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"Male? Between 16 and 30?" Y blurted out. "What makes you so sure?" he demanded, confused by this deduction. It was quite strange that these people had already started to present their thoughts on the case in order to solve it before they were given any information other than a vague description of the people the police thought Kira had killed. They're just making things up. There's nothing that suggests any of what they say is true. They're all possibilities but they're just creating an imaginary case.

He turned to R. "Excuse me but I don't think that this really counts as pointing out the obvious. I'm really confused by some of these assumption that don't really make much sense and if they are true, that means our opponent isn't really as smart as someone has pointed out. How does everyone in here know so much about this Kira without having any significant information about him whatsoever?"
ImportantNobody said
I don't see why there can't be two Ls, perhaps to confuse kira which is the real one? Of course it's painfully obvious to our characters this L couldn't be the previous one, but other people wouldn't know who's who.I'm assuming our character letters are just fake and don't hold any real meaning.As for Near taking the letter L, it was as you say part of keeping L's death a secret, but I truly don't know for sure if you automatically get the "rank" of L or if he just took the letter only for that reason. I thought it was a rank.

I'm almost sure that L is the first person to be at that level. I really don't think that the letter itself has any meaning. For example, if L was to die of old age, N probably wasn't going to take the name L when he succeeded him. So having the letter L doesn't actually mean anything. L's just the person. If the letters were ranks, they'd probably give L the letter A or Z when he got to where he did.
ImportantNobody said
I wonder what that Ryuk was thinking to give him a death eraser. I won't even call him Ryuk. That one shall be called...Pyuk.Maybe the real L (Near) is investigating another Kira some other place?

The issue is that the successor of L's name is also L and this name was given while Near (currently publicly known as L) is alive. Having 2 Ls makes no sense since the only reason N assumed the name L is that L's death wasn't announced to the public (right?). So the letter L doesn't really carry any meaning at all, it's just the position that the guy whose name was L had taken that is being passed down rather than the name L itself.
Summer said That thing about erasing doesn't make sense...

It might not make sense but the author made an extra chapter where a little boy got it, accidentally killed someone and revived them (though apparently it was a special eraser http://deathnote.wikia.com/wiki/Death_Eraser ).

EDIT: Got ninja'd xD
But that suggestion about N is so out of character...
Well, we know that 10 years later, N/newL would most likely be alive. At least he was alive 1 year after the event, when we see him talking about one of the people who had the Death Note but said he wouldn't take up the case because it wasn't worth it, and eventually the guy ended up dying. The point is, when 'L', the currently 10 year old girl was born, N was still alive and had picked up the title L (since the first L's death was never officially announced, I believe). The possible successors from the orphanage were all given different letters so naming one L is just plain weird. I don't think that their names actually change at one point and having the name 'L' probably doesn't automatically make you the successor, as seen in N and M's cases. If it did, that would mean they would have decided she would become the successor the day she was brought to the orphanage or perhaps the day she was born, since she apparently already has a reputation for being a great detective and was probably in the orphanage for quite some time. It's absurd to have 2 Ls at the same time and have one of them be the successor of the other while the letter doesn't really carry any meaning.

EDIT: Actually here, we see just when he was last seen, which I'm just adding to support my point (don't want to call it an argument -. -.)

Stolen? What kind of an assumption is that? There are many much more likely cases such as them thinking of giving more information about it later but he just assumes that they're stolen? If it's not assumption and he was told, why weren't we told? If that's not the case and he turns out to be right... Y studied the man suspiciously, though he kept his mouth shut for now, not wanting to stand out too much.

The boy turned to the policeman who'd spoken first, awaiting an explanation of the matter. It could be that they were too stupid to think of looking into some of the more well hidden files. It wouldn't really surprise Y too much if that were the case, having met some of the "best in the business". Though it would be much more reassuring if the policemen were simply keeping the fact from the detectives for the time being. It's always a pain to work with idiots.

In any case, if they were able to say that these certain people were killed by Kira, that means they at least know more about this mysterious murderer than they let on.
Toaw said
Actually N is known as N, technically L named Light as his successor anyways (correct me if I'm wrong)...plus if we are trying to stay away from cannon the best we can then what does it matter? Who is to say N didn't die of an accident somehow, or something else happened? It's been 10 years...

No... in the last chapter, after Light's death, he's known as L.

And we know N isn't dead because he did a trick where he set a certain date of death for himself so Kira couldn't kill him with the notebook.
Summer said
No, it's only been 10 years since the last incident. N just isn't involved because I'm trying to exclude the use of canon characters

Well... My concern is that N is now known as L... How can there be another L? Even if N was L's most likely successor, his name was still N before L died.
Y turned to the little girl's voice as she spoke up, rolling his eyes in annoyance. This was what she made out of everything in front of them? If anyone in that room couldn't figure something so obvious as this out, they had no place on this case.

"Excuse me," he spoke after getting up, sounding as if he was hesitant. "I don't mean to sound rude, especially to my seniors, but I think what the policeman was asking what we saw from it that most people wouldn't."

I guess a 5 year-old only figures out the obvious, he thought to himself as he paused. He went on to talk after turning to the police officers.
"In the previous cases, there were probably some information not revealed to the public so that Kira wouldn't catch wind of the police's plans, right? Perhaps if the confidential files about this case were found and presented to us, we could understand Kira's way of killing better."

He took another pause and seemingly nervously rubbed the back of his head, lowering his head. "Of course, I'm basing the claim that you might have more information on the fact that you know for sure that these were Kira's victims. I mean no disrespect to the police, assuming you were going to fill us in on the confidential information from previous case at one point."
Question: Since N was the next L and was basically immortal thanks to the trick he used to avoid being killed by Kira(and since there''s a new L after N, it means N probably died), this has to be something over 60 or perhaps 80 years after the first Kira incident, right? Because everyonee knowing so much about this issue so well detailed doesn't suggest that, even if research was done.
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