Avatar of SweetOwlette
  • Last Seen: 2 mos ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 125 (0.04 / day)
  • VMs: 0
  • Username history
    1. SweetOwlette 9 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

3 yrs ago
I admit, change is something I need and this is the place to start.
1 like
5 yrs ago
I'm back! :)
6 yrs ago
Due to recent events, I am finally home and will be replying alot til the 3rd! :) Sorry for no responses for the last week! <3
6 yrs ago
Readdy to have some fun!
6 yrs ago
Sicker than a dog currently, trying to ger caught up! Sorry for late replies!
1 like


I have been RPing for going on 10+ years. I took a small hiatus due to a ton of personal/work issues. Now that things are settling down for the most part, I am able to get back into my RPing and gaming!

I currently work for a prison. I do work the graveyard shift (8pm - 7am). So please bare with me and slow responses. I work 6 days on, and 3 days off. On my 3 days off, I will be most active, but I will also hop on to reply to any roleplays I have joined.

I enjoy 1x1's (hard to get my interest though. Once I got a 1x1 going.. I have a ton of fun). I also LOVE group RP's. I have managed some with a little help with friends and they always turned out wonderful. Currently, I am just working on one Group RP. I am not looking to over load myself, so the one RP I have going is all I am wanting to do at the moment. But, feel free to chat with me on any ideas, I might start another soon! :)

Most Recent Posts

I am interested in maybe doing the cheating husband/wife combo. Maybe put a little twist into it?
I am letting you know that I will be getting to my character soon. Very busy at the moment. I will post something in a few days! I am *really* interested in this! :)
Hello Lily!

I am shy myself. I hate putting my idea's out there too. However, it is nice sometimes to see peoples point of view when you post something. I would rather people tell me what they think of my stuff, then not.

If you ever want to get creative and want to talk, please shoot me a PM. :) I am open and love to come up with awesome stories! Hope to hear from you!
I will admit, this is one the of the best idea's I have seen in a very long time. Count me in! I wouldn't mind writing something completely different.. and.. FUN! :)
Its been a while since I have been on the site. In fact, I changed my name. I was known as SweetPlum before. I came back because I miss being here.

My best friend and I have been RPing together whenever we get a chance (you know, life happens). He convince me to come back (without realizing it). I am looking to have a few partners to do some 1x1's. I will be creating my own RP soon. I have a few things up my sleeve.

A few ideas I was looking for was:

- Game of Thrones RP (I have only seen seasons 1-4. D: I am waiting to see season 5, please no spoilers. I already know about Jon Snow! *cries*)
- Walking Dead or Zombie related (Caught up on the seasons)
- Orange is the New Black (Woot! Just finished 3rd season ;D)
- Hunger Games (making our own story, not really following the real story. Ask if you are wanting to know more).
- Harry Potter (before or after Harry attends school)
- Breaking Bad (Yea Bitches)
- Falling Skies (Seen seasons 1-4)

I am also open to anything else. I am a huge romantic person. I also like to write dark, fucked up stories.

Oh, mature content. I do cuss, I do include minor sex (VERY MINOR), and I can get graphic with things. So please, don't RP with me if you get easily offended. I do have a life.. you know.. family, job, LIFE. So, I can be a bit slow replying. I make it a goal to reply daily, and also let you know what is going on. I am good about getting a few posts in daily. I also like to write medium to long. 2.5 paragraphs or longer is what a I like. :)

If you are interested, please PM me! :)
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