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Greetings, I'm Takaru. That is all.

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Kotori Shirohane - Cave of Solitude | Sunday, June 7 2015

The tide of battle turned rather quickly - what was left of the imposing circle of shadows was being rapidly mopped up by the group. For all their numbers and disconcerting appearances, they hadn't been too much of a threat. Though Kotori wasn't exactly going to complain - using Kikuri-Hime's healing abilities, she could at least make sure everyone was ready for whatever came next. Megumi quickly guided them up to the second floor. Kaminari raced ahead of the group, quite evidently desperate to help the girl who was trapped in this world. A number of doors awaited them - but each one that was tried turned out to be locked. All except one, as Megumi pointed out a moment later - the very same behind which she could sense something and someone behind. That was all that Kaminari needed as he bolted off right for the door again, pushing them aside as he rushed inside. Not knowing what to expect, Kotori followed the others; glancing around more than a little nervously.

Stepping inside, it the room that she'd expected turned out to be a cave instead - one hung to full of spiderwebs which, at a second glance, seemed to be pulsing with electricity. Whilst Kotori slowed down to take in these strange surroundings, Kaminari had no such compunctions - he raced straight for the center of both the room and the spider's web. Having been distracted by the strangeness of the place, she only now realised that at the very center of both the room and the spider's web stood a figure - or rather three. Blinking once, twice, Kotori first thought she was seeing things. Did she have multiple shadows? Was that even possible? Did that mean they'd be facing multiple enemies? A cold feeling ran down her spine at that - she'd thought it terrible enough just seeing the others have to face off against her shadow, but now two?

Kaminari meanwhile took a swing at one of the creatures - but it stepped aside effortlessly; raising its voice so that it could be heard all throughout the room. They spoke - Kotori only realised it was both of their voices after a moment - about the girl, Ayano, how she hid herself away, why she did it - though the words were spoken by the strange creatures that weren't Ayano, Kotori couldn't help but feel as if she was just scared and confused. But just then Ayano cried the fateful words: You're not me!

And with that, a frozen silence entered the room. It only lasted for a moment though, as it was suddenly broken by a sudden giggling that seemed to fill the whole spider-webbed cave. Left with little else but to stare on, Kotori watched as the two shadows melted down - and just before hope could spring up that perhaps that was all there was to it, a hand broke through the surface of mixed black and white. And then another. Then two, then six. Soon, dozens of both hands and feet were grasping from within the puddle, as if trying to lift themselves free - and slowly they did. And with them rose a face - no, two, no, more.

It took Kotori a few moments before she quite knew what she was looking at - some bizarre behemoth of disjointed limbs and faces, mechanical in nature, frightening to look upon and seeped with malice without a doubt even before it declared its full intention to kill everyone single person in the room. Kotori stepped back at the sight of the creature - but thankfully it retreated instead of surging forward. With a moment's pause, Kotori quickly looked around - and saw that Kaminari had quickly grabbed Ayano to get her to safety whilst Rui had already focused his attention on the enormous spider-like creature in whose web they found themselves. Sato seemed to be holding himself better than her too - leaving her to take a deep breath to try and calm herself as the battle began.

Unfortunately, things weren't quite that simple. Without much trouble and despite its size, the spider-shadow managed to dodge out of the way of their attacks and spewed webs in return. Though for all their attacks that missed the creature, they did strike the web behind - and with it tore strips off it; frayed cables hanging loose in more than one place now. Rui seemed to see this as their best bet - the connection to Megumi seemingly lost once more - and ordered the group to focus on the web rather than the spinner thereof whilst keeping an eye out for it.

It wasn't an easy task no doubt - but Kotori steeled herself for it, having the good fortune that Kikuri-Hime wouldn't need to actually get too close to utilise her offensive Zio spell, which she aimed at the web. Though even as she did, she feared that this fight might require more of her healing abilities than the previous one.
Kotori Shirohane - Cave of Solitude | Sunday, June 7 2015

Kotori quickly looked over the result of the massed attack that the group had unleashed on the spindly shadow creatures - but not in incredulity at the sheer strangeness of the whole scene, though she knew in any other situation that is what she'd be doing, but rather trying to make sure none of the creatures were getting too close as they moved in for a counter-attack even as Rui warned them to keep an eye out for any trickery. With the previous attack putting their foes into disarray, they at least didn't have to worry about attacks from behind - and Kotori found herself toward the rear of the group, leaving the more physically capable team members out front. They hadn't gotten away completely unscathed though - but fortunately, there hadn't been any actual injuries but merely scratches, light cuts and close calls, distressing though those may be.

With enough breathing space, Kotori had time to choose her next target before motioning toward it with one hand - the gesture not even being needed as Kikuri-Hime sprang into action once again; calling down another bolt of lightning from on high to strike one of the creatures. It hadn't even needed more than a passing thought - much like the others had said, it became second nature nearly immediately; as if one had always known how to utilise one's persona - though, in a sense, that was exactly how it was, after all. Still, there was no time to marvel at the sensation - instead, Kotori fixed her eyes on the shadow creatue. It had survived the immediate strike, though clearly taken damage - it seemed her defensive and supporting abilities really did outstrip her offensives ones, though at least the creature would be softened up for any subsequent attacks that were sure to dispatch it.

It looked like the tide of battle was rapidly turning in the group's favour despite having been caught flat-footed initially. Still, Rui had called every to be careful - and as such, Kotori quickly checked her surroundings, just to be sure, before checking up on the others' state, given that they were positioned closer to the enemies. Though she'd been told that Megumi could keep them updated on any strange shadow movements, it was one thing to know it but another to truly understand it for what it was - so Kotori found herself glancing around for any odd movements all the while.
Kotori Shirohane - Cave of Solitude | Sunday, June 7 2015

The search was turning out to be somewhat fruitless. The television spewed some sparks, the books remained illegible and unmoving and any secret passages decided to stay secret. The whole house still remained in its strange pixelated state and they didn't seem to be any closer to finding a clue - at least until Rui tuned the television to a station he'd found in the solely unblurred TV guide. Rather than sending out sparks, the screen instead flickered to life as a sound could be heard - before both stabilised into an actual image onscreen accompanied by corresponding sounds.

Stepped closer, as did everyone else, Kotori peered at the screen. On it was a drama of sorts - but verily overdone to the point of being hard to take serious. After needing a moment to get used to the excessively grandiose manner of speaking and overly dramatic musical accompaniment she realised that the person the drama seemed to be about was someone she recognised. She knew it was Ayano Wakahisa and that she went to the same school - that much she'd been told by the others - but it also was the same girl who'd been in a bit of a panic at the idol concert in the mall some time ago.

Thinking on that, she only realised that the events on screen had stopped moving when everyone started to look at each other in confusion at that. Kotori followed suit - until they realised that the screen wasn't actually frozen but rather just Ayano at its center. And then the TV itself began to move; growing ever larger and out of proportion.

Kotori drew a sharp breath and took a half-step aback - but just moments later the TV had stretched out so far that it completely engulfed the whole group, now finding itself in the world that had been shown inside the TV. And now that they'd arrived, Ayano stirred once more - but as she got up, she didn't seem to stop growing taller. In fact, she became ever more drawn out; within a few steps that she took toward the group becoming a barely humanoid shape of... something with eyes fixed on them from above as it had grown to towering proportions already.

Kotori stared wide-eyed at this... thing - was this how it had been with her for the others? But before she could wonder about it, laughter erupted from behind them - laughter which was quickly joined by many more voices. Whipping around, the group found itself confronted by every Ayano they'd seen on the TV show; still garbed in the same clothes - and slowly stepping towards them. And as they did, so too did they begin to contort into the same amorphous shadowy mass; barely even humanoid and with only two giant eyes to stare down at them with.

Staring up at them, Kotori gripped her weapon closely to her - if one could call it that. It had been decided to be the best choice, given that she probably wouldn't be needing one for attack rather than just something to keep any would-be attackers at bay and thus something long enough without being too heavy or requiring actual training to use. And thus, she clutched a traditional umbrella in her hand; even though no one really knew how it had ended on the pile of weapons.

Just then, a voice broke through the eerie distorted laughter from the circle of shadows - Megumi's. She was glad to be through - and surprised at the sudden shadow presence. Luckily though, Rui was less so and calmly ordered the group to attack the shadows. The way he kept his cool did help - if the group leader was confident, then that must mean that they had a chance. Or at least, that's what Kotori hoped.

Drawing a long, deep breath, she calmed her nerves - now wasn't the time to be nervous or scared. She was here to help the others help the girl, Ayano, trapped in this strange world just as they'd done for her. And she'd already decided to do her best - so no more hesitating. Raising her free hand as she released her breath, Kotori uttered a single word: "Kikuri-Hime." And with that, she clenched her hand into a fist - thereby shattering the spectral card that had appeared in her palm. Or perhaps it had always been there?

Either way, the result came immediately - as a ghostly silhouette formed in the air behind her; rapidly solidifying into the already familiar shape of her Persona. It was an action that she'd done for the first time - yet it felt as natural as breathing, requiring not a moment's thought or hesitation. The next step, however, wasn't quite as easy - she'd been told by Megumi about Kikuri-Hime's abilities and how to use them. Strong on the magical, weak on the physical side of things with only one offensive ability - one which she would have to picture in her mind and then command Kikuri-Hime to perform.

Fixing the nearest of the shadowy creatures with her eyes - they weren't really Ayano, they were just Shadows, Kotori repeated in her mind - Kotori focused her full attention on it as she spoke: "Kikuri-Hime. Zio." As if she'd just been waiting for that, Kikuri-Hime brought her hands, holding the large flower in them, close to her chest - when suddenly, without any forewarning, a bolt of lightning struck down from high above; arcing down onto the targeted shadow with a cracking boom even as a scything wind cut into some of the others.

Seeing the attack, knowing it was her power that had caused it - Kotori felt oddly calm. It was strange - looking at the shadows, she knew she should be feeling afraid. They were strange, otherworldy and malignant - yet with Kikuri-Hime at her side and the others, even if she'd only just met them, fighting along with her, she couldn't help but feel a small measure of confidence; hope even. With that, she quickly glanced at the others - knowing of Kikuri-Hime's abilities, Kotori also knew that she'd be able to restore injuries sustained in this mirror world and thus would make sure to keep a close eye on any damage being sustained.
Kotori Shirohane - Cave of Solitude | Sunday, June 7 2015

With the preparations complete, the team headed off into the other world. It was a slightly... odd sight. From her own experience and what she'd heard of the others, Kotori had expected some twisted world of bizarre sights - but instead, they found themselves in front of a normal house. Or rather, mostly normal - the house itself seemed blurry and unclear; like a picture that hadn't quite loaded yet - or if she were to look at it without her glasses. They'd only gotten a brief look at it when the doors opened - but instead of some shadowy monster, two human figures appeared who turned out to be the Tadao and Riku who had gone on ahead already and gave a report on their findings.

Leaving the remaining members outside in case they needed backup, the team entered the house - Kotori would have to lie if she said she wasn't feeling rather nervous. Still, she wasn't alone - and this was to help a kidnapped victim, so she'd do her best to help them out. Kaminari meanwhile seemed even more anxious than her - though for different reasons, given how eager he was to get things going. After entering the house, things were quiet - no signs of shadows even on the second floor, only the continued theme of blurriness if one excepted the endless corridors thing; much like the recon party had described. Rui gave it a moment's thought before ordering them to search around for any clues, figuring it to be a trick of sorts.

If this had been a novel she were reading, Kotori would probably be quite engrossed in the strange mystery - but being an actual part of it made things decidedly less fun and interesting. Still, they had a mission to accomplish here - and it wouldn't finish itself just by standing around after all. As such, she too began to look around - even as Megumi's voice was heard, albeit with the telepathy apparently having rather bad connection. No one seemed too worried about it however, so Kotori put that worry aside and focused instead on her surroundings.

Kaminari had identified the house as the victim's, Ayano Wakahisa. Despite the slight blurriness, things were still recognisable and seemed to be what one would expect to find in a normal house. Still, there had to be something strange here - of that not only Rui was convinced. The others had already fanned out to begin the search for... anything, really. Kaminari was pacing around, looking and poking at anything and everything whilst Sato - himself new to the team, much like herself - seemed far less hesitant than her and was already checking anything that looked remotely shadow-y.

Looking around, Kotori decided to go for the classic in such a situation - and checked for any bookcases, just in case there actually was some secret passage hidden behind a fake book for once.
Kotori Shirohane - Shirohane Flower Shop | Saturday, June 6 2015 - After School

With a bow and a still awkward attempt at a bright smile, Kotori thanked the newest customer and bid them goodbye - before breathing a small sigh of relief after they were gone. Though she'd promised herself to put herself forward a little more, it wasn't exactly going to just happen from one day to another. Still, she did at least not feel like shrinking away all the while she was talking, so maybe there was some hope at least. Seeing as there were no other customers in the store at the moment, she looked around the shop - even as her thoughts slowly returned to the events of the past week.

As expected, there'd been a lot of buzz about the whole kidnapping - but once it became clear that there wasn't much more to go on than last time, the school-wide interest died down as quickly as before. As such, it was soon back to business as usual - even if Kotori was slightly worried about how much she might have missed due to her absence.

Then there'd also been the talk with Rui - though they'd spoken about the subject on the phone already, that had been mostly clarifications and summaries, leaving the details for later. Once this later came to pass, things became a lot more clear - and less so at the same time. The kidnappings, the strange other worlds and the powers they had there, what they knew about shadows and personas - it was mostly guesswork as there just was so little to actually go on besides what they'd experienced directly. Still, it was good to know that there were those out there who would try and help - and Kotori only reconfirmed that she would do so too.

Agriculture Club, meanwhile, had been a little odd. Not out of the ordinary necessarily, but knowing that Matthew was a fellow persona holder - and had been so for longer without her knowing - did feel feel slightly on the strange side. He did seem a bit apologetic about the whole matter, but seeing as going further into the matter with Shizuka present would be a little difficult, Kotori was left to wonder exactly why that would be.

Kotori's thoughts were brought to an abrupt halt when a sudden movement before her caused her to nearly jump in surprise - which, a moment and a breath of relief later, turned out to be her mother's hand being waved in front of her face. Apparently, she'd been deeper in thought than she'd known or intended - much to the amusement of her mother, judging by the smile on her face and the way she laughed when Kotori quickly apologised for it before focusing back on the shop here and now.

Kotori Shirohane - Abandoned Warehouse | Sunday, June 7 2015

Hearing the boy who'd been introduced to her as Kaminari, or Kami for short, talk about what had unfolded the previous day left a heavy feeling on Kotori - and everyone else, judging by the silence that followed his question. After it was decided that he'd be going along, Megumi informed them that the other two from Shoujin High, Tadao and Riku, were already underway ahead of them and recommended everyone get their preparations done.

Looking about, Kotori wasn't quite sure what to do - she'd been given a very brief rundown and introduction, but little more given the pressing matter. Megumi had helpfully identified Kotori's Persona's abilities more closely whilst Rui had explained that the rather large assortment of strewn about was intended for use on the other side, given that they were able to bring equipment with them - and having a backup weapon would never be a bad idea. Furthermore, it had been decided that she'd be on the team going in - together with Rui and Kami as well as Sato, who had been kidnapped on the same day as her. On one hand, Kotori was glad to be of help - but on the other, she couldn't help but feel nervous about it. Still, she promised to do her best and fully intended to uphold said promise.
Kotori Shirohane - Warakuma Hospital | Monday, June 1 2015

Toma had entered only shortly when there was yet another knock on the door - when it turned out that apparently, Kotori hadn't made just one senpai from school worried, but another in the form of Alexei. "Ah, good evening, Dragunov-senpai. I'm doing fine," she said in response, giving a small bow while she did. Seeing the flowers in his hand, she gave a small smile - it was an unexpected, but not unwelcome, gesture; both the flowers and the smile. Much like the vase holding those that her mother had brought, flowers of all kinds always helped in making a hospital room a little more hospitable rather than their usually meticulously perfect and sterile selves.

However, that wasn't even the end of the ever-increasingly unexpected tide of visitors - a series of knocks followed before the door swung open, the one responsible making his entrance with his characteristic cheer being the Agriculture Club President, Matt. And in tow - and apparent distress at the other's brash entering - came Shizuka. She hesitated at the sight of the other visitors already present before apologising for the intrusion. "Oh, no, you're not disturbing at all, Otonashi-san, Harvester-senpai," Kotori said, shaking her head as she did - though it as true that the room was a little too small to accomodate quite this many guests. Holding up the fruit basket he'd brought along, Matt complained about having just got here - but relented anyway, dropping his gift off to a word of thanks from Kotori before heading out again.


Later that evening, long after visiting hours had ended, Kotori found herself herself with a small smile on her lips when she looked over to the bedside table - though she did feel a little guilty for having made everyone so worried, it was still nice to know that they cared so much. She really had been silly to think that it would be for the better to try and keep her distance from people, she thought as she shook her head at that.

Kotori Shirohane - Warakuma High School: Classroom 2-2 | Wednesday, June 3 2015 - After School

Like any other, this school day came to a close with the bell signalling its end. And, again, like any other, the classroom erupted in activity and chatter. But unlike most days, some of that activity homed in on Kotori - even before she could finish up her notes. It had been much the same earlier during lunch break - after feeling the looks of more than a few of her classmates on her, they'd crowded around and asked her all sorts of questions. How she was, if she'd been hurt, who'd done it - questions which, unlike the rather recent last time she'd garnered such close attention, she actually tried to answer as well as she could. At least those that didn't pertain to anything after the kidnapping - she doubted that anyone, besides Akane who'd been there, would believe her even if she told the truth; leaving her instead to give the usual 'Can't remember anything' vagueness for an answer.

Her classmate wasn't the only one who'd believe it though - as Kotori had found out the day before, there weren't just four other who bore the power over their Persona. She'd given Rui a call - after deliberating about it for a good minute or five beforehand - and been given the brief low-down about what he knew about the whole thing. Much as expected, the other kidnapping cases had resulted in the victims actually showing up in the strange place and facing their own shadows - once she'd gotten over the whole magic and other worlds stuff, it seemed only logical. Soon enough, Kotori had more than willingly agreed to aid the investigation team.
Kotori Shirohane - Warakuma Hospital | Monday, June 1 2015

Much as expected, Rui had indeed come to speak about what had happened in... wherever that place had been. As he gave a subtle pose to indicate the topic - most likely because 'summoning magical beings' sounded a little ridiculous in any serious conversation - which seemed familiar - but luckily, he spoke on before Kotori could recall the scene of him and the shirtless Noboru posing in the mall some time ago. As he stated that he was just checking in today, she gave a nod followed by a "Ah, yes, I'm fine. No need to worry." She gave an awkward half-smile at that - given that he'd heard her talking literally to herself, he had to know that 'fine' was a rather relative term. However, it was still as true as could be. He then handed her his phone number to be able to contact him on the matters before leaving after saying his goodbyes. "Yes, that's right," she confirmed her discharge date before giving another small bow as he was leaving: "Goodbye, Shinichi-san."

Once he'd left, Kotori reached for her phone to save the number - which, she realised, was the first number outside her family's that she'd entered. Not only that, but it was even a boy's - but before she could think on that, another knock could be heard from the door. When the door wasn't opened afterwards, as she might have expected from a nurse, she put her phone aside before calling "Come in" to whoever this visitor may be. Her mother had been a given, as had the police - and Rui, likely as a representative of the others, too, hadn't been completely unexpected. This left her wondering - until the door opened to reveal it to be Toma.

Kotori was quite surprised at that - but gave a small bow in greeting nonetheless. "Ah, good evening, Tanaka-senpai," she said - before getting a closer look at the older boy. Concern came over her face as she noticed that he looked more than a little under the weather - and he hadn't been the first person to do so today. "Uhm, are you alright?" she asked, a little hesitantly - which likely seemed a little odd, considering that she was supposed to be the patient and he the visitor.
Kotori Shirohane - Unknown Place | Unknown Time

"Welcome, to the Velvet Room" It was to these words that Kotori opened her eyes - or rather, she woke up to. No, that wasn't quite right either - but at the same time, the distinction didn't seem important. Instead, she found herself slowly looking about her surroundings - it was predominantly blue, in a velvet shade which seemed oddly familiar for some reason. Bringing her gaze to her front, she saw a long dining table; big enough to host about a two dozen or so guests at the same time. The seats - one of which she occupied, she realised - there were other figures, but most too wispy to truly make out.

It was strange. She should be afraid, or at least wondering at the oddness of this place and how she got here - but she found herself quite calm instead, as if she'd somehow already been here. Looking closer at the table, she noticed that before her own seat was an inscription which read as 'Priestess' - and that she wasn't the only occupant who wasn't a mere silhouette. Of the three, one drew her immediate attention. An impossibly long nose, huge eyes and a very wide grin made up his face - yet despite his outlandish appearance, he seemed neither comedic nor truly frightening as he fixed the two guests before him with his eyes.

"This is a place between mind, and matter, dreams, and reality. I see we have two more guests joining us this time. I am Igor, and this is my assistant, Henrietta", he said, the blonde-haired girl giving only the slightest of acknowledgements at her introduction. "To have two in here at once... It has been a long time since I've had the pleasure, of having more than a single guest in here at any single time. Let's see... You... Have drawn the Fortune. To choose one's destiny is one of the many facets of life, but whether or not you can execute that choice is an entirely other matter. It appears you nearly simply gave into a predetermined fate, I'm sure you will agree", he spoke. He seemed to be addressing the other guest - before turning to Kotori.

"And you, have drawn the Priestess arcana... A very pleasant arcana if I do say so myself, it represents the feminine, and means untapped wisdom or power... Which for you would have remained untapped if not for some persistent people yes?" Kotori didn't know how he'd know of such things - he just did and that was all there was to it. She didn't even need to nod in agreement - she knew it to be true too. "But... Now is not yet time to go any further... Henrietta." At the clicking of his fingers, the girl in question stood up, walking around the long table to hand both of their guests a key. Kotori looked at hers - it was in the same shade of velvet as the room itself.

"This is the key to this room, in due time you will find yourself returning here of your own will, but until then... Farewell" And with those words, velvet to blackness once again; Kotori's departure being just as seamless as her initial arrival.


Kotori Shirohane - Warakuma Hospital | Monday, June 1 2015

Kotori's eyes slowly opened - only to immediately close again at the brightness before them. A little more gingerly she tried again, slowly trying to adjust her eyes. The first thing she noticed was that her surroundings weren't velvet - instead, they were mostly white. Besides that, she had difficulty actually making them out - everything seemed out of focus. Blinking once, twice, it took her a moment to realise that she didn't have her glasses on as she reached up to rub her eyes. Looking down and around, she also realised that she was in a bed - and even without her glasses, an involuntary frown came over her face as she recognised it; even seeing clearly: She was at the Warakuma Hospital. She'd been here a few times in the past; sometimes even in these very same beds - so often in fact that she not only was able to recognise them but also had grown to dislike them.

Luckily though, it also meant she knew that there was a small cabinet at the bedside atop which she found her glasses - and as the world returned to its normal unblurred self, she gave a small sigh of relief. A small smile followed when she saw that that hadn't been the only thing there: A small vase stood there, a colourful arrangement of flowers standing within and bringing at least some life to this otherwise so pristine and stale feeling room. Looking around, Kotori reconfirmed that she really was in a hospital room - before her gaze fell on the chair beside her bed. Or rather, the occupant therein. Wide-eyed and with the strangest of expressions on her face sat her mother, staring her straight in the eye. Kotori was taken aback at the sight - beneath her eyes were the beginnings of dark rings, the eyes themselves reddened and her hair looked somewhat disheveled. She looked like she hadn't slept a wink for days.

"...Mum?" Kotori gingerly asked when she didn't say a word - only to find herself in a sobbing hug so fast her mother might as well have spontaneously developed teleportation skills. "Oh, Kotori," she heaved between breaths as she clutched her daughter closely. "You had me so worried." Relenting ever so slightly in her grip, Tsubame drew away just enough to sit down on the edge of the hospital bed - but now with a tearful smile on her face. Confusion started to make way for guilt in Kotori's mind as she realised what her mother meant - and just why she looked that way.

For her, it had been a strange experience - but for her mother, her only daughter suddenly vanished from the face of the earth without a trace. Of course she was going to be worried - even more if said daughter happened to be Kotori. A faint clicking noise drew the two Shirohanes' attention to the door where a nurse stepped through - only to stop for a moment when she saw that Kotori was sat up and awake. "Ah, excellent, you're awake, Shirohane-san. I'll let the doctor know," the nurse said with a genuine smile before leaving the room again. Turning to her mother, Kotori asked to confirm her suspicion: "What time is it?" The answer didn't really surprise her - but her eyes widened for a moment when the next question was answered with "Monday."


"So, just to be sure. In recent memory, have you felt light-headed? Had difficulty breathing? Chest pains? Headaches?" With each question being answered with a "No" and a shake of Kotori's head, the doctor gave a satisfied nod. "Okay, that's good." Flipping through the several sheets of paper on his clipboard, occasionally stopping on one to examine it, he finally nodded once more before speaking up again. "Well, the test results show you're doing as well as on your checkup last Saturday, so there's no cause for concern. You can be discharged tomorrow," the doctor said before leaving again. Following that, the two talked for a while more - most of it being Tsubame catching Kotori up on what had happened these past few days before she too would leave. She was more than a little reluctant to do so - but Kotori insisted that she looked like she needed rest more than her daughter. Tsubame promised to come by early the next day again before heading back home - the same place she'd spent the last few days in constant fear ever since Kotori had gone missing. But thankfully, that was now over she thought as she passed the two policemen sitting outside the room and a boy; paying neither of them much heed at this point.

The policemen were the next to enter the room - the same two that had shown up at her home Friday to inquire about her disappearance - and asked her a few questions; having rather tactfully given the two some time first. Unfortunately, she couldn't really answer their questions to any kind of satisfaction - on one hand, she didn't know anything about the kidnappers. On the other hand, she kind of doubted that telling the truth would work out very well so she instead opted to simply say she didn't have any clear memory of things after the kidnapping until she woke up again in the hospital. The policemen were clearly not very happy with so few leads, but soon after thanked her for her time and wished her a swift recovery before they too left the room; the shortness of her answers leaving just a few minutes before visiting hours would end.

Once they did, she found herself alone in the room as her thoughts turned to the events that had unfolded. It seemed even crazier now that she thought back on it - but at the same time, she knew it wasn't a dream. She gave a soft sigh as she turned her eyes downward to her hands resting on her lap. It was silly, really - and at the same time, that silliness just made her feel all the more guilty. Three years ago, her father had died in a car accident - it was so sudden and unexpected, it'd come as a complete shock to her. One day he was there - and the next, gone. Forever. She still remembered that she'd crying for days afterwards whenever she realised just how much she'd taken him - and everyone around her, for that matter - for granted. It was a terrifying realisation to have to come across, knowing how easily someone you loved could vanish from your life.

But that hadn't even been all - for a few days later, the cause of the accident had been found out. According to the police, he must have briefly lost control of the car. The reason he'd lost it had been unclear - until it was found that he'd actually suffered a heart attack moments prior. As it turned out, he'd actually had a weak heart all his life - according to the doctors, the heart's blood vessels were unusually small and in turn caused the heart itself to be perpetually overcompensate with stronger, more rapid beats just to keep itself going. This, in turn, tired the heart disproportionately - and made it very susceptible.

And then they found that the reason for this was genetic - which meant that Kotori suffered from the very same weak heart which might just stop beating at any moment. Fortunately though, with the problem known and identified at a relatively early age, countermeasures could be put in place - in fact, she'd had three operations to try and correct the problem over the past three years already, though it still wasn't entirely fixed. Lifting a hand to the neck of her hospital gown, she gave it a light tug - and, as ever, saw the scars of the operations on her chest.

But now, in light of the past events, she actually gave a small smile - before, she'd only seen the scars themselves, perpetual reminders of her own death. But in reality, that wasn't true - that was just what she'd come to believe after descending a constant spiral of negativity; having focused entirely on the wrong things. No, instead they were just small scars - all of which were already in the process of fading from prominence - that instead showed that she was well on the way to full health. Somehow, she'd become so fixated on this that her fear of death had instead turned into a fear of living. Somewhere down the line, she'd used this as an excuse for herself to not even try to really get to know people; to keep to herself - when in reality, it was just her own shyness holding her back. That was something she was going to try and change from here on out.

A small smile came to her face after all that. Thinking about it, she should probably thank those four that had risked their lives back then for helping her with her rather literal inner demons when she go the chance. It had been a rather odd group, too - Akane had been there, and she thought she remembered seeing Hamada too. Even the rather famous idol girl, Chiaki, had been part of it, as had the boy whom she'd remembered hearing the some girls occasionally talk about and point out, Rui. Looking back up, however, she could picture him perfectly - until she realised that that was because he was actually standing in the open door; a knock on which she must have missed. Blinking in surprise, she quite quickly returned her hand back to her lap as she realised how odd she must have looked to an onlooker.

Giving a fairly unconvincing half-cough, half-throat clearing sound, Kotori gave a small bow in greeting as well as she could whilst still sitting in bed. "Good evening, Shinichi-san," she greeted, her voice still rather quiet. "And thank you for..." Kotori tried to find a fitting word, before just settling for "'this'" and a vague hand gesture - after all, she figured that was probably the reason he'd show up so soon instead of just waiting until after she was discharged.
Kotori Shirohane - Heartbreak Hospital: Intensive Care Unit | Unknown Time

As the shadows gathered around her mirror image, Kotori remained transfixed by it - what was this... thing? Was it... her? Was that what she really was? Her thoughts were circling all around her mind, leaving her entirely dazed and unable to even react as she was thrown across the room by her other self as it engaged in the intruders. 'No... no, it's not that, I... I'm not afraid of what other people think; I've got a reason to keep my distance...' Unbeknownst to her, Kotori's further denial only served to sustain her twisted other self as it took the fights to the four intruders. 'I... I can't help it, really. It's just that... what if they get hurt? I don't want that - no, never...' Through misty eyes, Kotori slowly lifted her head up - just in time to see her other self blast its attackers with bolts of lightning. For a moment, hesitation entered her thoughts. 'No, please... stop! You're just getting hurt over me! Stop... please...' she pleaded silently - but the four did not even falter; instead even redoubling their efforts. 'Why... why won't you stop? You don't have to do this, I... I...' Blinking slowly, it was only now that Kotori realised that she could feel something on her cheeks - tears that had unknowingly started to form.

Looking on, there was nothing she could do to stop the four of them from throwing themselves at the cruel shadow that was supposed to be herself - even if her voice would have obeyed her, she wouldn't have any words to make them stop; nothing she could say would have made them abandon this fight. But why would they do that for someone they barely knew? A sense of helplessness overcame Kotori at that realisation - and at the same moment, her shadow hesitated for just a brief instant; barely noticeable. Here she was, wanting to stop four people from throwing themselves into a life-or-death battle and she couldn't even get a whisper out. She had a reason, didn't she? She didn't want to see others get hurt over herself - and yet here they were, doing just that without even being asked to do so. People she wanted to 'protect' - what good would that be, what could she really do? People were going to get harmed, one way or another - and they were going to live their lives how they saw fit, no matter what she said or did.

Closing her eyes as her thoughts slowed down, the shadow began to become more frantic; the prolonged fight taking quite a toll on the party. '...what good is it if I keep people away and it just hurts them anyway - and... me? I... I don't want that. No, I never wanted that, but... but what should I do? I... I don't know anymore. I just... I...' "Kotori... There's nothing wrong with hiding away, when you're afraid... That's what we do."

Her eyes blinked open and turned toward the speaker - who kept on talking, asking her if it wasn't sad. He didn't even know her - and yet, he was risking his and his friends lives for her sake; even trying to help her through her inner turmoil. Kotori opened her mouth, as if to respond - but to her bitter realisation, she didn't have any words. It was at that moment - even as the boy told her to watch - that her shadow's words finally reached her core. She was right - of course she was. She had been right all along - and she'd known as much, but she just didn't want it to be true. Of course she had a reason to keep people away - but how long had it been since that had been the truth and not just a lipservice of an excuse toward herself?

She wasn't doing some noble deed - she was really just a shy girl who covered up her insecurities by clinging to something as an excuse. But what good was an excuse if it failed to even prevent exactly what it was supposed to guard against? And with that admittance, an unfelt wind swept across the battlefield, sweeping up the shadow as it wilted; leaving instead the once-more human form of Kotori in its wake. Looking at her, Kotori herself slowly pushed herself up from the ground; hands clutched before her chest as she closed the distance between them. The golden eyes fixed themselves on Kotori's own behind her glasses. There was still a wetness about her cheeks, but no longer did any tears gather in her eyes as she knelt down in front of her other self. And then, with a small smile, she extended her tightly-grasped hands out toward her shadow; revealing within her palms the previously discarded glasses of her golden-eyed self.

"I'm sorry," Kotori said, her voice still quiet. "You're right. You really are. I'm not helping anyone by hiding away - in fact, I'm even hurting them." Her shadow-self took the glasses wordlessly, slowly putting them on as she watched Kotori's smile dim for a moment. "And you're right about using an excuse - it had been the truth. But that was three years ago. It was just too much - he was gone from one moment to another, and then to hear that my heart was the same; that it might stop at any moment - I was scared of dying, I was hurt. I didn't want to hurt anyone else - so I kept my distance. But at some point... I stopped being afraid of dying and instead became afraid of living."

Kotori's smile had vanished; instead giving way to sorrow as she spoke to herself of her own memories. "But..." she then said before taking a deep breath. "I also realised that no matter what, I can't just avoid people entirely - no matter what I do, I will still affect others. And what if..." Kotori paused for a moment - as a small smile began to form again on her lips, "what if I can affect them positively, in the here and now, instead of only negatively?" With that, she slowly put her arms out to her sides - a rather awkward attempt at a hug, if there had ever been one. "So let's not be afraid of our scars. If we're broken hearts, who's to say we can't still be happy?"

At her words, Kotori's mirror image blinked slowly - before shaking her head. But not condescendingly or even denying her words - rather, in incredulity at her real self's words in conjunction with her silly gesture. A small chuckle began in her throat - but this time it was neither cruel nor disturbing. No, it was simply the laughter of an amused girl who'd just witnessed herself making an incredibly embarassing speech - before throwing her arms around her real self. And with that, a faint glow began to emanate from the smiling shadow as she faded once again - but this time into light rather than shadows. The light grew in intensity - yet somehow never becoming painful to the eye - as it floated upwards. At its very peak of brightness, the mass of light then gave off a brilliant flash - and began to morph into a new shape even as an object began to slowly descend from its core.

Kotori, who had watched the whole thing still kneeling on the ground, had fixed her eyes on the entire process - yet despite being just as inexplicable as anything that had happened since she had awoken in this strange place, she felt none of the fear. Instead, it felt... familiar; like the warmth of a home on a cold winter day. Above her, the flash faded - and revealed in its stead a new figure; clad in robes of white and red. Within its hands it grasped the stem of a blooming rose - yet its thorns made no attempt to sting her. The figure was evidently both human and female, even in spite of the flowery outgrowth that were her hair. Kotori, meanwhile, had extended her hands upwards toward the object that had come floating down from above: A card which came to rest in her hands. Holding it close to her chest, Kotori looked up again at her persona - a word which came to her inexplicably yet completely naturally - she smiled as her voice filled her mind.

"I am thou. Thou art I.

Kikuri-Hime was her name - something that Kotori knew just as naturally as the fact that she was smiling back at her before slowly fading away. Yet she didn't feel saddened by the departure - because she wasn't really gone when she was her inner self after all. Slowly getting back up on her feet, Kotori turned to face her saviours - and immediately bowed deeply. "Uhm, imsor-" She jumbled her words as the full embarassement of having the four of them hear all her previous words to her herself; her face taking on a quickly deepening red colour - but then she stopped, took a deep breath and stood up straight again. Kotori's cheeks made evident that she was still quite embarassed as she spoke again: "I am sorry to have caused you so much trouble and am really grateful for what you have done for me." Though it took her full concentration to do so, Kotori spoke without a hint of hesitation; no small stutter and in a clear and audible tone instead of her usual quiet voice.

A small smile accompanied her words - but before she could say anything more she blinked once, twice as her mind became clouded. All the fatigue came pouring over her as she began to sway on her legs - and then finally collapse into unconsciousness once again; without even being able to mumble another 'Sorry' for troubling them even further.
Kotori Shirohane - Unknown Place | Unknown Time

A faint... sensation was the first thing that Kotori became aware of as her consciousness slowly returned. Was it a... sound? A feeling? She didn't know - but it was coming to her through the darkness, stirring her. Awareness began to return - numb at first, but quickly growin in intensity and, finally, into a painful prick as she opened her eyes from it. Lifting her head up from the ground, she quickly reached to the side of her head, the source of the pain - which came from having rested against the frame of her glasses, leaving a still slightly painful indentation. At the same time, a spell of nausea came over her from sitting up so quickly; prompting her to close her eyes at the sudden dizziness in order to get her bearings back. After a moment of slow, deep breaths she slowly opened her eyes again - only for her breath to catch as she finally registered her surroundings.

Kotori Shirohane - Heartbreak Hospital: Intensive Care Unit | Unknown Time

Kotori's mouth stammered wordlessly - not a single sound came over her lips. This...? Wha- where? Why, and...

Her mind was racing - it was absurd. It was bizarre. It was completely impossible - and yet despite all this, in all this, a sense of familiarity was about it all; yet twisted in a way which made it all the more jarring. Slowly rising to her feet, she turned about to take in all her surroundings - and stopped mid-turn when she saw another figure standing behind her. But it wasn't just any figure - it was one she immediately recognised, despite it being impossible: It was she herself. Blinking in disbelief, she saw that the figure was doing the same - a mirror? Taking a step closer, the figure did the same. Slowly raising her hand to touch this strange mirror surface, it felt didn't feel cold and hard as she would have expected. Instead, it was actually quite the opposite - soft and warm. Almost as if...

"...it's a real person?" the figure finished Kotori's thought. Kotori practically jumped back at the sound and sight of her own mirror image moving without her doing anything. Wide-eyed she stared at it - what...? "...am I? Isn't it obvious?" the mirror being completed the thought yet again, taking a moment to turn on the spot before fixing Kotori's eyes with her own - their golden sheen being the only difference between them. "I. Am. You." "Bu... how..." Rather than any real words, the only thing coming from Kotori's mouth were stuttered fragments as she tried processing what she was seeing - in spite of its complete and utter impossibility. She... was her? That made no sense! "Oh, but of course it does. Because I'm not just you - I'm the real you."

Kotori remained frozen in place, unbeknownst to herself clutching her hands close to her chest; a shiver going through her body. The real her...? What... "I mean? Exactly what I said: I'm you. The real one, not the little play you like giving."

At that, even the shiver briefly stopped as Kotori's eyes went wide - play? She wasn't doing any plays, she didn't-"Oh, don't give me that. We both know it's not true," the mirror imagine interrupted Kotori's thoughts yet again before stepping closer as she spoke. "Kotori Shirohane, the young and independant woman who got top marks without a problem. Talk of the school, but too modest to engage in any talk herself. Lover of plants and all things flowery - you're really starting to buy it yourself, aren't you?" With that, a low chuckle began in the mirror Kotori's throat - one which quickly rose into full-blown laughter. But this was not joyous laugh - it was a chilling sound which only left Kotori ever more speechless.

The mirror image's laugh was abruptly cut short - and instead replaced by a smirk which had absolutely no place on Kotori's face. "Oh, and what do you know? We've even got ourselves a little audience!" she exclaimed, prompting Kotori to practically whip around - and go wide-eyed at the sight. Through a door (had that been there before?) a group burst in - all of which seemed to be of her own age. A moment later, she even recognised one of them: Akane Hanezawa, her own classmate. The absurdity of the situation didn't even register any longer - instead, she quickly spoke up; her voice panicked. "No! This isn't-!" "Isn't what? The truth?" Frantically looking between the two - the group and her mirror image - Kotori quickly shook her head, though before she could even speak a word in protest, her mirror image spoke up again.

"Did you really think they'd buy that? The whole quiet little girl act? As if! You're not bad with people - you don't want to be good. You're afraid to be good with people!" Kotori's stare was completely fixed on her mirror image - no. No, it couldn't be... that... she couldn't mean-! A wicked smirk appeared once more on the other Kotori's face as she stepped closer yet, barely any space between the two now. "And you even think you're doing them a favour, don't you? What a little saint, trying to save others from yourself. Say, how does it feel, having to hide them for so long?" The mirror image jabbed a finger hard against Kotori's chest - but she didn't even feel it. Her face was as pale as a sheet; all colour drained as she heard her own voice speak those things. No...

"Oh, why do I even ask? I already know! I'm just hiding behind my little façade - not letting anyone near to keep them from suffering the same fate as my poor self!" "...no..." "But we both know that's not true." "No..." "Because really, that's just an excuse, isn't it?" "No, please..." "Because in reality, you're just a scared little girl who's too afraid to speak up and instead use any excuse to keep quiet because it's easier that was - aren't we?"

"No! No, that's not true! How... how can you even say that! You're lying! You're... you're not me!"

For a moment, silence fell at Kotori's outcry - a rarity in and of itself. For a moment, it seemed as if she'd stunned her mirror self - but then, the same wicked grin began to form on her features as a disturbing chuckle grew from her throat. At the same moment, it seemed as if the light within the room grew dim as shadows gathered from all around; converging upon the still cuckling form as she grabbed her glasses and threw them aside.. The sound of it became more and more inhuman - and then abruptly stopped. Through the momentary silence, there was at first only a single sound: A low, ponderous thump. Then, another. Then, slowly, the shadows began to dissipate - and began to reveal the twisted form that lay within.

At first, a vaguely humanoid shape could be made out - but larger than any human should be, even though it was kneeling upon the ground. Long, shadowy-black hair flowed from its head, giving the creature a female appearance. Its golden eyes soon fixed the group that had entered the area - only for them to begin to tear up, leaving golden streams to pour from its eyes as shadows closed in on the figure's mouth, leaving no sound to be heard. The shadow was clad in what appeared to be a gown - a hospital gown, in fact. However, this one was drenched in a dull reddish colour - except for her chest. Here, instead, the colour was bright red - if the the rest of the creature's gown was caked in dried blood, this appeared fresh - if only for a moment before a tear appeared. From this, a strange something pushed through - something which only became evident when, after shivering in the air for a moment, burst open into the shape of a blood-red flower's petals.

And at the very center of the flower, there rested a faintly glowing object. An object which slowly moved in time with the same low thumping that was heard in the silence - a heart. A moment later, three poles grew from the ground behind her - and, hanging upon visciously barbed hooked at their tops, hung bags of yet more bright red blood; long tubes extending from them. For a moment, they seemed completely inert - but then, they suddenly began to twitch as if coming to life. The ends of the tubes began to rise into the air - and then, in a lightning-fast motion, wrapped themselves around Kotori, who had remained completely transfixed at the shadow's feet, and flung her across the floor behind the shadow and out of reach of the intruders. But with that, they weren't done - instead, they quickly released her - and plunged themselves into the shadow's arms.

The Shadow convulsed as if in great pain, its golden eyes still pouring forth silent tears - and then, the heart's faint glow, accompanied by the thumping sound it made with every contraction, suddenly grew in intensity before a whole host of glowing vines grew out of and around it; rapidly slashing through the air before the shadow and themselves giving of a sickly red glow. With another odious thump the convulsions subsided - and slowly, the Shadow straigthened its back, leaving its exposed heart in full view of the intruders.

And after another thump, its golden eyes fixed themselves on them.
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