Lyke was beginning to head out the door, but an awful scent breached the wonderful salty air. He spun his head in directions, but could not find what had produced the stench. Desperate to find out, he lifted an armpit, and sniffed. Yep. It's me. I better clean myself up a bit...
After heading back to his room, and taking a quick shower, he changed into a clean Captain's uniform. Better this than smelly casual clothes.
He headed back to the bar, finally entering, and discovering Nai and Kevin there. He stood there examining the scene, and heard the ridiculous jazz playing. He headed to the booth and spoke to the DJ.
"Alright, how about we get some actual music here. How about some of the 'Pop' music everyone seems to be sooooo into. And between you and me, I despise that crap, but I want you to play some music that the majority of the crowd likes. Even if it sucks, just do it."
He walked down from the booth and watched as many furries enjoyed the crystal water in the pool. All a part of a perfect vacation.