Asherari "Ash" Dehl

Ash slowly closed in on the academy it was an oddly hotter day than usual, the young ant looked up to the sky, something foolish for her to do and nearly blinded herself doing so, after regaining her eyesight, she sighed."
Been up here for eight years and still haven't realized that the big ball hanging above our heads burn my eyes." The ant pushed her way past the school gates hoping to get out of the sunlight and cool down inside she took a good long look at the large building wondering what new forms of technology it held within she only heard from others that it used the newest and best of modern technology.
Then she noticed it the one thing every academy need, the students, Ash looked around for the students that should be hanging around the place only to find every place she looked to be void of anything she expected."
Where are the monsters?" She asked aloud."
Maybe if I go inside?" She continued speaking to herself. The ant woman cautiously made her way into the school and felt small compared to how big the place felt, she began to wonder around the academy, and soon her long ears began to pick up on something, it sounded far away but oddly close as well. Ash quickly started following after the sound and as she gotten to a door where the sound was emerging from and entered it, on the other side was an auditorium packed with students of all different races and on the stage, it looked like a human, one of the few creatures she felt wouldn't be here.
The young ant blended in with the crowd of people and noticed this seemed more like a party than an assembly, Ash's antenna picked up on some sugary snacks nearby planted out of her sight. As the speech ended and the human looking girl left the podium, the ant began to wander around the large room even bumping into the human girl that ended up making the odd speech from before, or someone that looked a lot like her. When the ant girl made her way over to the snack table, her antenna began to wiggle up and down at the barrage of smells of the various types of snacks, salty, chewy, sweet and even sodas, Ash's mind quickly thought about all of the other members of her kind that would rudely assault the table's surgery snacks after being told it's food, she chuckled at the thought of it before just getting something to drink.
After drinking some of her surgery beverage, Ash noticed some of the students leaving from the auditorium, not wanting to get lost in the future, Ash finished her drink before she chose to go off and get to know the place a little better, with how everything was looking, there might not be any classes today or if there are they won't happen till later.