Avatar of SoulStealer


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current Who speaks of sleep...?
2 yrs ago
Y'all just like one-upping me xD /lh
2 yrs ago
Nobody ever expects a secret agent. Not when they're the suspect in a murder.
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2 yrs ago
Next person to stalk him gets a cute cat picture of Soul's cat. :)
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2 yrs ago
Another long day of waiting for replies and being bored. Yawn.


Currents -

Star wars RP with BaileyBlue302
FxF Humanoid RP with DayzeeLewis1121
Well, Fetzen paid me a PM. That's all I define that as.
Harry Potter with AngstyRainbow
Crossover with Cat22

Hours I've been awake for -
77. Three days and 5 hours. As of 5am on April 30th.

Most Recent Posts

Riyu groaned, still imobile. A bit of blood trickled down from her mouth.
Near dawn, Riyu returned, severely weakened by whatever had happened during the night. She collapsed at the door, head hitting the door and knocking her out.
Riyu stayed on the ground until a random pedestrian passed and was dumv enough to approach her. Said pedestrian ended up dead and completely drained. Riyu forced herself to her feet, and though she was shaky, she walked away from the house, half dragging and half carrying the body. She hadn't meant to kill him, but she lpst xontrol.
She again got put in her human form. She collapsed to the ground. "Go," she told axel, her tone taking on that of begging. She didn't want to lose control on Axel, but trying to keep control was killing her.
Riyu managed to get back to her human form after a few moments. "Get back to the house. Stay inside. I'll be fine! Ah-!" She uttered a sound of pain as she was forced to switch to her bat form yet again.
Riyu pushed herself to her paws, turning and heading back to the house. She would not reach the house before Full Dark came though, and was forced to shake axel off as her form skittered between her wolf and bat form. She squeak-woofed a curse.
Riyu growled, not so gently nudging Axel's arm. She lowered herself. She paused before woofing what sounded like a word. "Faster." They could move faster if she carried the other girl. They had to get back to the house before Full Dark.
Riyu heard Axel fall and turned, going back for the other girl. She knelt and offered her a hand. "It's settled. I'm carrying you," she retracted her hand before axel could take it and turned into her wolf form. This time, the transformation hurt but she did not cry out or flinch.
"Yeah, fine." Riyu replied, not looking at Axel. She began making her way towards the pack, and by extention towards her house. The house wasn't a home by any means, but it kept her away from the greater population on nihts like these.
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