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Zarif: "O-Oy! Captain, what kind of reckless ordering are you giving to these loyal ones!"

The merchant slammed his hand against the tent-pole to emphasize his shouting, making the whole enclosure shake a little. He was gritting his teeth and looking intensely at Doan-Nasir.

Zarif: "Surely you are not fool enough to send some Twenty and One men to storm the walls of Der! Not all the Arum in the world would make this one do such foolishness! Akkad must wish our destruction!"


Zarif watched as Gesties, clearly in turmoil, charge into a wall of Yeeks, screaming as he did. Does he wish to die, as his allies did? He blames himself... He is a betrayer, but not to us.

The sounds of a berserker rampage from Lyun hacking down doe after foe at his back, Zarif took off after Gesties, suddenly feeling a pang of guilt in his chest from his words moments before. He dashes beside the former Scorpion, draws his bow, and shoots the Yeek Ensi, landing a shot deep in its chest, but not killing it

Zarif moves 6 tiles North to 9-9 and attacks Blue Yeek Ensi, dealing 6 damage, and earning 5xp


The merchant half listened to their overly excited employer's ramblings as he drew his spear, hearing his own breath much too loudly in the stuffy darkness. No sooner had Zarif drawn his spear, the eerie quiet that had hung over the Hellions, more oppressive than even the darkness that enveloped them, shattered into chaos. The wall in front collapsed, and several of Tiamat's wreched blue spawn charged out from behind the bricks. It was all Zarif could do to sidestep the unsteady spear thrust, and return with one of his own.

Before he could follow up the attack, from behind, Zarif heard voices... human voices. For the briefest of moments, Zarif felt hope, glancing behind himself as the Yeek staggered back from his wound. Though it took but one glance for that sigh of relief to turn to strained hiss of despair. Despite the color, those robes were as noble and royal as Salador's hindquarters. The Scorpions! But we... trapped, and we even buried ourselves for them.

They were surrounded, the blue devil's streaming in from in front, and those savages from behind. Before the merchant could even account for what was happening, an arrow shot out from the shadows behind, and caught the brute Lyun in his lower back. No sooner had Lyun retaliated with a brutal hand axe to the Archer's skull, than the talkative ill-dressed commander knifed him savage in the side, though he paid for it in turn with a grizzly wound down his chest.

Trapped... surrounded... on all sides... no way out anywhere. Zarif began to panic, remembering that night a few years ago, his merchant caravan had been encircled by bandits, picked off one by one with arrows from their damn chariots. Every last one of the people from his homeland, his friends, his idols, his own master... it was happening again. They were going to-

The merchant gritted his teeth and growled, drawing his bow as he saw Lyon stagger back in pain, and ran towards him. No, that had been then. He wasn't that terrified boy anymore. He'd cut them a path before they all lay dead in this tomb. From the corner of his eye, Zarif saw that damn priest, Iddin, take a brutal wound, which seemed surely to be lethal... and yet, as he aimed his shot, squinting in the darkness, the priest did not fall.

Zarif let the arrow fly, and turned around on his heel at the same moment, staring down Gesties a look of fury replacing his trademark whimsical expression. Despite that, the brief scream, followed by the unmistakable sound of a body crumpling against a stone floor made Zarif smirk darkly in satisfaction.

Zarif: To think I freed you, betrayer! Move and parish, thankless one.

Zarif moves 2 tiles south-east to 10-14 and attacks AMA-SIN, dealing 6 damage, killing him and earning 40 XP


The merchant chuckled a bit more loudly than he otherwise would have, watching the priest scold the rude Sirus, though admittedly, he wasn't being scolded for giving them the cold shoulder. Even so, it was nice to, if only for a moment, laugh a little, and ignore that they were in a very dark, very dangerous hold in the ground, potentially surrounded by enemies.

Letting out a brief after-laugh sigh, Zarif un-strung the arrow from his bow, pulled back out his short spear, and proceeded down the hall after Sirus, hanging back a bit due to his lighter armor.

Zarif moves 4 tiles north-west to 13-13


Zarif waited for the soldier's response... and waited some more. The merchant blushed, he was certain the swordsman had heard him. The place was damn quiet besides the tinkling of their armor and their echoing footsteps.

The awkward silence was broken by the Prist walking up from behind. In his determined, confident tone, he too called out for Siris... and was also ignored. Zarif was not the closest of friends with the strange zealot, but their shared indignity made look over at him and smile awkwardly at the man, and shrug.

Zarif: What an asshole...

Zarif moves 1 tile north to 10-16


Satisfied with his kill, Zarif smiled and glanced down the hall. With the cacophony of sound from his allies and the dying monsters, it was next to impossible to sense out any remaining yeeks in the darkness. Placing the heavy spear in it's slot on his back, Zarif equipped the much lighter spear into his hands and strode down the hall after Siris

Zarif: Hail, armored one! Charging alone into the darkness against the giant, how very reckless of you! Or, perhaps word in these lands is... brave? Curious, how here in this distant land, they use two different words for the same meaning.

Zarif move 6 tiles north to 10-18 and equips his bronze shortspear


Despite the heavy weight of the longspear, Zarif managed to parry the Yeek Warrior's own gnarled spear, catching one of the roughly broken branch points with the tip, and returning a nasty riposte right into the foul brute's throat, spear still dripping with the Yeek Priest's blood.

All around the merchant, his allies were finishing up bouts with the other Yeeks that had poured in from behind the cohort Zarif and Etor had handled. Feeling like a damn hot commodity after that last move, he yanked the longspear out of the now spasming Yeek, strapped it to his back, and bounded down the hall, where Makeen seemed to be struggling to hit true against another fell warrior in the low light.

Zarif: Duck now, swift one!

Zarif shouted out in his exotic accent and he drew back the bow-string. He let loose the arrow, and, thanks to his many nonths travling cross the desert at night, his arrow found true, right between the spear wielding monster's beady, evil eyes. With a clank, its ill-crafted spear hit the ground, followed moments later by the wet crunch as the rest of its corpse hit the rough-hewn stone.

Zarif move 6 tiles to 10-24 and attacks the Yeek warrior with his Bronze Short Bow, dealing 8 damage, killing the Yeek, earning 18 exp


MISSED! Rats! Gods damnit all! He had sounded so cool and in charge despite his strange foreign accent, ordering Etor to make a tricky maneuver with him. He had less than a second to lament his poor aim before a gnarled spear soared an inch to the left of his eye. The merchant supposed, perhaps, he wasnt the only one here with shoddy aim.

Watching the thief and Etor make quick work of the clumsy Yeek, Zarif plucked the spear Etor had swapped from the young mercenary's back, and readied it again. He'd always been poor with the spear, but one arrow was just not going to cut it here. Come on!

Zarif: Come on... Gods of my father, second time's the charm!

Zarif sprung, lunging with his spear, and this time, it easily found its mark, driving deep into the Yeek priest's chest. The disgusting created screamed something in some unknowable, hideous tongue, and died on the end of his heavy longspear, sliding off the solid wooden shaft, now dripping with its evil blood. Ther merchant smiled with a sick satisfaction as it crumpled to the ground, yellow robes stained with its foul smelling blood.

Zarif trades back his longspear with Etor, and attacks the Yeek Ensi with said longspear, and strikes true dealing 10 damage, instantly killing it, gaining 18 xp.


As soon as Zarif finished off the crumbling wall, the chaos behind it was revealed. More of those cursed blue demons has surprised the other group. As soon as the wall fell, the priest and Siris charged past the merchant and the brute, scrambling over the rubble of the wall. Near as soon as the Priest stopped, he was set upon from another hall. Blast! They have us surrounded.

The merchant thought to yell to Siris to help Idden, but the overly excited mercenary charged off down the far hall into the darkness, shouting. The priest, clutching his side, hobbled away, and despite his wound, cried out resolutely. Zarif was no follower of this man's strange god, but seeing him standing brave despite his near-death inspired the foreigner all the same. Without his companion with him, he latched onto whatever he could to give him courage, it would seem.

Zarif: Etor! On me! Phalanx formation on the hall! Swap spears!

The once-merchant shouted, stuffing as much false bravado and valor into his words as he could, and charged, still gripping his longspear. He reached the hall, stepping in the Priest's own blood, and, tragically, slipped, his pear going wide and to the side of the robed Yeek down the hall. This heavy spear would leave him a sitting duck against these stronger looking yeeks... he hoped Etor had heard his cry. He had but seconds before it was too late

Zarif moves to 10-30 and attacks the Yeek Ensi with his longspear, and misses gaining 1 xp. There is no counter attack


Another room, another crumbling wall, which Lyun promptly took another swing at. With his massive body blocking anyone else from getting a good shot at the door, Zarif once again poked the wall with his longspear, sending it tumbling down like the last one.

Zarif moves to 6-31 and attacks the wall with his longspear, dealing 3 damage and gaining 1 xp. The wall is destroyed

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