Avatar of StrangerDanger


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6 yrs ago
TFW you might consider doing/starting and Escape From Tarkov Roleplay.
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6 yrs ago
Not gonna lie, I kinda miss being on Guam.
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6 yrs ago
I didn't bother wasting my time on the self righteous autofellatio and moral grandstanding that the Oscars have become.
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6 yrs ago
I've come to play the roles agaaaaain.
6 yrs ago
That embarrassing moment when you have to go back and fix all of your phone typos on the already posted Int Chck you made.


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Bloom- Ga In

Still open! :3
Hmm, it's been some time. RPA you say?
Alright, I'm going to keep this one short, sweet, and straight to the point.

All I ask is what anyone would ask of a partner. No more, no less. I'm no grammar nazi and I don't expect everyone to give me posts that are composed like best selling novels. That being said, all I ask is a little effort put forth to show you care. Those are my minimums. In turn, I'll give you everything I've got and continue to improve wherever and whenever I can. I Roleplay for my partners as much as I do myself.

So! Onto the meat and potatoes!


Occupational/Conflict scenarios:
Cold War-
Soviet Collapse-

Fandoms/Similar Concepts:
Gunslinger Girl-
Blood Alone-
Cowboy Bebop-
(Anime, I know, bear with me XD)
The Last of Us-
Metal Gear Solid-
R.O.D (Read or Die/Read or Dream)-
Velvet Kiss-
Resonance of Fate-
Pokemon- (Will need to be discussed in detail)
The Stanley Parable-
Final Fantasy Tactics Advance/A2-

General Pairings:
Security Contractor x Journalist
Security Contractor x Photographer
Security Contractor x Dignitary/Wealthy Client
Journalist x Separatist/Rebel fighter
Journalist x Indigiounous/Foreign Soldier
Photographer x Indigiounous/Foreign Soldier
Photographer x Separatist/Rebel fighter

Erm... There are lots more, just gotta let them come as they do. :)

Otherwise! I am open to any ideas or pairings. I love crazy combinations and abstract concepts so throw everything you can think of at me!
For longer than most can accurately record, Man has risen beyond the chaotic and undeveloped world they had once been apart of. The strong natural curiosity blessed upon them propelled Human kind outward and separate from those who they once stood beside. Technology, philosophy, religion, discrimination, and xenophobia; They all grew at an increasingly shocking pace. Having isolated themselves, they continued to grow in a very different direction than their neighbors until the point where technology and magic were completely indistinguishable from those not their own. The heady power made available by harnessing these new revelations and discoveries eventually lead to the subjugation of man by men which spilled from their isolated boarders into the world around them. Under the guise of enlightened superiority the rise of Man's so called Destined Role as the caretakers of God's Misguided Children. Although their arrogance knew no bounds it in turn produced a somewhat peaceful coexistence between Man and the other sentient races; albeit a lopsided one. Using their technology and the unnatural abilities and traits present in the races underneath them, humanity rose from the earth to occupy various cities, islands, and continents suspended in the sky above.

As time passed on, a power structure was built, a simple yet frighteningly thorough classification system used to control with absolution the world that was forged through indoctrination and entitlement. Those of power and privilege perched themselves high above the clouds where advanced and pristine metropolis' provide every luxury imaginable. These few ensure the world stays in the palm of their hand by delegating availability of knowledge and freedom to those below in various levels of importance. Like a mural depicting the various ages and developments, the world was broken down. From the highest, with awe inspiring possibilities, to the very lowest, which has been stripped of all but what is seen as necessary to be "civilized". In short, the surface of the world has yet to see change. Building castles of stone and cities of wood and cobble is the fate so graciously bestowed upon those who revel in the dirt. But like their rise, the seeds of discontent may eventually lead to their fall.
Surface District: City of Dresdan.

"Dystopian Utopia. That's the only way I can describe it. It's frightening to most, tragic to others and even amusing, almost laughable to 'the few'. For those not fortunate enough to have been blessed with the special providence of living above the rest, I can almost feel a gap in time itself."

The wrinkled pastel blue jacket of his leisure suit underneath the heavy grey overcoat and lit cigarette were sorely out of place. But, to be fair, the seven foot eight Minotaur standing beside him did as well. What's more, he was smoking alongside the man in his out-of-place dress and manner. It could have been an almost comical sight; Man and Minotaur, compatriots in philosophy and addiction. The primitive nature of the place charmed him, no steel structures, no cement or concrete in sight, there wasn't even what could be called a red brick schoolhouse. They stood in what could only be described as the past. Structures made of stone, thatch, logs, and thick slabs of moderately well treated wood.

"Gerard, I do not understand what brings you so far from grace. Why is it that you, a child of Man, is here amongst the terrestrial? You have never spoke of a life above ours, yet, you make it obvious your origin."

The rather heavy handed flick administered by the man's brutish companion served as emphasis to his previous statement, which in turn was repaid with a smirk and cloud of tobacco smoke to the face. With a face that more resembled a snarl than a scowl, the Minotaur flared his nostrils and blew the smoke away. "Why must Ranga suffer the company of such an insufferable man?" The unexpected jape make Gerard laugh which resulted in gravity taking hold of his cigarette and ever so kindly guide it into a small puddle at this feet. Watching it fizz out with a frown, he slugged the thick furry leg to his right but to little effect. This earned Gerard a swift bump from Ranga's massive hip.

"Let us go little child of Man, we have work to do."
So here is where we'll begin. As I won't require a character sheet you can feel free to use this as the center for our RP related content, if it please you. I'm workin on getting that post out to you so please bear wih me. ^ ^
Being afraid of getting yelled at by another grown man. :\
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