"If you're looking for me to join your clique or something, then this is all a dream and you guys passed out in your last period." Came the words of a stranger. An invader upon sacred territory. An interloper upon the ever so hush hush realm of the cliqueless.
Sound the alarm, folks. We've been found out!
I looked up imediately. I even stood up. Sure, I stumbled a little bit in a jack sparrow sort of way, but I caught myself.
It was astonishing, you see. Truly, a sight to behold. The tension was so thick I could taste it lingering sourly in the air. Here we were, secure and confident that no one would ever find out about our little gatherings. And lo and behold, what happens? We are discovered.
I stood there, spiked collar shining in the midday sun, just taking it all in. If this chick revealed us, we'd be through. It was utterly apocalyptic. And all eyes were indeed on her.
So I did what I do best. I grabbed another can offered to her and answered her with complete honesty.
"I'm just looking for a girlfriend, a new drummer, and some good people to drink with. Wanna beer?"