Avatar of StrangerDanger


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6 yrs ago
TFW you might consider doing/starting and Escape From Tarkov Roleplay.
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6 yrs ago
Not gonna lie, I kinda miss being on Guam.
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6 yrs ago
I didn't bother wasting my time on the self righteous autofellatio and moral grandstanding that the Oscars have become.
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6 yrs ago
I've come to play the roles agaaaaain.
6 yrs ago
That embarrassing moment when you have to go back and fix all of your phone typos on the already posted Int Chck you made.


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Drats... I was gonna pick your brain on some of your ideas.
No worries, I figured that may have been the case. Best of luck!
No worries mate, just making sure I didn't goof.
I Apologize if the way I write is a little hard to deal with, hope I didn't dissuade you from continuing.
It hadn't hadn't taken but a moment before his Jedi companion's weapon was in hand and the blaster rounds were flying. In response to the attack, his platoon of Troopers began to fan out and take cover while returning fire. The amount of Sith soldiers in the landing zone didn't bode well and reeked of treachery, the red and blue streaks passing by reinforced the idea. Tapping his commlink, the Captain began giving orders and directing his men's fire.

"Second squad, on me! Third squad I want you to lay down fire while first squad maneuvers on the enemy from the right. Squad four, you're with Master Jedi Rhukti Ky, don't make him fight alone! Move out Troopers!"

Like the highly trained Soldiers they were, the execution was well practiced and the Troopers moved without hesitation, firing while the attacking team moved to push into the enemies flank. However, like most plans, it didn't last long as the enemy broke through dense underbrush with walkers, firing heavy blasters effectively breaking their counterattack.

Don't panic Phychs, keep calm and make a plan. Looking over the battle, he paused when he noticed a distortion in the air further back in the treeline and his gut told him it wasn't anything good. Peering for a second more, the Trooper caught movement and knew by instinct what it was, optical camouflage and the shooter was focused on Master Ky.

"Master Jedi! Sniper!"

Lifting his Blaster, Captain Psychs began to fire into the distortion, only to catch a nearby explosion, launching him into a nearby tree. With his ears ringing and vision blurred, Phychs gazed over the carnage in a daze. Explosions, red and blue bolts flying in every direction, Troopers and Sith dying both. It was chaos, and he was powerless to do anything about it.
I should be able to post more tomorrow, we'll be getting the weekend off.
Oh! Alright, that makes sense, I was honestly ready for writing a platoon, if not just a squad.
Isolate them?
Already under attack huh? XD that was fast!
Onderon, it was a feral and wild planet that Captain Phychs and his squad know well. Back in their Commando days there had been multiple drops made from low orbit in stealth pods. There had been more of them, more Troopers... But the pods weren't perfect and there had been casualties. Destroying the Sith infrastructure, turning the local population against the occupation, your typical Commando affairs. Catching the movement from the corner of his eye, Phychs turned to his Jedi and lifted his shoulder plates from the floor.

"Our job is to protect you on your mission, Master Jedi. My boys and I are ready for anything, the critters of Onderon are nothing new to us."

Phychs glanced out of the reinforced glass out at the green jungle planet off in the distane. There was nothing but suffering and struggle to be had on the planet. He knew that all too well.

"Excuse me Master Jedi, I must get the Troopers ready for deployment."

With a curt nod, Captain Phychs took his leave and headed down to the hanger bay where his squads were preparing for their drop to the surface. Both he and his men had a certain amount supersticion involved with both the Sith and Jedi alike. Anyone who could creep into and pervert the mind of your comrades was something to be suspicious of. Occasionally passing by the odd Trooper, the Guard Captain passes though the last set of doors into the hustle and bustle of the Hanger only to find his men already suited up and waitng for his arrival. He shouldn't be surprised, they had all been waiting for this day. Tapping his Com-link, Captain Phychs radios his Master Rhukti Ky.

"Master Jedi, the squads are assembled and ready to drop, we await your word."

Looking at his twenty some odd men, the Trooper assembles the elite team of soldiers to brief them. Waving his hand to halt the idle chatter.

"Alright Troopers, quiet down... Our mission is going to be assisting Master Rhukti Ky in uncovering the importance of Onderon to the enemy as well as executing any disruption activities that present themselves along the way. Make sure you have your thermal detonators and Det-Packs ready. Check your blasters and ensure one another's armor is fitted properly and will stand up to a few hits. Alright, mount up and stand by, I'll pass on word."

It was almost time, he could feel it...
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