Dancer wanted to cry, but she kept the tears back. She had not cried in years, if only so others would not worry about her. Instead, she opened her own wing and draped it over's the alicorn's. She was so happy at that moment, as if she finally found her father and they once again were embracing. Despite the awe Torrential inspired, the alicorn was also very caring. She wished they could go walking forever, with his wing draped over her.
"Than-nk you, M-Master of the Rains," she said, voice trembling with joy. "I-It would be my honor to accompany you."
They continued the journey towards The Moon and Stars.
"Hey, you awake?"
Charter opened his eyes, and saw the wood and metal of the lower decks. He was in the ship's sickbay, with a wet rag on his forehead. He wondered how long he was out. He couldn't remember anything after passing out, save for the fear that engulfed him previously.
He saw a leg take the the rag and someone felt his forehead. "Well, looks like your temperature was fine. Looks like you just got nauseated." He recognized the voice of the ship's nurse. Charter turned his head and saw the pony sitting by his bed.
"What happened?", he asked.
"Quick Claw found you collapsed on the deck in a pool of your own vomit," said the Doc, which everyone called the nurse when the other Doc was away. "Usually we assume someone had too much rum, and have them taken to the brig. But since you don't drink and you're a landlubber, we thought it was something else. Deckhoof mentioned you were wandering the flooded port, and I got worried you picked up something. But a good days rest, and it seems you were were just too sea sick."
Charter nodded. He stood up, feeling better than before. I have to keep my mind from thinking about Vast. These sailors need me, and I can't be having fits like that , he thought somberly. He missed his sister dearly, but he must not focus on that lest his fears engulf him again.
"If you're up to it, Grimwing wants you on the main deck. He says they've reached an important leg of our journey. But if you feel anything odd come back to me right away. The last thing we need is for you to overexert yourself," said the Doc.
The Scholar thanked her, and headed up to the main deck. The moon was high in the dark sky, giving light to the ocean despite the clouds. But he saw a mist on the horizon, worried what that meant for the fleet. He saw Grimwing, and the pegasus waved him over. Deckhoof with a mariner's chart, plotting a course. Though able to read and make maps himself, Charter had no experience with the oceans. He knew little of currents or ships to be an navigator. At best, he could tell where they were based on the ship's chronometer and the navigation tools.
The sailors gave him an update on what was going to happen, and Grimwing's warning. As the fog began to engulf them, the unicorn began to wonder if he could contain his imagination long enough to last through the journey. He was thankful for the two veteran sailors that were with him. At this point, they may the two pillars I need to stay focused , thought Charter.