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    1. SvenO100 10 yrs ago


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Enalais said
Roxx probably has a good reason. Or they just couldn't get to it.

I had figured yes, I was just dissapointed that the IC wasn't up yet. But, lets hope everything is okay with him and that the IC will be up soon. :)
Was hoping for the IC to be up already.
Roxx said
Hrmmm, I just updated the Accepted Characters section and we have more players than I thought (if Illuminami and MST3K 4ever fix their apps, we'll be at 8 players). So I will begin working on the IC. Expect it by tomorrow morning (but more than likely afternoon).

Lovely, that works for me.
Roxx said
@Sven: I love your character so far. Everything checks out- accepted. Also, take as much creative license as want about the spread of the virus, just don't change how it works. :) EDIT: Also, our characters will hate each other, despite how similar they actual are.

Oh i'm sure they will be at odds, but hey. Who knows what will happen, I'm glad you like my character though. How many people were you aiming to get for this by the way? I'm excited for this to start. *Hint hint.* Anyway, i'm sticking to the descriptions of the virus you've given for 100%. Don't worry. :)
Liriia said
Eastern Standard Time brah

Noted. I'm GMT + 1
I'm curious about the time zone everyone is in.
Username: SvenO100
Character Name: Marten ''Michael'' de Vries
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Appearance: (He has short brown hair and light blue eyes and stands at 6'4 tall, he has a fit but thin build with a musculair frame. He tries to keep himself cleanly shaven but is currently sporting a stubble.)

Personality: Manipulative, stubborn and old-fashioned but also sweet, caring and helpfull. Marten's personality tends to change once he has assessed the person he is dealing with. Despite being open minded his old-fashioned personality shines through when meeting people of a different race, he doesn't consider himself a racist but he has racist tendencies that tend to come out during discussions about the subject. As of lately his new uniform has given his confidence and assertiveness a boost, everyone would think twice about messing with a police officer, especially a member of a S.W.A.T team. He generally despises low-lifes, criminials and generally the stupid and uneducated. He has a weakspot for woman though, something a man in these times should not have. He has issues with harming a woman physically and will go out of his way to help a woman in need, even if he endangers his own life in doing so.

His manipulative tedencies tend to come out when dealing with men, especially the type of men he dislikes. He sees these type of people as expendable and attempts to use them for his own purposes. Often by playing along and letting them believe they may be manipulating or using him instead, only to flip the tables when least expected. Deep down he believes the intelligent are ment to survive and the uneducated are only an obstacle in his way that he could momentarily use to further his own goals, whatever those might be at the time. However, his nature to keep his darker side hidden and his ability to wait for the right moment make him seem like the smart, nice and caring guy he is portraying to be, something he really is. But, something he has accepted he can not always be in this current world. This makes him an unpredictable but generally nice person that might suddenly change when his life is endangered.

Background: Marten grew up in in a small town in the northern most province of The Netherlands. His family wasn't necessarily well off, but they weren't doing bad for themselves either. For the most part, his childhood was pretty easy going and he can't really recall any bad memories. Money was never an issue, he didn't get picked on in school and he had plenty of friends. One could hardly ask for a better childhood, he had nothing to complain about.

As an only child, he had the full attention of both of his parents, which led him to excel in school. His parents had not done so well in school when they were younger and they wanted to protect their son from their own mistakes, they taught him to read and write at an early age and always made sure he did his homework and studied for every test. Being a good son and lacking the rebellious nature of some childern at an early age, he followed his parents advice and continued to do his homework and study properly for ever test well into his teens, this behaviour allowed him to skip a year in school and landed him in the highest level of study he could follow at the young age of 11.

His primary interests in high school were History, Biologics, Social Studies, Science and Linguistics, in all of which he excelled. His least favourites subjects were Mathematics and Art, however despite disliking them he did get good grades. His time in High School was good but he sometimes regrets the choices he has made a little, he focused on his studies and homework rather then taking time off to spend with his friends, or girls for that matter. He adopted a sort of lone wolf status, something he kept untill he was older. His time in high school can thus be classified as good but uneventfull, he didn't do anything really fun or exciting, atleast not what other people consider fun and exciting. He never had his first kiss nor had he really done anything wrong.

College was a different experience for him though. Marten decided to follow a study in Virology, that is where he got his first girlfriend. He got more outgoing and social but still required his time alone from time to time. He experienced most things people experience in college, minus the excessive drinking, smoking and possibly doing drugs. He also never got in a fight during his stay there, he always prefered the use of words over violence. Not that he is one of those people that believes in never harming someone. Marten understands that sometimes violence is the only option, a saying in his native language describes that perfectly. ''Wie niet luisteren wilt, moet maar voelen.''

After completing his masters, Marten found work in one of the larger scientific institutions of his country and was eventually selected to work on developing a vaccine for the Ebola virus that had once again shown its face in Africa. He worked together with other scientists from other countries, untill a more dangerous virus appeared on the face of the earth. From the data he had seen the virus originated somewhere in Europe, some speculations blamed the Russians for trying to create and test a dangerous virus that could be used in biological warfare. Whatever the case, the virus spread amongst the high and dense European population like a wildfire. Marten was selected for evacuation by his government and was transported to America during the early stages of infection with hunderds of others specialised in his field.

Once in America, Marten was send to work in one of the facilaties of the Centers for Disease Control. The first week at the center he learned that the traditional Frisian pronounciation of his name wasn't only hard for the Dutch people in his country, but especially for other foreigners. His American colleagues decided another name was required and thus ''Michael'' was born. Unfortunately the location of the center was along the east coast, a location that had already begun showing signs of the infected, and thus a messag arrived detailing that their relocation was required and that a military convoy was on the way. Said military convoy never arrived at its destination and Marten was forced to eventually abandon the location with his colleagues once the power supply ran low, he spend a while together with the group of scientists. During his time with them he came to the conclusion that all but a few of them were relatively new in the filed of Virology and didn't have much other experience. Basically meaning that he and the others were of low importance in the grand scheme of things and thus possibly abandoned because the resources for their evacuation could not be spared.

Surviving provided to be quite troublesome, to say the least. A bunch of men in labcoats certainly don't make a good impression on the crazy and paranoid who assume this virus was the governments doing. Despite overcoming various difficulties he and the other members of the group had a discussion about where to go next, some wanted to stay put and others wanted to head in another direction. Marten eventually decided on going along on his own, leaving the group behind and resuming the lone wolf status he had become so accustomed to in his youth. In the end he decided to lose the labcoat but kept the identification card and some of his notes on the infection hidden in a secret compartment in his backpack.

Marten has been alone ever since seperating from his former colleagues and has entered Summer City a few days prior, where he stumbeled upon an abandoned S.W.A.T police vehicle, all that was left had been a few dead officers in full uniform. One awkward fifteen minute changing session later and he had been transformed into an S.W.A.T member himself, all though much less experienced.

Equipment: Backpack, Identification card CDS, notes on the infection, piece of metal from a destroyed fence post, 1 half full bottle of water, police badge and a full suit of S.W.A.T equipment including the bullet proof vest, SIG Sauer P226, two empty magazines one in the pistol and one in his pocket. Other then that he carries an old cellphone with half its battery life remaining and a wallet with a large amount of cash in it along with his I.D, drivers license and some pictures,

Other Notes: Marten doesn't drink, smoke and doesn't do drugs. He is a very capable swimmer and ice skater. He's also capable of driving a car. He learned to drive using stick so he can drive both stick and automatic should he need to. Marten also has a broad knowledge of languages such as: Dutch, Frisian, German, French, English and Latin. He isn't very athletic though, but he is in good shape. His faint accent may give away that he might not be from America originally.
Silent Resonance said
Interested :)

I'm glad you're interested, I hope more people follow suit. The sooner the better, then I can get an OOC up and get this started. :)
Atlanta, Georgia, Atlanta Medical Center.

Atlanta Medical Center, On-call room, 17:19 PM.
''You should really stop watching the news so much, do you really think the government would you just keep us in the dark if there really was some kind of new disease spreading through the country? I mean, you know how it is with the big news channels. They'll do everything to get a big story, its probably nothing or a pre-existing condition if its anything at all.'' Despite disagreeing with Jonathan, I had been a little curious about this whole infection thing. The big story of the last couple of days had been just that, there hasn't been any new information on anything so far though. I figured it was probably nothing more then a hoax, but then again, maybe it is something after all. ''I'll admit that i'm a little curious, but we have other things to focus on. Its our last year of residency man! we'll be doctors soon! Now, we should probably get some sleep. We're on-call for the rest of the night.''

Atlanta Medical Center, On-call room, 19:43 PM.
Talk about a rude awakening, the speakers here had always been loud. ''Jonathan, wake up.'' But not loud enough apparantly. He is a heavy sleeper though, as usual. But throwing a pillow at his face should get his attention. ''Jonathan! Wake up and listen to this.'' Something doesn't feel right. ''Attention to all medical personell. There have been several reports about riots and fighting downtown near Centennial Olympic Park. Possible gang violence, but we are momentarily unaware of the specifics, ambulances have been dispatched but are currently on standby while the police are trying to contain the situation. According to the information we have, there are possibly dozens or hunderds of people involved. We can expect multiple cases of stabbings and gun violence, all available medical personell is to stay on high alert and prepare for the incoming patients.'' This sounded serious, something of this scale had never happened before. ''So much for sleep huh? Lets get going, we might as well see some patients before they start bringing those people in, we won't have time for that afterwards if things are as bad as they say.''

The Roleplay.
As you can probably tell from the name of the topic and the contents of the dialogue above, this is indeed a Zombie Apocalypise type of roleplay. This is going to be set in the Walking Dead universe, with the same type of Zombies and the same type of infection symtoms. This also means that the whole concept of a Zombie does not exist, therefor at the start we will not know how to deal with them, how it spreads and how intelligent these creatures really are. I intended for us to start the roleplay in this hospital, you can either be a doctor, surgeon, patient or just a family member or friend visiting a loved one. The oppertunities for character creation are pretty much endless as with a normal Walking Dead roleplay. As a patient you are free to start with a medical condition that requires medicine to be properly treated, it makes things all the more interesting. I will probably develop this more if enough interest is shown, but I think i've got the basics down nicely. Any criticism, comments or advice are appreciated.
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