Avatar of SoulStealer


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current Who speaks of sleep...?
2 yrs ago
Y'all just like one-upping me xD /lh
2 yrs ago
Nobody ever expects a secret agent. Not when they're the suspect in a murder.
1 like
2 yrs ago
Next person to stalk him gets a cute cat picture of Soul's cat. :)
1 like
2 yrs ago
Another long day of waiting for replies and being bored. Yawn.


Currents -

Star wars RP with BaileyBlue302
FxF Humanoid RP with DayzeeLewis1121
Well, Fetzen paid me a PM. That's all I define that as.
Harry Potter with AngstyRainbow
Crossover with Cat22

Hours I've been awake for -
77. Three days and 5 hours. As of 5am on April 30th.

Most Recent Posts

Soul only forgot... and has no idea what to write... but will think of something... can you contribute something perhaps...?
Mika yawned, lay down, and quickly fell asleep. She was sleeping lightly, so she would be easy to wake if she was needed. She found she wasn't often needed, but she always ended up being the one in trouble if somebody slacked on their duties- probably because she spent most of her time asleep.
I can update you via PMs if you'd like.

Yes please, thank you!
He's baaaack XD. Back and refreshed. He knows he said weeks, but plans luckily changed. :D
During these events, Mika had gone off on her own. She soon returned to the camp, empty-pawed but nonetheless unharmed. She avoided as much eye contact as possible as she slipped off to her den. Lately, she'd been shirking her duties and a few werewolves gave her hostile glares, which she ignored to the best of her abilities. She lay down on her bedding, yawning. She hadn't been out for longer than a few hours, but the whole camp felt different.
Soul isn't dropping this but he'll be going on a break for a few weeks so he just wanted to let you know! One of you can metaplay Mika if you need her.
Mkay. Soul was just asking so he knew where to start with Mika again.
So then where does the pack stand? Did they get affected in any way during this time-skip? Sickness? Hunger? A new litter of pups?
Oh, nice. A new member. Wait when did we time-skip?
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