The pegasus pondered the words of Torrential Waters. Then Dancer nodded in understanding, the cloud of despair rising from her mind. It wasn't that Sweeper was a idiot that couldn't see Arcon's flaws "Of course, of course. The Lady did not want to speak ill of her kin. She must be well aware of how her siblings view her, and wish not to harm their reputation," Dancer said. "She cares too much for them." She paused, and then began a new line of thought.
"You know, I never did give much thought to how Sweeper changed my outlook on the world. Three months ago, I thought that Equestria's doom was inevitable, and I would not see the Scholar's Project completed. So many of the order has suffered and paid the ultimate price. Two brothers I have lost to the wars, and of my parents I know not their fate. Really, what kept me going was that we could save the future at least.
"But Sweeper changed all that. Eccentric as she was, she managed to turn our world upside down - I lived to see the Project finished. That not only Equestria could be saved, but I could live as well. The Fall may still happen, but we have a much better chance to prevent it than ever before. Yes, I am proud to serve the Sliver Lady."
She looked deeply into Torrential's eyes, eyes quivering. "Thank you, great one. Your insight is keen and wise beyond even all the Directors of my order." She sighed. "Alas, my words do no justice to reflect the joy you've given me."
Sweeper looked at Thea, her eyes a bit red from the tears. She sniffed a bit. "I'm glad you're alright sis, and feeling better. I didn't mean to make you angry." She took a part of the bedsheet and blew her nose. And then cleaned the bedsheet quickly. The grey alicorn wanted to give Thea a hug, but decided against it. For some reason, Sweeper thought Thea would find the gesture embarrassing. Instead she said, "Thank you for believing in me."
Scroll smiled that his Lady was feeling better, though she wasn't quite to her… "normal" self. Give it a few moments he thought. Arcon, it seemed, didn't seem to care much about him and Winterjet. His attention was on his sisters. Figuring it was best not to interrupt such a meeting of the deities, he went back to Winterjet's earlier comment.
"Well, I guess we are friends, having spent more time with each other than any other pony. I can tell you the Lady's habits, and she could do the same for me. I know the cake she likes, she knows what brushes and inks I prefer. For her, 'High Priest' is probably 'Best Mortal Friend'. We trust each other, though…" He frowned a bit. "…though she can be quite the hooffull… and I wish she had a mane… and I get dragged to places without much say…" He shook his head. "Even in our disagreements, Sweeper always got by flank. Even in the darkest of moments she was there.
"I don't know the relationship Thea has with her followers. I'm sure it's different considering Sweeper. But I hope you and Thea develop an analogous companionship, a trust or bond that comes from the heart."
Meanwhile, Sweeper was almost back to her unusual self. "Ah, so the Diamond Dog was right about this place being a dangerous one. Ehh, no wonder you used the spell - a town full of cultists? Yikes, that must have been nightmarish. At least the land is safer now." A gust of wind blew through the dusty ruin behind them, creating a lonely howl. "I wish I brought some cake for us. Oh Arc! thanks for coming by. We're have you been all this time?"