Name: Aiden Rose
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Personality: He’s quite mischievous yet kind and caring towards people close to him. Aiden is a strange young boy. Of course, that sounds vague, but you’ll understand what I mean. He’s a highly intelligent and calculating child. He’s mostly shy when he’s being sincere to someone he isn’t close to, however he can act as if he knew the person for years, speaking comfortably when he’s lying or trying to impress someone.
He's very compassionate and kind but can kill people he doesn't know without having any moral contradictions -as long as he actually has a reason to- ever since he took his first life. This tends to give people around him an uneasy feeling when they're with him.
Goals/Motive: To bring the men who kicked dirt into his face down. He’s purely doing what he does out of sheer lust for revenge.
Bio/History: Aiden is the very definition of the word 'gamin'. Ever since he was a boy, he has lived on the streets along with a couple of others just like him, some older, some younger... He grew up with them as brothers and sisters but he left the group at the age of 12, after most of them died from a contagious disease. He had been with them ever since he ran from the orphanage he was put in at the age of 9.
Now living on the streets without anyone to look out for him, or anyone for him to look out for, Aiden survived using the skills he'd learned stealing for the group. Over the years, he grew more and more skilled in fighting with a staff, the edge of which he'd sharpened. Stealing to live, he learned how to be discreet and fit in, increasing his acrobatic skills for when he would be running away.
One day, he was caught stealing from a blacksmith, almost emptying the man's deposit. When the blacksmith found him, he trapped the boy inside. Seeing the helpless gamin, the man felt pity and offered him a chance to earn money for himself. Aiden knew that either he accepted the offer or he'd have to go to jail or back on the streets. He worked with the man for several years, helping him craft weapons. For once, the boy had gotten a father figure who would give him an actual bed to sleep in. One day when he was going up to his room in the attic, he overheard some people talking. There were several guards and a cloaked old man in the smithy, talking to the blacksmith. He saw one of the guards push the back of his spear on the blacksmith's shoulder and knock him over the counter. "You have three days," Aiden heard. "Got it?"
After several days, Aiden woke up to screams. He ran out of his room in the middle of the night, seeing the bleeding man on the first floor. He quickly tended to his wounds and put him to bed, sitting by his side. When the man woke up, he explained what had happened. The man who had come the other day had ordered ten freshly made swords by that day and when he hadn't made it on time, the man just wanted to make his point clear. He tried to explain it in a way that would make the nobleman seem innocent but was unsuccessful. Later the next week, when they revisited the smith, the blacksmith was sleeping soundly in his room. Aiden was the one tending the shop, sitting behind the counter. He said the weapons were ready but that he couldn't carry all of them. He instructed the men to follow him to the back and two of the guards left, leaving only one behind with the nobleman. When he led the two men to the back, he slashed the first one's throat with one of the sword's he had picked for "demonstration". While the other man was trying to draw his sword, he stabbed the man under his chest, sticking the tip out of the man's spine. He fell with the sword stuck in him. Aiden went over to the weapons and pulled out the spear he'd made himself.
He circled the shop, running from the back and coming back in from the front, he stuck the tip of the spear into the unknowing guard's back. Without any hesitation or pause, he separated the nobleman's head from his body. The local police force found the bodies in the slums, squeezed into a dark alley. After that night, he started disappearing from time to time, not showing up for days or weeks.
Currently, Aiden continues to help the owner of the blacksmith shop who is still unable to sit up properly.
Name: Divine Flash, "Raimei"
Creation: The First Emperor had built this sword for one of his loyal servants. It doesn’t have much of a story behind it other than of its time on the battlefield. In its core resides water drawn from a strange pond that keeps the sky blue color it has adapted and blood drawn from the noblest veins. Infused with the steel around it, this weapon was created.
Type: Weaponry Type
Required Compatibility: *Silver Tongue* The teigu prefers users with incredible intellect and a mischievous nature. All of its past owners were manipulative thieves, warriors or even diplomats, though there were quite few who could actually use it to its fullest. Its current owner, the blacksmith's apprentice, is the first person to have been able to use Red Flash and Blue Flash together.
Main Ability:
|Blue Flash| The teigu grants its user the ability to disappear in a blue flash and reappear anywhere in a 50 meter vicinity. Movement more than 15 meters at a time strains the user, making it more difficult to make longer jumps, however, small jumps don’t waste much energy so they can be used consecutively during close combat. When used, the user’s eyes turn bright blue.
Hidden Ability: Hidden Ability:
|Red Flash| The user’s weapon gets covered in an enormous red aura, shaped like a longsword and obtains a guard around the hilt. Blue being the ability granted by the water, Red Flash is granted by the blood. It’s called Red
Flash because of the increased speed of the user that makes the weapon’s aura look like a flash. The speed almost matches that of Teigu-user hunters who’ve especially trained in that area.
How did your character obtain their Teigu? While working at the smithy, he took a rare walk into the forest. After a while of walking, he came across a group of men in a camp. One of them had a fancy sword on his belt. His mischievous nature getting the better of him, the boy decided to steal one last time. He waited for nightfall, not making a sound. When they were asleep, he slid the sword from the man’s belt. Later things got a bit messy but that’s a story for another time.
Equipment/Assets: As a second weapon, he carries a short spear with a long blade (see appearance).
He developed almost perfect acrobatic skills and reflexes living on the streets for so long and running from policemen or guards, especially with the cruel order now. Over the years, he has improved his swordsmanship in order to use his Teigu to its maximum potential.