Avatar of Smink
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  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 497 (0.14 / day)
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    1. Smink 10 yrs ago


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9 yrs ago
Current Looking for 1x1 roleplays.



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Christians nowadays shouldn't be offended by someone using the 'Goddammit' line as this was used and created by christians themselves many generations ago to Express their helplessness towards the problematic situations they couldn't handle. Simply put it means in their subconscious mind they think "I cannot do anything about it, but god will damn (curse) it and it will be alright."
Big-foot lives in Alaska.
Thank you [@Nexerus] or whatever the fuck for giving me the fabulous idea of weaponized up-votes.

Sounds like something Hitler would do.
>Transform the nearest tree into a walking and slowly attacking treant to help Brobby fight back the wolves.
Eze, whet ye sey E den't enderstend.
In perfect balls 10 yrs ago Forum: Spam Forum

So gud.

guys i just wanted to let you know that i'm eating fries and a milkshake at 3am and I"m not even drunk/high.

That's called hunger if I remember correctly.
I vote for continuation.
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