steps back and hid behind a tree, now watching her from the bushes, his eye hidden by the shadows.
So he was surprised. Not really a surprise. Then again, it kind of was as she further thought about it. Placing her hands on her hip, she seemed to be waiting for him. ''You are a rare genin. Most would already bore me. You seem to be different though. Though, look behind you.'' Kiyomi said. The kunai she had thrown before was actually on its way back. The pointy end was aimed to hit the back of Uchiha, but the speed seemed to be less than before.
Katsu turned and his eyes opened wide. He tried to dodge it but it grazed his shoulder, pouring some blood. I see... He tossed his sabre on the ground along with his pouch filled with kunai and shuriken. I can still do it. If I get close enough...
"If I may say so... I think that was the wrong move to do," he said, now running at her, performing three quick handsigns concealed by his lowered head. He raised it after the split second and kept running at her with a quick pace.
''Is it?'' Kiyomi asked, tilting her head. She raised her right hand. Narrowing her eyes briefly, there was a smirk forming on her lips. Still, she wasn't moving around or taking any stance. The sabre of Katsu seemed to tremble, before it suddenly launched from the ground towards Katsu's back. Raising her left hand, Kiyomi clenched it in a fist, slightly spreading out her footwork. The kunai from before dropped to the ground, not moving anymore.
Katsu ignored the sabre, continuing to run towards her. The fact that only one object was coming at him would suggest that she can only manipulate one at a time. ...or was she holding back to take him by surprise the next time? He concentrated on his speed, increasing it with each step as he gathered more chakra on his feet. Just as he got close, about 5 meters, the sabre stuck through his back. Smoke rose from where he was. It was the simplest jutsu anyone was ever taught. A piece of wood replaced him but there was something strange with it. Two tags were attached to it that ignited and exploded immediately after they became visible.
Kiyomi had herself prepared to counter what ever he would attempt do when he would be near her. But she was surprised as the blade struck him from behind, revealing some smoke. Then she picked up a scent. ''What the.'' Quickly, she performed several backflips to create more distance with the piece of wood that was carrying some explosive tags. It was hard to figure out how many, but Kiyomi was quite surprised by the tactic. Only one person had ever caught her and managed to defeat her with that. ''Clever little..'' She mumbled, looking around as the sabre dropped to the ground.
Katsu saw that it wasn't a hit, but he was glad with the result. He was now concealed and had several other traps like this prepared while she was waiting for him to do something, probably when she was preparing the technique she used to manipulate the pieces of metal. The explosions were quite flashy. He picked up the kunai she'd thrown back and threw it at her again. He ignited the tag attached to it and clasped his hands together, shooting violent winds towards the explosion, creating a faux-ninjutsu technique, he called it. The flames grew more violent and moved towards where Kiyomi was standing.
Turning her head to look over her shoulder, Kiyomi didn't look that happy anymore. But more seriously. With a series of quick jumps, she managed to keep herself from harm. Her lips curled down as she managed to skid to a halt. Brushing a bang of hair aside, Kiyomi stared in the direction she had picked up Katsu's scent. Her nose wrinkled again. At first she wasn't sure, but then she picked up the scent again. ''Got you.'' She mumbled, pulling out several shuriken. Throwing them towards Katsu's direction, she then started to weave several handsignals before ending with the Seal of Confrontation. Standing still, she seemed to be waiting again for Katsu's next movement.
Katsu turned to the sound of the shuriken cutting through the air and clasped his palms, leaping back. Violent winds flew towards the shuriken, making them spin where they stood, slowing them down and changing their trajectories. He picked up his now heated up sabre and took a strange fighting pose. He swung it as if parrying an invisible blade upwards and a thin wave of air flew at her, cutting through the air. He quickly switched to the second pose where he was holding the sabre over his head.
A kind of blue thin aura started to surround Kiyomi as she kept watch over Katsu's movement. Lowering her hand, she placed both of her hands on her hips as she tilted her head to the left. With a duck movement, she managed to evade the current of air that he had moved towards her. After hearing it passed her, she straighten her back again, watching how he was moving. ''May I ask what you're doing?'' She asked. Maybe he was trying to keep the air currents around him moving? It wasn't the first time that somebody tried to use that to counter the Flying Blade technique. It also made her wonder if he was trying to confuse her with keep switching from poses.
After the pause, he took a deep breath. The excited smile disappeared from his face. In its place, there was a dead serious look. He was almost glaring at her but there was no hostility in his eyes. After the moment passed, his movements became far smoother as he kept slashing the air. The first move lowered the blade from over his had to straight down. While that current was moving, he dragged his foot to the side and pushed himself slightly forward, as if slashing through an enemy, which sent a horizontal current towards her.
Raising her left arm, as she was defending herself, Kiyomi's air seemed to be blown backwards. But the current seemed to be halted by something. Lowering her arm, Kiyomi flexed her fingers before she then formed a fist. With the last current approaching her, she spread out her foot work more before blocking the current with her left hand. A few inches, she was being pushed back before she had managed to stop the current. Flexing the fingers of her left hand, she turned her attention to Katsu. There was a bland look on her face, while she was still standing still.
While she was blocking the currents, Katsu pulled one of the five shuriken on the ground from the time he'd used the shuriken clones using the tip of his sabre, sticking it into its centre and swinging it at her. He had the blade on his other side once he'd swung it to throw the shuriken. He kicked off the ground and spun in mid air, the next current flying significantly faster, proportionate to the difference between the speed of the blades.
Still not moving, the shuriken seemed to be deflect as soon as it came near the thin blue aura around Kiyomi. She then finally seemed to prepare to move, quickly stepping aside to avoid the incoming current. Keeping watch of his movements, Kiyomi seemed to prepare a counter attack, but her eyes widened as she bended over. Coughing, she placed both her hands at her mouth. The thin blue aura faded quickly away as she kept coughing. A crimson liquid started to drip from her hands as her shoulders started to tremble.
Katsu was about to attack again but he stopped himself. "H-Hey, are you alright?" He sheathed the sabre, rushing over. He saw the blood dripping from between her fingers and his eyes opened wide. "We... We should get you to a doctor immediately," he suggested, sounding worried and afraid. Coughing up blood was never a good thing. Was she ill?
Kiyomi managed to raise her left hand. Blood was moving from her handpalm, dripping on the grass. ''Don't...worry.'' Finally she managed to straighten her back as she whipped the blood from her mouth with her left sleeve. Panting, she seemed a bit more pale then before. ''It is just an attack. Don't worry about it.'' She said. Her voice seemed hoarse and irritated. In fact, she was irritated. To have an attack during such an interesting spar. For the first in times, she had managed to find a most interesting genin. ''How are you?''
He looked at her, almost pitying her in this state. "An attack...?" Like I thought... It's because of some illness. He sighed and took a step back. "I'm actually almost out of chakra," he admitted. "Using so many consecutive attacks with that technique is hard for someone like me. It was fun and I learned a lot but maybe we should leave... Are there any doctors at the teahouse?"
''You..'' Kiyomi coughed again, but after the few coughs she looked up. A glare directed in his way. ''Shut... up.'' She ordered him. Slowly the air around them started to become heavier as she was unleashing some Killing intent. It was meant to keep him there. Trying to breath in a more regular manner, she saw no other choice. Slowly her left eye was starting to change from green to yellow. The other reserve of chakra, from Matatabi, was entering her system. It enabled her to resist the pain better. ''Listen closely. You will never talk about this. Get it? I am fine. It just nothing of your... concern.'' Kiyomi said, less hostile than before.
Katsu recoiled and froze when he felt the killing intent. His heart started racing and his eyes opened wide. He slowly nodded when she told him that he was not to mention what had happened. His eyes fell down and he stayed silent as he was told. He looked back up at her after a moment and quietly spoke. "Yes, sorry..."
The killing intent vanished as she sighed. There was some blood on her, but she wasn't worried about that. The second time. ''It is not your fault. Nor because I used too many techniques. I was holding more back than I have done at most times. Just don't worry. It is something that is just a bother now and then.'' She said, trying to not make him worry about her condition. Her hands trembled a bit, but she moved them on her back. With a smile, she tilted her head. ''See. I am fine. Now, how are you?''
Katsu was silent for a moment. "I'm alright," he said. "Just tired." He looked at her again, showing that he meant the words. He only had one wound from the kunai she'd thrown earlier but it wasn't anything to be considered as "being hurt". He studied her face without moving a single muscle, seeing how her expression had changed so much in just a few seconds.
''Good. I think I had promised to treat you on some lunch. Shall we go back then? I don't think I should walk too much for a bit.'' She said. Moving her right hand in front of her stomach, she noticed the amount of blood on it. ''That and I am a mess. Great.'' She mumbled the words, but then sighed. Crounching, she would try to whip some of the blood on the grass as she returned her attention back to Katsu. ''Mind if I ask you a favor, Katsu?'' She started. ''It is something about what I wanted to ask when we were sparring.''
He shook his head. "Not at all," he said. "What do you have on your mind?" He had an almost blank look on his face, though there was a small hint of satisfaction in his eyes. He started to think about what sort of a question she was going to ask, constructing dozens of possible questions in his head. ''Come. I will explain it on the way back. Just one second.'' She wouldn't need to prick her thumb or bite it. There was enough blood on her hands now. Weaving several handsignals, she placed her right hand at the ground. A smoke cloud was summoned and soon something hopped out of it. A rabbit, standing on his hind legs, that was half the size of Kiyomi looked worried at her. But instead of asking, he simply held up something. ''Thanks mister Usagi.'' Cleaning her hands at a napkin, she sighed before turning her attention back to Katsu.
''I want to recruit you for the Konoha Guardians.'' She said. No introduction or other way of explaining like she had done before. Or even a test, like many of the current members had been through. ''I am willing to give you a place in return of a favor. Are you willing to hear more about it? We can talk about it during lunch.''
"Huh?" He stared at her, surprised to hear the proposition. He didn't know much about the organization but he'd heard that its members would become much stronger over time. "I see..." Instead of continuing to speak, he nodded to show that he would come with her to listen. ''Come. We are going to sit somewhere... nicer.'' With some help from her rabbit summoning, she was already heading back. But she waited for Katsu to follow her. Then she started to talk again. ''You had some nice movements. Did your sword master taught you that?''
He followed her and nodded. "Well... He taught me basic sword fighting techniques and a way to create my own style," he said. He pulled out a scroll and unfolded it, letting the papyrus swing. "He would have me draw the basic poses, point out the flaws and make me redraw it. It helps me get an outside look at the way I would be fighting. Any opening I would find that could be exploited, I'd draw a new one to cover it up. That's what I usually did during our times at the teahouse."
She looked interested. Because of her own kendo-sensei, she couldn't have missed that he had a different style in kenjutsu than her. It was different than the way how the Nimatsu clan fought with kenjutsu. But the way how he had been trained was also vastly different from her. At least this manner of training didn't involve him getting bruised, exhausted and hurt. ''Interesting. Your master was a very wise man.'' Kiyomi said. ''I am sorry for your loss. How long ago was it?'' She decided to ask, in a more soft tone.
He paused for a moment, his eyes sliding to the side. "Two years ago," he said. "I was still in the Academy back then, of course." He forced a small chuckle. "It feels like it was sooner, though," he said, his voice sounding slightly more burdened. He shook it away and looked ahead. He continued to speak with a rather cold and distant tone, "But people come and go."
''Hahaha, that is true. Some at a younger age than others.'' Kiyomi said, trying to sound funny. But she realized that the joke was a bit morbid. Well, more than a little bit. It was quite morbid. ''I am not saying you will find any person to replace him, but don't worry. He has done a great job with tutoring you like this. I have trained also some genins, who are starting to show some great promise. I think you will do a great job over time.'' Kiyomi said, trying to cheer him a bit up.
He smiled at her. "Thanks," he said, grinning widely. He kept following her, trying to shake Konoe off his mind, which became harder as they got closer to the teahouse. Thankfully, he was quite skilled at masking his feelings and thoughts with a bright and warm smile. ''Tsk, no need to thank me. I barely have done anything yet.'' She mumbled back. By arriving at the front doors of Azumi, the rabbit summoning briefly went towards the doors as he opened it. Nodding towards the animal, Kiyomi managed to keep walking on her own feet. ''This is the lounge.'' She began. Pausing, she looked at Katsu. ''Please. Come, lets take a seat.'' For a moment, Kiyomi looked kind of exhausted. Settling down on a chair, she sighed. Running both her hands through her hair, she would wait until Katsu had taken a place as well.
He sat across her and looked up at her, listening. He was quite interested in the story she had promised to tell but was also eager to learn about the favor she would ask for. "It's nice in here," he said, smiling. ''Not dull?'' She asked, amused. ''I hope you will find it nice here. If you will accept, then it can become your second home. Most members tend to stay some days here. Certainly after some training. That is what the name comes from. Safe Residence. A place where you can feel safe to become stronger. Or just a place where you can learn how to make other places safer for others. But anyways. What would you like to eat?''
Katsu slowly shook his head. "Nothing. I'm not really too hungry," he said, holding one hand up in front of him. "Thank you for the offer, though." He didn't want to be distracted while she was explaining how the organization functioned, nor did he want anything to distract her while she was explaining how it functioned. Kiyomi stared for a few moments in the direction of Katsu. Turning her attention to her rabbit summoning, Kiyomi requested a mug filled with cold water. She still could taste the metalic taste of blood on her tongue. Not really the best flavour she could think off.
''But anyways. The reason why I have this place is because I want to offer something. I have had many great mentors. I think I've learned quite a lot of things, so I want to do the same back to the genins that can prove their worth. Not just by talent in combat, but I find it more important in how a person behaves. So far, I have the idea you're a fit member becauses you are polite. People like you are getting a chance to learn here at Azumi what I have learned from my mentors. Not just by me, but by other members as well. The Teahouse is actually just a way that I can generate some profit to keep this place running.''
He nodded, showing that he understood. "Also... You mentioned a favor," he said. "What kind of a favor did you want?" He was careful to sound warm and calm, seeing how the question would give off the feeling that he was being impatient, which was partially true. Thinking how she would word it, Mister Usagi already was coming back with the mug with water. Placing it on the table, the rabbit seemed to take a place somewhere else. But even while Kiyomi threw a glare in his direction, the rabbit seemed to do it never the less. Sighing, Kiyomi took a sip of her mug.
Placing the mug down, she felt already better. The taste of blood was gone and it helped to make her feel a bit calmer. ''The favor I want to ask you is very simple. You will forget what you have seen today. It is not something that should be known. By nobody. Those who should know already do. It has nothing to do with your application to the Konohagakure Guardians, but rather a personal request. If you would do so, I would be in your debt.''
"Oh. That's it?" He smiled. "I won't breathe a word about it to anyone. I'm quite good at keeping secrets." He was slightly relieved that this was the favor she'd asked him. Something told him that if he actually refused, that would be the last thing he'd ever do. She briefly smiled when he told her that he was good with keeping secrets. ''Good. Now, do you have any questions for me?'' Kiyomi asked, realizing that there could be things he would want to know.
He shook his head slowly, smiling. "No, not really," he answered simply. He had learned all he thought he had to during their conversation. He leaned back on the chair, his hands on the table, atop one another. ''Okay.'' Kiyomi said. ''I think that mostly concludes it for now about the Konoha Guardians.'' She said. Leaning a bit backwards as well, she decided to switch the subject. ''I have to ask thought. How interested in kenjutsu are you?'' Kiyomi asked. She wasn't planning on tutoring the boy herself as she didn't think she was good enough with kenjutsu to be actually worth to train somebody. Sure, Leo claimed she was, but she only went along with that to not disappoint him.
He paused for a moment, thinking about how he could answer the question. "Quite interested, I guess," he answered. "Kenjutsu is a large part of my tactics and fighting style." The smile on his face widened as he answered. Thinking, Kiyomi looked around. She had an idea on how to repay Katsu back. She wasn't only sure if it would really work, but in her head it seemed a good one. ''I am going to give you a name that might help you further.'' Kiyomi said. Whistling, the rabbit summoning of the girl came hopping as he looked with a curious look in Kiyomi's direction. ''Mister Usagi-san, would you please be so kind to grab a piece of paper and a pen?'' The rabbit nodded as he then quickly hopped away. Turning her attention back to Katsu, Kiyomi thought it would be best to explain what she had in mind.
''I am not sure who is going to be your coming sensei, but I will give you the name and adress of my kendo-sensei. He is kind... blunt. But he is a very good person that taught me a lot. Maybe heard of the Green Falcon of Konohagakure?'' Kiyomi asked, a little playful smile on her lips. She wasn't sure what Kensuke would say if he would hear how much she was actually praising him. Or was going to.
Katsu squinted his eyes, almost as if trying to see something. "I... have. I've heard some vague talk about him. He's a skilled kenjutsu user, yes?" He didn't really socialize with people too much, not being able to receive too much information about the infamous shinobi of the village. He only knew about this man from his old master, hearing the name being mentioned a couple of times.
Placing her left indexfinger on her chin, Kiyomi looked a bit up. That was one way to describe Kensuke. But there was much more to it. ''He is a very skilled kenjutsu user, hailing from the Nimatsu clan. Thought he was now their clan leader after some underground conflict between the Nimatsu and Hon clan.'' Briefly she thought about the moment when Kensuke had told her after a kendo training session that he had killed Katsuro, who she first taught to be her biological father. Back then she had been envious that she never had the chance to do that. Now, it was completely different. ''But he has also been one of the students of the Third Hokage and has achieved other great things. Like defeating several high ranked enemies.'' Kiyomi said, sounding a bit proud. Actually, she had the right to be proud. She had been there when she had seen him fighting against several strong opponents.
He listened carefully, his visage unfazed. He almost looked like he'd frozen while listening to her speak. "I don't think someone of his caliber would consider teaching me," he said humbly. "It would be rude for me to expect him to." Katsu would've loved to be taught by someone like him but to him, it was just unrealistic. Shrugging lightly, Kiyomi replied back in a calm manner. ''It wouldn't be rude at all. He is one of the top members of the Guardians. I also have him hired as kenjutsu trainer for those who are interested in kenjutsu.'' Kiyomi said. She smiled again. ''Besides, he was willing to train me. He is blunt, rough and at times just plain rude. But he does it because he will want to make sure you learn something. And as a genin, I was quite weak. I think you will do fine when you will ask him.''
A genuine smile spread across his face. "I see," he muttered, slightly lowering his head to hide the almost manic smile. He was quite excited to have a chance to be taught by one of the greatest swordmasters the village had ever seen. Glad that she could help, Kiyomi saw mister Usagi coming back. He was carrying the pen and paper in his hand. Taking the two objects, Kiyomi briefly coughed. It was a light cough and only has result that she briefly frowned. ''Sorry.'' Muttering the word, she started to write down Kensuke's adress. ''I am not sure if he will receive any new pupils soon, but I am planning to stop my lessons. I think you might learn more from him than I can now.'' After she had written the address down, she placed the pen down while shoving the paper over the table towards Katsu. There was however a brief disappointment seen on her face.
Katsu reached for the paper, hesitating right before taking it. He read what Kiyomi had written on it over and over again in the brief few seconds, memorizing it. He looked back up at her. "Thank you," he said with a wide, warm smile as he pocketed the piece of paper, stuffing it next to the one with the address of his new jonin-sensei. ''No, thank you. Maybe a new student will do Ken-senpai some good. Just remember to keep listening to him. He is a bit rough around the edges, but he.. he is a very good mentor.'' Kiyomi said. For a moment she was wondering if Kensuke was actually a mentor. Maybe he was more of like a friend? A big brother figure? That was most like it.
Katsu glanced outside. "Oh..." He turned back to Kiyomi and put his fingertips on the table, getting up. "I actually need to go and meet my new jonin sensei," he said. "It was nice meeting you, Kiyomi." As he spoke, he extended his arm for a handshake. She smiled again as she reached out her hand and shook his. ''It was nice meeting you as well, Katsu. We'll stay in touch, cause you have to let me know how your training goes with Ken-senpai.'' Pulling her hand gently back, she placed it on her hip as she kept smiling in his direction.
"Of course," he said. "Thanks again." He smiled back and let go of her hand, moving towards the door. Once he was outside, he performed a couple of handsigns and disappeared in smoke. Sitting back in her seat, Kiyomi looked a bit saddened. Leaning forward, she would slide her arms together on the table. Placing her head on her arms, she stared out of the window. Realizing what she had done, she hoped that Kensuke wouldn't mind it. Katsu seemed at first sight a good person. Besides, she couldn't keep Kensuke for herself. But why was it then so painful as she thought about it? A tear rolled over her cheek, making her realize she had cried often these months. But she couldn't care for that. Ken-senpai....