Len's eyes widened at the sight of the ancient text, bound in leather and with it's yellow pages and black ink. Even at the speed that Scapel passed through the pages, the Scholar could read enough to know this was the very book they sought. It even included the drawings and equations lacking in later editions, with much material expunged by later hooves. It took all her might not to reach out and touch.
"Yes, yes, this is certainly the book from old Maple's Lot," she said. She sat back in the chair in a rather awkward looking position, her back to the chair and legs hanging out. She breathed in deeply to calm herself, to bring back the facade of ice. "I could spend hours just studying your intrusive countermeasures - I've never seen such artistry, such care in the magical arts. And I say this having been the assistant to Professor Prancer Žemaitukas."
"But the other tome… let me think," her mind went through the mental lists of the various Vaults kept by the Scholarship. Her eyes dulled, and began to stare into space. Quickly, she went through the Greenfields list, hoping that Black Sun Prophesy was not among the lost works. When she was certain it was not there, she went instead to her the Director'sVaults. She narrowed down the vast collection down to the Special Collection. It was a collection kept in a hidden location, protected by spells and locks, and only a select few of the order had access. And just in case, those books where chained to the alcove.
In Len's memory, she saw sitting between The Starfire Fragments and Strange Visions was the tome sought by the Doctor. Then she remember the catalog details. "Yes, we have the book - The Black Sun Prophesies, First Edition. Originally from the Longhoof Collection, it was retrieved before the Inquestion could steal it.
She nodded. "It seems we have similar needs for ancient knowledge - from the mystics of the past we can advance the future. We can make the exchange immediately, without delay, by your terms. You can, of course, check the tome to make sure it's the right one before we finish.
Her eyes returned to life, her mind returning from the trance. "As for your questions, Noxferus… Am I using that correctly? I apologize if I am not." She began to blush, embarrassed. "We shall begin with the basics - the MRI is but the visible front for my order. Perhaps you've heard rumors of us - we call ourselves the Scholars…" She provided the details - their purpose, their origins in the pre-Division Canterlot University, and their main mission. "We are headed by the professors of the University who survived the Sack. The Director I speak of is the very Prancer Žemaitukas, the polymath unicorn who owns MRI and many other labs.
"Of course, the Scholars are not a uniform whole," she said. There was a twinkle in her eye. "Most of the order wish to focus on trying to preserving the past. But not Zemaitukas… he's more interested in research. Research unhindered by… ethical concerns. If you join us, you will not be working for the whole order, just for the Director. You'll find he has much more resources than his peers - the patents he has keeps him very rich. And the Vaults provide a vast database to work from. "
The mare stopped shortly, and appeared to clear her throat. But she was confused - why would this Noxferus would want to know if they were affiliated with the alicorns? She decided to avoid the question if she could for the time being. "We offer much in return, but what of your interests? What subjects do you like to work on?"
When Charter was back on the ship, he decided that he needed to make a move. After making sure the room was secured, he said "Master Grimwing, I have to get back to the mainland. Captain Crashing… I need to speak with him, it could very well help him win this war."