Joseph turned to the new voice. He studied the well built figure quickly, flashing a friendly yet forged smile. "Yes, yes," he said, sighing. While he didn't know what kind of a person this guy was, it was quite possible that he was just another one of the degenerative asses who just wanted to get into the MP and was just there to make fun of people who want to join the Survey Corps. He glanced over at Jay, expecting another speech about how he was going to change the world, help humanity.
Zachary noticed the ex-recruit get ready to rejoin the military. He wasn't about to allow a mutt like him reach the top 10 and kick out a potential MP member from the division. There was quite a bit of potential that had to be... pointed in the right direction. After several more groups, the ones who didn't have the potential were weeded out. It was once again free time for the recruits.
One of the ex-Survey Corpsmen had distributed the 3DMG earlier after the explanation of its function during the third day. It was the first time they were actually taken to practice with the gear. They were brought to the edge of the forest with the tall trees. "Alright, trainees! Listen up," yelled the soldier. "You will be performing some basic manoeuvres. There are some checkpoints set for you and there will be instructors waiting around the forest to check your levels. You all know how to work the gear. First row, into the forest and second, follow close."
Joseph looked around, seeing that most people were holding both of the grips the same way, upright. He was used to keeping one reversed. The boy smiled as this was the first time he'd get to use the gear in a few weeks. He looked around once more, spotting Jay but quickly boosted himself after seeing the others move as well, getting some distance between himself and the others.