Eastern Pennsylvania. May 4th, 2074. 11:27 PM
It wasn't much, but it was shelter. A small safehouse, along a back-road near a rural area. It was fairly warm out most of the time, around the 50's, so taking lookout on the roof wasn't as much of a hassle. Travelers would come by every once in a while. Sometimes they would stay, others would just be passing by, even trading with the residents. With the treeline to their backs, it was a .pretty off the map location. This kept them safe for a while.
Then, the horde hit... In the middle of the night, a mob of at least 60 zombies could be seen approaching through the forest. At the edge of the forest. With the tree cover and the darkness of night, the residents didn't know what happened until it was too late. Soon the place was swarmed, zombies pounding on the doors, some simply just breaking the glass and coming through. They were fast, almost charging them. The ones that did survive barely got out of there, not able to grab anything as they just sprinted out and hoped that the undead wouldn't follow. Alexander was watch that night... And it still haunts him today, the massacre that happened because he didn't warn them on time.
Eastern Pennsylvania. May 5th, 2074. 5:23 AM.
After escaping the horde, the group managed to find this abandoned barn to sleep in for the rest of the night. It was an hour's distance on foot, so they were confident that they would at least be safe from the horde for that night. After that, they didn't know if the horde had moved on, stayed there, went in a different direction. None of the horde followed them, but these creatures and their hunting patterns were sometimes unpredictable.
The sun rose slowly that morning, casting light into the barn. Alexander was the first to be awake, rolling over in pile of hay before rubbing his eyes. He couldn't get much sleep, and the screams of dying people were still ringing in his ears. There was no saving them now he thought, and he had to look forward on what they were to do next. They had no weapons, no equipment, no supplies, and no plan or direction of where they would head to next. What they needed was a map... There was a farm house a few yards away from the barn, and it seemed like a good idea to scavenge it for anything useful. The barn didn't have much in it so it seemed, some miscellaneous farming tools, broken pieces of wood, some hay.
Alexander went to the top story of the barn, resting on the window frame that looked out to the front of the barn as he gazed at the field in front of him. The crops hadn't been tended to for years, and grass grew where corn seemed to be grown originally. The woods were towards their backs, the field to the barn's left, and the house was to the right. Directly in front of the barn, a few yards out, was the road that they had followed to get here. On the way here it was unclear what road it was, let alone what direction it was going in. Maybe with a few signs or a map, it could be figured out.
Slipping on his leather jacket, he watched the calm and beautiful scenery, watching a bird out in the distance land on a branch. These moments were to be cherished... In a world full of death, hate, and destruction, there was still a beauty of nature like this. Maybe this was all mother nature getting back at humans for polluting or something, who was to say? For now Alexander would wait for the others to awaken before he did anything else. It seemed like a meeting was to be in order. What would the survivors do now?