I'm going to close this game for now... Currently making a whole new version of it.
So that said in the new game you'll start over. To bad. No ragrets.
Anywho, so what I'm going to do in the new game?
Make things simpler to handle as in the actual drawings and stats.
Things will look different, worse or better. (Depending on if I feel like drawing) Probably worse because in fact I'm not an artistic person at all. You'd be amazed on how simple Inkscape makes this stuff to draw and make. I literally shape squares and circles to look like things. In Real life I can barely draw a straight line. ha
Anywho, I'm always up for requests to make new things. i.e. races, weapons, monsters, etc...
I like criticism and a lot of it. This is what makes the actual drawing better if I tweek the things that you want to look better.
I would also like help if anyone is interested with creating a simple stat log type thing. (Like wooden sword does 3+ damage, but armor takes away 1/2 the damage or something) idk. I think it was Holmishire or knight that previously helped me on the money system because their was a flaw.
New game will include a Skill Tree for each race. (Again, will make new races if you ask me too and you'll either share a skill tree with other races, or have a whole new one.)
How long will this take? I'm not sure. I'm not sure if I need to fix everything, but I know I am fixing at least 3/5 of it.
New map also!... this post is getting long.
TL;DR? Give me suggestions for a better game.