Avatar of StrangerDanger


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6 yrs ago
TFW you might consider doing/starting and Escape From Tarkov Roleplay.
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6 yrs ago
Not gonna lie, I kinda miss being on Guam.
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6 yrs ago
I didn't bother wasting my time on the self righteous autofellatio and moral grandstanding that the Oscars have become.
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6 yrs ago
I've come to play the roles agaaaaain.
6 yrs ago
That embarrassing moment when you have to go back and fix all of your phone typos on the already posted Int Chck you made.


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XD on my, I think that one falls into The Grey zone.
The Tokyo business conference. That wonderfully cutthroat corporate playground for the select few chosen to attend. It was a Chief Executive Officer's dream to take whatever industry they took part in and lodge themselves as the leader indefinitely and this was their chance to do just that.

"Sir, as for IT related services we stand near alone. As for the presentation..."

The man was stopped by Adrian's raised hand. "Yes Philip I am well aware. Please, let me enjoy my over priced whiskey."

A bit chastised put Philip's indignation lightly as he watched his boss knock back his second shot. Behind him a few seats and to the left sat young Melanie Solomon. As the head of Silver Lining, the 'little IT group that could' she was his only real rival in business at this point. She was one tough cookie, this Solomon. Many a-times Adrian had sent his physical security personnel to play spy games at Silver Lining regional branches. One of Adrian's less socially and legally acceptable pass times happen to be rather juvenile. Having the reputation as an enterprising conglomerate carnivore was well founded. A number of smaller businesses have been absorbed into SOFEX through means closer to Corporate Espionage than through legitimate buy outs, most of which involved entering physical branches and the judicious use of social engineering.

Melanie, bless her little heart, pushed back his every attempt at acquiring her assets. No matter how many expertly placed sticky notes with his number made it into her locked office, no matter how many asset transfer agreements awaiting her signature popped up in her high rise apartment, and no matter how many taunting marriage registration forms found their way amongst her personal legal documents, she resisted. In all honesty he had high hopes for the proposal idea. But alas, no calls congratulating him on being a newly wed. As were many of his former colleagues, Adrian himself was still a young man out of high school at heart, that was one thing the military life didn't cure you of. Looking over to his rather overbearing personal aide, the CEO smiled with great mischief in his eyes.

"Excuse me Philip, I have a 'business' proposal to make."

The bespectacled man's eyes grew comically wide through his thick lenses as Adrian got up from his seat and slid into the seat next to Melanie with a practiced ease. It wasn't much of a feat really, seeing as she had a blind fold on and the constant ambient noise drown out his approach. She was pretty, although the business life didn't do the best for her complexion. May as well get to know her while he had the chance, no?

"Hello, little Solomon."
Can't help it, Liam Neeson was in a way my image of him for some reason. Strapping man as he, it's only natural.
My Character

Adrian Desmond Helderbrand


Adrian is the founder of multiple physical security consultant firms and the Information Technology Network Security Infrastructure conglomerate SOFEX. Providing network and physical security and consulting to both government and private organizations on a global scale.

Adrian had a knack when it came to managing people and resources. Having a military background, he had a certain standard set for himself and those employed by him. This standard of excellence spread quickly from the top and trickled down. Perfection wasn't something to be expected, it was something to be achieved. Adrian strongly believed that one should work toward perfection and push to surpass those around them. This competitive nature flourished within his physical sectors which prompted Adrian to form a military like structure. Adrian is known well within his companies and enjoys being close to those who word for him. Being a generous man, Adrian hires many veterans and down-on-their-luck minorities with benefits second to none within the industry. During the onset of greediness within his more privatized sectors, Adrian's reputation for being a "stern man" quickly came about. After all he had given them, they asked for more, threw tantrums and threatened to stop working if not placated. So, he laid them all off.

Adrian is an easy man to get along with. He often hosts barbecues and outdoor events for his employees and families in which he pays for out of his own coffers. He himself is a thrill seeker. Having been through the most fear filled and adrenaline fueled situations, the former soldier was always looking for his next fix. He took on things such as sky diving, base jumping, mixed martial arts, and a number of other activities in which he practices with a number of his subordinates. In all reality Adrian was easy going. Military work taught him how to unwind to the extreme and he felt this helped his personal balance and that of his enterprise.
His life didn't start like like those of the typical business background. Adrian began in the military as an officer where he continued on to lead men in battle. This however was not his only endeavor while commissioned, good Captain then Major Helderbrand took on the challenge of logistics. He learned the intricacies of keeping an organization going and the needs of an individual at the top. His time in the Academy and continued education as a military officer did well to prepare him for the private sector. The work ethics and the standards he had learned stuck with him and translated well into managing his resources and personnel making for flourishing business. It should also be noted that he on occasion accompanied his physical security sections on high risk environment assignments. In short, he did security contracting. Adrian was no lightweight in the world of business politics however. On many occasions he either run out or absorbed competing companies into his own. There was one business however he could never bully, buy, or beat in terms of IT. Silver Linings Enterprises and it's unusually young CEO Melanie Celeste Solomon.

Island of Shadows. You have caught my interest well and in full.
So, police.

I may have an alternate spin on the whole police idea.
Alien x Slave you say?
Nom nom the little Ghorbs.
Devolope viscous substance that acts as defense mechanism from attack. -2 to move on contact. Roll d20 for hit.
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