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Not really.

Well, a big dragon could eat you.
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Yes they are.

That sounds pretty dangerous.
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I mean, not all are dragons, but yeah.

Some of them are though.
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A pet dragon, huh? That'd be something.
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They made them their companions.

Sort of like a pet?
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They do that more with the creatures they tamed.

The creatures they tamed?
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It’s using the whole of the beast that was killed by their hand. Making sure that even though it has died, no part is left behind. I don’t undertand it completely, but its kinda nice.

It’s interesting. Although it almost seems like it’d be more respectful to bury it.
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By using all of the creature they killed. It’s a balance within that world for the humans and creatures.

Right, but how is that respectful?
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And their parts. They are pretty efficient and use all the parts of a dragon. I believe a big part of it is a respect thing.

Respect how?
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The humans here have physically adapted to fight against the dragons. There are many non-sentient ones that are basically just normal animals that live in those biomes that the humans hunt.

For food?
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