"Technology's development is so amazing," Aiden muttered to himself as he sat in the town center. I guess I should log out. Mark might want his game back before it's too late. He pulled out the menu and scrolled to find the Log Out button. He scrolled up and down repeatedly for several minutes. Where the hell is that button?! Maybe it's in settings... Nope.
Just as he was starting to panic, there were giant red signs appearing over the town saying System Error. A figure appeared in the sky, talking about a certain "feature" in the game. At first he thought it was a joke but it did make sense. Some people around him started to disappear when the man mentioned that some people had ignored the warning not to take of the headgear and had forcefully killed the people in the game from the real world by frying their brains in the process of the removal of the Nerve Gear. The boy suddenly got anxious, waiting for something to happen to him, but thankfully, nothing did.
"Finally, I have added a present from me to your item storage. Please see for yourselves."
His eyes open wide in horror, he carried his trembling finger over to the item storage and flicked the button, seeing a "mirror". He selected the item and it appeared in his hand. He suddenly found that he'd reverted to his real physique. His face, his body... It was all like in real life with no difference at all.
This is just a bad dream...