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Greetings, I'm Takaru. That is all.

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A pair of eyes constantly darted from left to right, rereading the last lines of a section of notes that formed the most recent summary of a performance report - having been written and being read by Thessalia Minari and detailing precisely how her A.W.E., the MKS-19C Hagelsturm, had handled itself in the numerous exercises since the last report. Not that any modifications had been made in the meantime - but she still kept the record, both for the sake of keeping track of her own performance as well as compiling the notes in order to potentially make a list of areas that could be improved upon in the A.W.E.'s design itself. The notes, however, read fairly similarly for a number of weeks - little to no change in the performance, only minor occurences of technical difficulties at best and, most of all, a complete lack of feedback as to the handling of team-based situations.

Ever since the splitting of the team - first Miromi, then Douglas and Karl - Colonel Landsfeldt had seemingly given up on the notion of Squad One actually being able to work together cohesively; instead assigning each of its three remaining members training sessions designed to keep up or improve upon their skills with A.W.E. armaments - but not one mission which was to be completed as a team. Instead, that was done at a purely theoretical level - via the means of reading up on battles that had been won or lost due to heavy emphasis on squad level tactics and, in turn, coming up with ways to handle such situations with the given assets. Yet despite the fact that, much more often than not, Thessalia's approaches would have had a good probablity of success, it still did not sit well with her - as the situation the squad was in told tales about what their superiors thought of their skills as a whole.

At the same time, however, the questions had begun to take on an increasingly similar group of available assets - the reason thereof quickly being deciphered: Rather than, like before, simply sticking a team together and hoping for the best, the Colonel was trying to find an actual match - though it was a rather lengthy process, it seemed, seeing as weeks had passed since this realisation had struck the three current Squad One members. For now, no matter how the situation might be to their dislike, they had little other option than to follow the training exercises they were given and to wait. With that, Thessalia saved her notes on her PDA before the holoscreen faded away; the Swiss rising back to her feet - and then turning toward the A.W.E. garage's exit; having been seated before Hagelsturm for the duration of the writing; its presence facilitating the note-taking when the object thereof was in the immediate vicinity. A small nod of acknowledgement was all she gave to the guard as she passed unhindered to the outside and then headed back toward the dorms - whilst sparing a glance backward; a growing habit ever since one of her squadmates had begun not following in the shadow the other exclusively.

Jack Roman and Richard Williams - the two other members of Squad One. The former piloted Nephesh, a stealth A.W.E. capable of undetected sabotage and infiltration of Spirit design - that is, Jack did. Roman meanwhile, the distinct other half of the same person and heir to the very same corporation that manufactured the A.W.E. he piloted, had yet to give any sign of real change; still withdrawing from any situation that featured just about any form of personal interaction - the only positive, if any, was that he had, for now at least, abandoned his plan of writing home to get himself away from Lunar Academy. The latter meanwhile, piloted one of the Ghoul A.W.E.'s - DEMON and FIEND - both of which were designed with assassination, fear tactics and general disruption in mind. Yet despite the time that they had been part of the same squad, they still seemed to have little to relate over; any conversation that did come up often ending sooner rather than later and rarely not pertaining to A.W.E.'s, Lunar Academy itself or their now common link, Jack and Roman.

Shaking those thoughts off, Thessalia approached Squad One's dorm room in the first year's building that she had arrived in; the door opening as she was identified as one of its occupants upon placing her hand on the scanner. Stepping through, she eyed the familiar common room - and quickly spotted at least one other occupant in Richard's slouched form on the couch; a place he was not all too rarely found. Giving a brief nod in greeting - despite the recipient thereof having his eyes closed - she headed for one of the empty seats before falling into her usual routine in the form of her PDA's holoscreen displaying the page of the book she was currently reading that she had previously left off at.
So, a 'Get in, blast everything to bits, get out' type? Sounds like an interesting concept - and a matching personality, too.
In other words: Tea, anyone?
Why not?
Incidentally, that would actually be a fitting answer to both of those questions.
From my side too, I'd say things look both fine and interesting. Some heavy firepower certainly is welcome.
Aside from that: Greetings. I believe I have not extended them yet, so here they are.
Other than that, if I recall correctly, it's basically 'as long as it's reasonable'.
Unfortunately, that means that there are no wanna-be gangsters with huge amounts of bling-bling around to laugh at. A shame, really.

Thessalia Minari from Switzerland and Wirbelwind's MKS-19C Hagelsturm, reporting for duty once more.
Indeed; we are back for more.
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