Kotori Shirohane - Warakuma High School: Classrom 2-2 | Thursday, April 16 2015 - After School
This day had, to say the least, been a strange one. After the announcement about Matthew's disappearance - and most likely kidnapping even - the rumour mills had practically gone into overdrive; much like they had after Noborus similarly spontaneous vanishing. Kotori meanwhile was left rather conflicted about the announcement - this was the second person who went missing the very same day that she had met them. After a moment, she shook her head to get that silly thought out of her head - there was no way these two were somehow connected and much less that she was somehow involved too. Even so, a small bit of worry never quite left her thoughts throughout the day.
With the ringing of the bell that signalled the end of the school day, Kotori breathed a silent sigh with mixed feelings as she finished up her notes of the day. Putting her notebook away, she retrieved a piece of paper from her school bag - the application form that she'd received just yesterday. She remembered the discussion she'd had with her mother about it - whether it would be acceptable for her to join a club when she was helping out at home. Unfortunately, her mother had shot all her carefully prepared arguments down completely with an immediate and oddly delighted "Yes" right away; leading to Kotori now holding a carefully filled out form in her hands.
Now, however, there was an entirely different problem at hand - with their club president missing, Kotori doubted that the other Agriculture members would be much in the mood for new members right now; the girl knowing little of the fact that said members numbered in the lower zeroes. As such, she didn't want to bother them at such a time - much less when she didn't even know anyone other than the now missing Matthew; and even him just fleetingly. After a moment, however, Kotori ultimately decided to at least head by the Agriculture Club - after all, she'd already decided that she'd like to join, however tentatively that may be. With that, she stood up from her chair - her inner debate having given most of her classmates ample time to already head on out - and, with both bag and application form in hand, to head out.
Kotori Shirohane - Warakuma High School: Agriculture Club | After School
Of course, saying - or rather, thinking - something was one thing; actually doing it was entirely another. Standing in front of the door to the Agriculture Club - she still wondered why it was such a far-off room - Kotori stood clutching the application form in one hand and the other half-raised as if to knock on the door but hesitating. Still, she had decided to follow through - and thus, gently knocked against the door; generating a rather faint sound that would barely be heard over the voices that she could hear muffled from the other side. Waiting for a second or ten, Kotori then opened the door - and found two familiar faces sitting inside in the form of the two girls who had visited the Agriculture Club yesterday.
"Excuse me," Kotori said, giving a small bow as she did. As she stepped inside, she noticed that the two were, in fact, the only ones here - and had been the ones whose voices she'd heard. With none of the actual club members around, Kotori's original purpose for coming here quickly fell apart - though at the same time, it saved her from being questioned by a club member about Matthew's disappearance as she briefly remembered something similar happening back when Noboru vanished. That, however, was a different matter - the current one being her standing a little awkwardly at the door and not knowing what to say to the two girls who were no doubt expecting her to speak up now that she'd already stepped inside.
"Uhm... good day," Kotori said, her voice even quiter than usual, whilst she glanced from side to side behind her glasses but still seeing no sign of any club members about. "Was anyone else here?" she asked - only to realise that the question didn't really make much sense by itself. Holding up the application form - slightly crumpled from her unconsciously and nervously having played with it in her hand - she added: "I was thinking of joining." A moment later, Kotori wondered just why she'd said that - of course the other two already knew that; they'd seen and heard her just yesterday after all.