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    1. SvenO100 10 yrs ago


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Partisan said

I'd post but I need to wait for some action to take place in my current position, so yeah. Annoying that nobody has gotten on it yet, maybe they'll do today.
Waiting for someone to post...
Partisan said
I never said that the entrance was open completely, my friend.

I didn't say you did either, I was just making a statement.
The most logical thing to happen is that the tank starts up and stars firing, along with other tanks that may have been hidden. Germans or any army for that matter wouldn't rush blindly to one side to defend, they always cover all sides when an attack takes place. So the sneaking approach probably wouldn't work, in 1944 these Germans are on edge because they're know the Russians are coming.
Partisan said
Alright, I wanna give your characters atleast a chance to come up with something other than this idea of Ondrej's, but if you don't have any idea whatsoever then we can also just let the partisan Sven spring into action by disabling the tiger from closeby considering he's not with the group yet.

I had actually been thinking of me disabeling a tiger with the anti tank grenade, figured they would only have one. Uncanny that you got to that conclusion to and included it in your post. I just got back from work by the way, I might make a post soon but I can hold off if you want others to work with an idea for the tiger. (Haven't read the IC yet though, going to do that now.)
Partisan said
Yeah, most of us are true Commies character wise. I just hope that his character is smart enough to keep his trap shut.

Are you making the IC post in the next couple of hours?
Someone that doesn't support the Communist idea would be a very interesting addition to the roleplay, considering my character can be considerd ''brainwashed.'' he supports it fully, that'll give some conflict. I like it.
Partisan said
Sounds golden. 'Running for Tsar' tho?

Haha, that wouldn't be happening in a Communist state anymore indeed. Its a minor mistake though, not hard to fix.

Edit: He might want to be more specific with his mechanic skills, because fixing German weaponry or machinery is much different then Russian. And being able to fix a tractor all the way up to the latest tank is quite the skill set indeed.
Partisan said
Oops, I kinda forgot. Nah, he's fine. I think we can start soonish but I'll have to study my formal English lessons first cause I have my final exam tomorrow, after that I'll be free all day so I'll probably do it tomorrow.

Very well. Goodluck with your exam.
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