The sound jarred him from the trance he was in and he flew back into the bedroom. Seeing her on the floor, he went over to lift her back up, But then he saw the healing that had taken place. Seeing this, he looked at her. He looked into her spirit but was amazed to find that she was no supernatural creature. This was a mystery in and of itself. But he had no time to dwell on it. He helped the girl back up to the bed and sat there beside her.
He payed no attention to the downed lamp at the moment. That was far away from his present thoughts and concerns.
"You're healing." He observed flatly. His voice was deep and it seemed to bare a slight hint of an accent, but not enough to figure out where it was from. His confusion ov her body's natural restoration was further made clear when he added "On your own."
He was staring into her eyes now. Trying to read within them what her secret might be. But her eyes were giving up no secrets as he sat on the bed next to her, looking into them. Finally he added a question to his observations to be a clear as he could. "Why?"