Y a c h i y o
Personal Dossier
NameOokouchi Yachiyo
大河内 八千代
OriginAshiya, Hyōgo Prefecture, Japan
Physical DescriptionYachiyo is a lanky girl, sporting a runner's physique with long limbs and lean definition. An immaculate, light complexion attests to her sheltered upbringing, and accentuates her bright lavender-colored eyes. Though her mane is usually tied up at the back of her head, it's actually quite long, reaching down to just above her tailbone, and possesses a deep purpure shine. Yachiyo's face is often dulled by her own insecurities, resulting in many timid gazes and bashful half-smiles. The gentle blush of her permanently flushed cheeks lends her a perpetually love-struck, heated, or even inebriated appearance, much to her own embarrassment. Yachiyo's wardrobe is dominated by upscale designer brands, pastels, and soft earthy tones, and largely conveys traditional femininity befitting of the virtues she was raised with.
CharacterizationYachiyo is a prim and proper young woman, valuing etiquette and proper manners. Being prone to fluster whenever an authoritative personality (or someone acting as such) addresses, scolds, or otherwise interacts with her, she's similarly dumbfounded when others express affection or compliment her - or the other way around. This trait is amplified by the fact that she crushes quite easily and is generally an affectionate, amiable person, who'd much rather cheer others on and praise them, than mention anything negative. This behavior causes her significant embarrassment when witnessed and alluded to by her peers.
Despite her somewhat submissive and goofy behavior towards teachers and other people in positions of power, she values her friends above all else, and is incredibly encouraging and protective of them. Whenever possible, Yachiyo will do her best to support those dear to her, and will do anything she can to keep others safe. Yachiyo prefers to see others succeed than intervene with a blaze of glory, but feels strongly compelled to step in when necessary regardless. Overall, she has a caring and attentive personality, however, her nurturing side can take a seat when people dismiss rules or consciously cause disorder; Yachiyo does not approve of such displays, and may or may not get a little ticked off when it happens. It follows that Yachiyo is a neatfreak, and keeps her quarters, clothes and... well, anything obsessively tidy and clean. Her dislike for sloppiness goes far enough to where she may step in and clean up even other's belongings.
With traditionalist views instilled in her through her upbringing, and the pressure of her parents' expectations as to how she'd live her life, the decision to become a hero not only affected her relationship with her parents, but brought about a significant hit to Yachiyo's self-perception. Her general insecurity and the feelings of guilt over her wealth has only deepened with the addition of heroics - after all, would anyone accept the help of a sheltered girl such as herself?
Personal HistoryBorn into the Ookouchi dynasty, Yachiyo was raised under strict rules and with the expectation to continue her family's business alongside a future husband. Yachiyo was raised to possess an acute sense of duty, grace, and diligence, and as such took on the expectations placed in her without hesitation. However, she also developed an almost crippling sense of humility and guilt, due to her feeling of being undeserving of the luxuries her parents' security empire has afforded her, which has nudged her to isolate herself on occasion. It wasn't until the Lock Corp. incident that her heroic aspiration began to overwhelm her sense of duty to continue her family's business.
Shortly after her 11th birthday, the Lock Corp. HQ, where Yachiyo's parents run the day-to-day operations, was raided by a villainous group. With the intent to capitalize on the easy access to the systems - which many wealthy and influential customers use - Yachiyo's parents were taken hostage and held at gunpoint. The youngest of the Ookouchi family, blissfully unaware until later that day, couldn't bear the thought of losing her parents - or any of her loved ones - without any means to protect them. She had long admired the pro heroes as a source of inspiration for people across the country - Now, however, she knew there was but one path for her to take.
Character Development & ConceptualizationI envisioned Yachiyo to be kind of like, say, Brigitte from Overwatch. That sort of kind (but not knightly valor-ish) character with a strong sense of justice, while retaining casual humanity instead of becoming a caricature of Superman and Co. Generally, I would like to develop various aspects of Yachiyo, some of which are "acceptably" heroic, and some of which are more introverted and "selfish", as I do believe most people grow in various ways, too, and not always in a "Hey, what a great person"-kinda way. As such, Yachiyo will likey have a few core themes to her personal growth:
- The sense of her place in the world. Yachiyo has many strong feelings and wishes, but follows few of them, often feeling like she's inadequate, unwanted, or straight up hopeless. Whereas many rich characters tend to go from snobby to cooperative, I would like to see her shed the guilt and doubt that came with her upbringing, and instead understand her fortunate situation and utilize it to be the best possible version of herself.
- Realizing (and actually exercising) that heroes aren't defined by how well they can punch villains into prison cells. With resources and a Quirk that lends itself to many non-combative situations, I would love for her to develop more agency. This is sorta similar to the first point, but rather specifically to her behavior as a hero, rather than a civilian.
- Making friends. Yeah, it's pretty cliche, but nothing fills my little weebheart with more joy than seeing precious characters come together and have fun. Be it shopping, studying, chatting - I love that ish.
- Fixing her domestic life would be a minor aspect, as I don't think it'd be all that interesting to other characters. However, as a tiny background thread, I think it'd be appropriate. Not only is there some direct strain between Yachiyo and her parents, but she also carries many preconceived notions of what she, as a girl, should be like, act like, aspire to be etc. To find a healthy balance between her parent's virtues and her own needs and beliefs would be a nice way to round out an actual personality.
Abilities & Talents
Quirk TypeEmitter
Quirk DescriptionThe Quirk "Megabubble" is a unique quirk, born out of Yachiyo's mother's powerful "Object Reconfiguration" Quirk, and her father's "Bubbleman" Quirk. Megabubble allows Yachiyo to generate, manipulate, and control bubbles and foam freely. While the ability may seem fairly useless at first glance, the ability to change their density or use their floatiness can be applied in various creative manners. Yachiyo can not only affect bubbles from outside sources, but create them by forming a ring with her thumb and index-finger, and blowing through it. Megabubble also allows Yachyio to dissolve her body into bubbles/foam to various degrees (although never fully) and rebuild itself through the respective bubbles/foam. The Quirk also enhances Yachiyo's cleanliness, making her smell nice even if she were to neglect her bodily hygiene. Megabubble can be bested in combat by washing away the bubbles with sufficient amounts of water. Ice also freezes bubbles, and takes away Yachiyo's control if it fully freezes all liquids involved. It should be noted that while bubbles involve many different properties and elements (such as water, various gases, chemicals, heat etc.) Yachiyo can only affect these elements when it concerns bubbles, foam, or sud - she has no control over these elements and substances individually.
Other Talents & AttributesCulinary Skills: Yachiyo is a skilled cook, being able to prepare a variety of complex dishes. She greatly enjoys catering to others, and finds the creativity and precision of professional chefs to be incredibly impressive.
Empathy: Equipped with great patience and understanding, Yachiyo can see most sides of an argument, and deal with all types of people. As a result of this, Yachiyo makes for a great tutor and simple conversationalist.
Exemplary Student: Stemming from both duty and reverence for teachers, Yachiyo is a committed student, acing most tests fairly effortlessy; she still studies excessively, however.
Bubbly Personality: Befitting of her Quirk, Yachiyo has an overwhelmingly bubbly side to her personality under rare circumstances. If she's extremely comfortable with those around her, care deeply, and/or feels the rare sensation of being capable of helping others thoroughly, Yachiyo will become bubbly and lively in the most contagious of ways. There was also that once instance where she accidentally drank some of her father's sake, but we don't talk about that...