Hearing the squeaking of sneakers Naoki followed his mark closely swaying side to side keeping him off balance. That's when his opponent went for it, the opening that Naoki let in to the outside center. Following he leapt up as the player shot swatting the ball to his team mate. Before instantly sprinting down the court, receiving the pass, and jumping aiming for the basket he cranked his back to slam it in..........vrrrrrrrvrrrrrrvrrrrrr.
Feeling the vibration of his phone he awoke. Covering his eyes from the harsh morning sunlight he yawned. Standing up he stretched his old leg wound thinking about the last time he played basket ball. "Its been what two years since I've been able to play seriously? The doctors did say I was fullied healed. Shrugging he looked over the railing of the school roof at the last group of kids in the court yard.