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    1. Tack the Cobbler 11 yrs ago


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yoyohayli said
I can't help imagining him with the actual Mr. T's head on a tiny, fuzzy bear body.Now the fool doth pity .

Spent a whole five minutes on it.

Just put it on your blog it'll look great guys
rocketrobie2 said
Finally posted!

That bear is the cutest thing.
Edited. ㅇㅅㅇ

I wouldn't worry too much about being called a noob; I only joined a few days ago, and I got addicted pretty fast. It's a easy-to-follow format, the rp's are cool and I haven't met anyone who isn't friendly. Just immerse yourself in it. ㅇㅅㅇ

Edit; seriously everyone here is a marsh mellow lamb do not fear us child.
Standing up from his crouched position beside the pool and wiping his wet hands on his pants, Tack wondered if the dorms had cleared out yet and started walking back towards the school. After having found the House of Seas he peered in the different dorm rooms; one had a girl holding a water bottle and laying on her bed with the door open, to who he quickly motioned an apology for interrupting; another was void of human life, yet inhabited by quite a few books. There was a few empty rooms left, still, but he wasn't sure he wanted to be on his own...Tack backed up, setting his book bag on the floor, and pondered his choices.
Text post Rick-Rolling?
There's going to be eight of us if Aralin joins, that's why I added what I did. If she doesn't I'll edit that last paragraph out. Sorry about that~ ^^'
Hey, can I play as Duncan? :3
Lars nodded mutely at the dragon/woman. He should calm down. Because wolves aren't the size of bears and firebenders belong in the ATLA series and dragons certainly don't turn into girls. Because this was a lucid dream and he didn't want to wake up to every piece of furniture in his apartment in shambles.

But unlike most of his lucid dreams, trying to change the setting didn't work...maybe he'd just have to play along until something roused him. He took a deep breath to compose himself, and stood up cooly.

Then he shouted after other human boy, who was leaving the room. "There are six of us awake, yes, and the bear." And his gaze wandered over to the figure dozing off in a corner. "But this one's still asleep as well. She's right, we'd either have to wake them up or carry them."
He was dreaming about walking towards a locked door. The world in his mind was made of light and shadows; an apparently square room (though he couldn't tell in the darkness) with an entrance at his back that emitted a nephilistic, white glow, and a very plain door in front of him. Even in his sleep he could feel his clammy skin freezing, and for a moment he wondered if this was death and he was going the wrong way--despite all the hope that the simple door filled him with. As he pondered this, he heard a deep chuckle behind him, and a long, skewed silhouette appeared on the floor next his own.

But when he turned around, there was no one there.

Lars shuddered and his eyes opened to a grey cement floor, which wasn't quite right--he had been walking home to his apartment the night before, a little bit drunk, maybe, but not so inebriated to get himself in trouble with the law. He supposed his parents could bail him out but he still felt a bit annoyed that he'd have a criminal record. It was certainly cold though, and he'd slept sitting up, his arms wrapped around his knees and his head buried in his legs. He felt a bit sore, and it couldn't hurt to get up and stretch his legs to get the circulation going.

But when he looked up he discovered that, no, he was not in a holding cell, and no, this was something his parents couldn't get him out of with money. He felt his heart thumping in his chest and an oncoming panic attack set in; small gusts of wind seemed to appear from underneath him, blowing at his dress shirt and causing his hair to stand on end. Calm down, he though to himself. You're a smart boy, you'll get out of this. He quickly scanned the area, ignoring his fellow abductees for the time being to look for a crack in the wall or a vent in the ceiling--anything.

When he realized there was none, he took a deep sigh through his nose to calm his nerves and turned his green eyes to look at the others; a mistake. A dragon, a giant wolf, a teddy bear, two (seemingly) humans...and a buzzing noise above him, which turned out to be a...fairy? He wheezed and the panicky feeling came back. Was this a fever dream?
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