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Greetings, I'm Takaru. That is all.

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...Can I just kiss hug you right now for giving me the best idea to have to date while I'm choking down this pill for my throat?

You could - but I'm not sure about the health risks of bringing too many swaglasses sunglasses into close proximity of one another.
[...] And holy shit. I've tied to make a post about seven times now. I'm confused as fuck as to where to go. Hopefully will have that fixed soon. X-c

The easiest thing to do would probably be to just head over to the mall and meet up with someone, either pre-arranged or by running into someone. The latter has proven to date to be 100% effective.
[...] Need moar kouhais.

Senpai can't notice anyone if there's no one to notice after all.
Kotori Shirohane - Warakuma High School: Agriculture Club | After School

At Utaha's comment toward her name, Kotori, rather than reply, just looked down at her hands; a little unsure what to do when someone just went a complimented her. Her suggestion toward playing Shiritori had barely gotten over before the boy had entered the room - and after Kotori's words, Utaha had followed on through; albeit with a brief delay due to her managing to catch her feet on something and land face first on the ground. Cringing at the most likely quite painful sight, Kotori was about to help the tall girl up when she already picked herself up; brushing the accident off as she did.

Keiko, who had remained at her place - possibly because there was no need to stand up after two had already done so, perhaps to escape the fate that had befallen Utaha - reaffirmed what had been said before phrasing the open-ended words of Utaha in a more direct question as to the boy's name. The Second Year introduced himself as Rui Shinichi from Class 2-1 before asking who it was that they were all waiting for - a pertinent question, no doubt. With a bow, Kotori returned the introduction "I'm Kotori Shirohane from Class 2-2," before answering the question - though her earlier assumption that he was an Agriculture Club member had turned out to be wrong on account of the Rui's words.

"We... I think we were all waiting for Harvester-senpai, but..." Kotori said, briefly glancing to the other two girls seeing as she wasn't sure if that was the case for them before trailing off - given the announcement earlier in the day, there was little doubt as to why.
Kotori Shirohane - Warakuma High School: Agriculture Club | After School

Kotori wasn't really sure what to be expecting - but it certainly hadn't been the sudden approach of one of the two girls. It was only when she actually stood right before her and had to bend down to bring them face to face that Kotori realised just how tall she was - whilst she herself usually was in the taller half, this girl was something else. Kotori barely got a moment to reply to any of the questions she asked; the girl simply talking on before she had the chance - before grabbing her hands and pulling her over to the table where the other girl sat. A bit startled at how sudden it all was, she could only give a quick "Nice to meet you too, Utaha-san" and having little opportunity for a more polite bow as she was directed toward one of the seats.

Once there, the other girl - Keiko, as she'd caught her name the other day - spoke up; noting that joining would be a little difficult with no one to allow such a thing around. Introducing herself nonetheless and also reaffirming Utaha's name, Keiko then asked Kotori's name. Now seated and with a slightly dumbfounded look on her face, Kotori simply nodded before slowly regaining her wits. "Ah, yes, I'm Kotori Shirohane from Class 2-2," she confirmed after a moment's pause to both Keiko's and Utaha's question.

"Are you girls waiting for someone...?" Fidgeting with the hem of her skirt, Kotori was almost thankful when yet another voice spoke up and drew the immediate attention away from her - looking up and to the door, she saw a black-haired boy standing there who seemed to be wondering why there were three people in a club room that they weren't part of. Given that there probably was little reason for anyone to come to this room without a purpose, Kotori assumed that he was a club member - on whose club they were intruding right now. Quickly standing up, she gave a bow before speaking. "Please excuse us, we were hoping to find someone from the Agriculture Club." Her voice was as quiet as ever - and trailed off a little toward the end as she realised that she wasn't even sure if that was the real reason that Utaha and Keiko were here for. Remaining standing for an awkward moment, she then sat back down; hoping that the others would clear things up if necessary.
Kotori Shirohane - Warakuma High School: Classrom 2-2 | Thursday, April 16 2015 - After School

This day had, to say the least, been a strange one. After the announcement about Matthew's disappearance - and most likely kidnapping even - the rumour mills had practically gone into overdrive; much like they had after Noborus similarly spontaneous vanishing. Kotori meanwhile was left rather conflicted about the announcement - this was the second person who went missing the very same day that she had met them. After a moment, she shook her head to get that silly thought out of her head - there was no way these two were somehow connected and much less that she was somehow involved too. Even so, a small bit of worry never quite left her thoughts throughout the day.

With the ringing of the bell that signalled the end of the school day, Kotori breathed a silent sigh with mixed feelings as she finished up her notes of the day. Putting her notebook away, she retrieved a piece of paper from her school bag - the application form that she'd received just yesterday. She remembered the discussion she'd had with her mother about it - whether it would be acceptable for her to join a club when she was helping out at home. Unfortunately, her mother had shot all her carefully prepared arguments down completely with an immediate and oddly delighted "Yes" right away; leading to Kotori now holding a carefully filled out form in her hands.

Now, however, there was an entirely different problem at hand - with their club president missing, Kotori doubted that the other Agriculture members would be much in the mood for new members right now; the girl knowing little of the fact that said members numbered in the lower zeroes. As such, she didn't want to bother them at such a time - much less when she didn't even know anyone other than the now missing Matthew; and even him just fleetingly. After a moment, however, Kotori ultimately decided to at least head by the Agriculture Club - after all, she'd already decided that she'd like to join, however tentatively that may be. With that, she stood up from her chair - her inner debate having given most of her classmates ample time to already head on out - and, with both bag and application form in hand, to head out.

Kotori Shirohane - Warakuma High School: Agriculture Club | After School

Of course, saying - or rather, thinking - something was one thing; actually doing it was entirely another. Standing in front of the door to the Agriculture Club - she still wondered why it was such a far-off room - Kotori stood clutching the application form in one hand and the other half-raised as if to knock on the door but hesitating. Still, she had decided to follow through - and thus, gently knocked against the door; generating a rather faint sound that would barely be heard over the voices that she could hear muffled from the other side. Waiting for a second or ten, Kotori then opened the door - and found two familiar faces sitting inside in the form of the two girls who had visited the Agriculture Club yesterday.

"Excuse me," Kotori said, giving a small bow as she did. As she stepped inside, she noticed that the two were, in fact, the only ones here - and had been the ones whose voices she'd heard. With none of the actual club members around, Kotori's original purpose for coming here quickly fell apart - though at the same time, it saved her from being questioned by a club member about Matthew's disappearance as she briefly remembered something similar happening back when Noboru vanished. That, however, was a different matter - the current one being her standing a little awkwardly at the door and not knowing what to say to the two girls who were no doubt expecting her to speak up now that she'd already stepped inside.

"Uhm... good day," Kotori said, her voice even quiter than usual, whilst she glanced from side to side behind her glasses but still seeing no sign of any club members about. "Was anyone else here?" she asked - only to realise that the question didn't really make much sense by itself. Holding up the application form - slightly crumpled from her unconsciously and nervously having played with it in her hand - she added: "I was thinking of joining." A moment later, Kotori wondered just why she'd said that - of course the other two already knew that; they'd seen and heard her just yesterday after all.
Kotori Shirohane - Warakuma High School: Agriculture Club | After School

As introduction were exchanged, Kotori's eyes shifted between the speakers - all of whom she'd never met before and thus was making sure she'd remember their names and faces if they met at a later date. However, before she even got a chance to ask anything about the club - when they met, what they actually did or if it would be alright to miss a meeting on occasion - Matthew, or Matt as he preferred, seemed to realise that he was running late for something. Apologising for the sudden haste, he handed each of the girls an application form. Kotori took hers with a still slightly confused expression at the turn of events so far - in fact, all she'd really learned about the club was that the other two girls weren't members and that the club and seemingly only member was quite a talkative and forward person.

Not having gotten even a single word in since her own introduction, Kotori was left standing outside the Agriculture Clubroom with a quite clearly bewildered look about her; blinking a few times before glancing down at the piece of paper in her hand and then to the two girls who had similarly been shuffled out of the room in short order; an awkward attempt at a half-smile of sorts on her face. "Uhm..." she started - only to realise that she didn't really know what to say in such a situation; instead opting to give a quick bow. "I-I should get going, I think," Kotori said, her voice still quiet as ever and not exactly very convincing - but it still seemed the better option than remaining in awkward silence as she would have otherwise.
Kotori Shirohane - Warakuma High School: Agriculture Club | After School

Barely having walked in herself to ask whether this really was the club she was looking for, Kotori heard another voice behind her; announcing herself with a "Hello! Hi. um." Standing between her and the previously sole occupant of the room and therefore presumed club member of the Agriculture Club, Kotori was left looking between the two; unsure if she had somehow intruded upon a club meeting. However, the boy quickly turned around and addressed both of them; a wide smile accompanying his veritable stream of words that didn't even allow for an answer before he was done talking. Blinking in confusion at the number of question that had been asked, Kotori barely managed to get an "Uhm..." out before yet another voice made itself known: "Hello there~! What are you doing~? Oh, and are you the president~? I definitely would have expected the president being a girl rather than a guy, though~"

Now fully confused with the tall girl's sudden appearance, Kotori took a step back before giving a bow. "I'm Kotori Shirohane from Class 2-2 and I was looking to join the Agriculture Club. Ah, that is, maybe..." she introduced herself and stating her reason for being here - albeit her quiet voice trailing off fully towards the end as she glanced between the other three students present - Matthew Harvester, the Club President and by both looks and names a transfer student from overseas; the girl that had entered just after herself and hadn't said much yet; and finally the tall girl whose attitude seemed far more in line with Matthew than with either of the other girls. Unsure what to make of the entire situation, seeing as she didn't know any of the three or what the two girls' relation to the Agriculture Club was, Kotori was left to look between them and occasionally pick at the hem of her skirt - a habit she'd acquired ages ago.
Kotori Shirohane - Warakuma High School: Classroom 2-2 | Wednesday, April 15 2015 - After School

The bell rang once more; signalling the end of classes for the day - and the usual mass exodus from the classroom. And much like usual, Kotori was one of those few who remained in her seat when the time came; opting to finish up her day's notes before packing her bag - which had the added advantage of letting her bypass the worst of the large sea of students loitering in the hallways on their way home, to clubs or to friends by virtue of arriving there after them. With the day's work thus done, Kotori took her bag before heading out of the classroom and into the hallway. With Noboru having turned back up at school, most of the wild rumours about him had since died down; other topics taking the place instead. However, something else had caught Kotori's attention that morning - a flyer for a new club.

Kotori Shirohane - Warakuma High School | Wednesday, April 15 2015 - After School

As she made her way to the clubroom, Kotori couldn't quite help but get a slight feeling of doubt creep up in her mind - the clubroom was one of the out-of-the-way ones, the flyer had been somewhat a rather simple one and she'd never actually heard of the school having an agriculture club before - but ultimately, she decided to at least pay them a visit, seeing as at least that much surely couldn't hurt. And if it turned out to not be something for her - or the times they'd meet even if it was happened to be inconvenient for helping out at home - she could always apologise for having wasted their time. With that in mind, Kotori took a quick breath before gently tapping on the clubroom door - so gently, in fact, that it was barely even audible; leaving her standing in front of the closed door for another few moments before she slowly pushed it open; peering inside.

"Uhm... excuse me? Is this the Agriculture Club...?" she asked, her voice quiet as ever, after glancing about the rather empty room and then finding its sole occupant standing there in deep thought by the looks of it.
...Have I just signed up to join a cult?


And by no, I mean yes.

And by I, I mean we.

And by we, we include you.
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