Avatar of smilies
  • Last Seen: 8 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: smilies
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 95 (0.02 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. smilies 11 yrs ago


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9 yrs ago
Current It's been a while.


Call me smilies, or Mia. Whatever makes you happier.

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[ ahhh you are a fabulous graphic designer *^* ]
Request Type: Standard set [ Even though custom avatars aren't up yet, I figure I can just keep the avatar for whenever that rolls around :P ]
Size: About the size of the signatures I've provided below.
Resolution: N/A

Text: Signature: "smilies", then in a smaller font, "you can't spell smilies without lies
Avatar: "smilies"
Uhh without the quotes of course. ^^;
Theme: A mysterious/ominous theme, if that makes sense. If you could edit the picture to make it a bit darker (lower the contrast or saturation maybe?), that would be fabulous. If not, then no big deal.

Other Info: A simple border with rounded edges would be nice, but no biggie on that. ^^
Name: Ave Iliescu
Nation of Origin: Hava
Gender: Female
Age: 19
Ability: Air
Weapon of Choice: Small hand daggers for the mobility and ease of carrying, but she prefers to throw her flail and direct it with the wind.
Biography: Ave was intended to be a boy. Her proud father hoped for a strong, elder son to boast about, but was instead greeted by wide golden eyes framed by thick, girly lashes when she was born. Her mother, a strong advocate for the new aggressive fighting style of the Air Tribes, was admittedly disappointed by a stereotypical girl as her first born. However, Ave intended to please her parents, rolling her eyes at Hava's pathetic attempts at schooling and instead focusing on fighting. Therefore, Ave isn't very well educated on the politics of the outside world or intellectual ideas in general, but she has a strong physical background.

As a child, her boyish tendencies were shunned by the Hava girls. Though adept fighting skills was required by both genders, females retained a more demure attitude about their physical capabilities. Ave was oblivious to this social standard, jumping into a juvenile dog pile without thinking twice. Dust under her fingernails was a trophy in her eyes, not a social stigma. Her mentor, her father, was just as ignorant of Ave's social standing as a young girl as she was. Neither of them cared about much aside from her physical standings. As long as Ave could take on most of the other boys in Hava, her father was pleased.

Being surrounded by typical boys, Ave's personality developed from rowdy and immature as a child to, well... a rowdy and immature adolescent. Her flippant nature earned her looks of scorn from most of Hava's elders. They didn't bother to mask their blatant disrespect for the girl, and a strict follower of the Golden Rule, Ave was seen as irreverent to those very elders with every sardonic comment she made.

Her father eventually passed away of natural causes. Of course the loss was of a great magnitude for Ave, only 16 at the time, but her detached emotional persona took care of any remorse she might've expressed. Her emotions remained collected, but under her semblance of apathy lied a teenager with no purpose. Her little entertainment stemmed from harmless pranks on the elders of Hava. With her mentor's passing, she had lost her path.

Admittedly uncultured and uneducated, she knew she'd have no chance out in the "real world," but what else was there for her to do? Her dream is to leave the boundaries of Hava. Ave doesn't believe in textbook education. She figured she may as well figure out what the hell was happening out there by experiencing it herself.

Special Information (any quirks we should know about): Ave is rather ignorant, and is practically oblivious to the turmoil caused by the Dark Avatar. She hasn't known anything aside from the Dark Avatar, and is therefore neutral about his reign. So far, it hasn't affected her negatively, so who is she to complain? (Obviously, she's very uneducated.)

** Note: I'm not exactly sure what culture of names that the Nations go about, so I gave Ave a Romanian surname for shiggles.
knighthawk said
Just to check, this is an x-tension of the movies?


Puns aside, definitely interested. Might be a little iffy if there's canon characters played, but I'm cool with a canon backstory.
Thank you ^_^
I remember RPG being down for a while back in December. I finally checked back today, and hooray, it's up!

Bad news: my previous account (smilies) got deleted, and I can't find any of the threads that were made? I know I probably just missed something, but could someone tell me what happened to the site, or where I can find info about what happened? >w<

gracias amigos.
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