Avatar of Takaru


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Greetings, I'm Takaru. That is all.

Most Recent Posts

SwordfishKnight said
It sounds fun and all, but i'd hate to cause death to haru by ovarian explosion.

You're lying and you know it.
Kissu said
Noboru/Alexei. It would be Bara Paradise.

Sword, you heard the lady. Make it happen.
SwordfishKnight said
[...] Is your plan to ship Noboru with every non persona schoolgirl?

Of course not.

The plan is to ship Noboru with everyone. We ain't that discriminating.
Stats? Let's see for Kotori...

Courage: 1/5 (Average)
Expression: 1/5 (Rough)
Diligence 4/5 (Persuasive)
Knowledge: 4/5 (Professor)
Understanding: 3/5 (Generous)

...she really needs to get out more.
SwordfishKnight said
Around these parts all ships are immediately sunk. [...]

Plot Twist: Warakuma is actually the JMSDF's Anti-Ship Weapon Testing Facility. Totally calling it in advance.

And in no way would the Acronym ASWTF sound like "Aw shit, what the fu-"
SwordfishKnight said
[...] Also, where is Xlegs? Aiko has a crush that's inevitably going to fail.

A ship ain't sunk 'til it hits rock bottom.

...or ice bottom. Or sand bottom. Or whatever else happens to lay at the ocean floor when it's sunk. Or lake floor for that matter.
Eh, it's like one of those expensive things you buy for no real reason yet always brag about - because you're embarassed to say you really don't need it.

...except that it was free.
Kissu said
Rewrite the Saya/Rokoru scene. Make Rokoru's muscles literally tear out of his shirt.

Wait, wait, wait.

There are other ways to get a shirt off?
Geez, you'd think that Warakuma is the JMSDF's principal base of operations, judging by the amount of ships that get launched from here.

...not that I'm complaining, of course.
Sen said
Even... Maziodyne?

Especially Maziodyne.
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