Steel Hammer looked at Scalpel, his eyes were not filled with hate or anger. Just exhaustion and confusion. One caused by wounds, the other by the chaos that followed after being tossed into the air. He had been out for the first moments, but awoke to the sight of battle and the ritual: mechanical ponies, Inquisitors turning into chunky salsa, flying spheres, and the rising Noxferus.
For a moment Steel wondered if had died or was merely dreaming.
Then his memory returned, with a urgency to make sure Lens was still alive. Struggling, he stood and trotted back to where he stood a few moments ago. He ignored the carnage as best he could. One agent had staggered in his path, confused and worried. Steel stopped and broke the Inquisitor's neck. He spat at the body and continued.
Steel saw in the distance Scarlet and the Infiltrator battle. How the bounty hunter got there and why, he could not imagine. But when she finished Longsight, he sighed with relief. "Pity I wasn't there to land a blow," he said to himself.
Not far from Scarlet and Lens, he spotted Summer Dew about to attack. The smithy remembered the safe box he was carrying, now laying dented and ruined on his side, hanging by a single strap. In an instant, the Earth Pony swept in a circle, his rear facing the Inquisitor, the box swung in position. Giving all his strength, Steel bucked the box at lethal velocity.
Before Steel could speak with Scarlet, they were surrounded by the Noxferus' troops. He could do nothing but stand there, looking helplessly as Lens was bounded to one of the Risen. His heart began to pound, worried for her safety. But Lens told them how paranoid the Noxferus was, and was relived he did not merely terminated their lives here and then. He, Lens, and Scarlet were in a dangerous spot.
At the same time, Steel could not help but study the metalwork of the spheres and the other Risen. He frowned slightly, a bit disappointed that the alloy was not to is standard. If I survive this, I need to tell this guy that how could improve his metalwork.
He looked at Scarlet and wondered what she would do. Hopefully it wasn't going to fight, and he hoped that she could get away. He gave her a look and shook his head, hoping that would communicate not to fight back.
The seconds of silence seemed to haunt his mind.