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Kotori Shirohane - Hall of the Slain: Floor 1 | Sunday

Though the group came across some sporadic groups of shadows - looking like medieval warriors from Europe, but decrepit and rotten. That didn't do much to diminish their strength though - but as they only came in small numbers, the party could easily press on. However, these few shadows they were facing couldn't possibly be all, Kotori worried. After all, Ayano had mentioned they were surrounded - she couldn't help but keep glancing around nervously, unsure if that flicker was yet another shadow or just a figment of her imagination.

Still, at least they hadn't come across anything too strong yet; the occasional scrape being easily healed and the resistance they did meet being quickly pushed aside. As such, they were progressing evenly through the ruins - which, as they pressed on, were becoming ever more dilapidated. Where the first door had been a grand stone affair, the next one they passed was made of rotting wood. The hallway they passed was missing stones and piles of worn-away rubble was strewn about their path. Occasionally, another few shadows might show themselves, but once again the combined offensive power quickly put them down. At one point, they came past a dining hall; its wooden table showing signs of rot whilst the once-fine silver which was laid out had taken on a dark brown tint.

The entire place seemed to have been ravaged by decades or perhaps even centuries of time - and together with the still-unseen host of shadows surrounding them, gave of a rather unnerving feeling which left Kotori glancing about ever more warily. Stepping into a hall - Kotori wasn't quite sure what to make of the layout of this place, though they'd mostly pressed on straight forwards - Ayano once again reminded them of the presence of the shadows around them. But try as they might, they couldn't make any of them out - unless the occasional flicker or hint of movement was actually real and not just her nerves getting to her.
Kotori Shirohane - Hall of the Slain: Floor 1 | Sunday

Even if the nagging fear could not be entirely abated, the reassurances of Akane, Matthew and Sato did bring Kotori some relief when they all agreed that they'd definitely bring Shizuka back safely. She gave a grateful bow once more before hurrying back to her group and tried to put the worries aside in order to focus on the task at hand - rescuing whoever may be caught in the rather ominously-named Hall of the Slain.

Giving one last look as the groups split up into their respective dungeons, Kotori gave a brief bow as she silently wished them all the best of luck before following Kaminari's lead. By her side were both Alexei and Riku whilst Ayano would be covering the navigation duties for them. Kotori was rather thankful that she had these proven and reliable companions beside her as she nervously began to glance about the entrance that they drew close to. Crumbling pillars lined the path that lead to a large stone door; a sight that wouldn't be entirely out of place in a novel.

As the came closer, some of the ruined pillars began to instead show some semblance to craftsmanship about them - and as they reached the door, there was an induitable likeness carved into them, though their dilapidated state made it difficult to tell of whom it may be; though given the way that such places usually reflected their captives, it was likely to be the kidnapping victim or someone very important to them. The figures did seem vaguely familiar to Kotori, but she couldn't tell for sure - instead, she quickly shook her head lest she try to read too much into the weathered stone.

Having passed through the large door, Kaminari spoke up to address Ayano and asked for her to scan the surroundings. Luckily, they didn't have to wait for long as she could soon report back - with the rather worrying news that there were indeed readings in the very same room. Kotori quickly began glancing about to try and see where these shadows might be - only for Ayano to continue on and note that something was odd about these readings. They were neither moving nor being overtly hostile as usual - that sounded almost familiar as Kotori thought back to the strange dungeon that was an enormous tower on the outside but a sprawling open battlfield on the inside with shadows which had ignored them upon it. Was this case perhaps a similar one?

With the uncertainty surrounding their situation, Kotori couldn't help but feel nervous - though luckily, the three at her side all seemed to be far less fazed by all this; a small measure of comfort at least. Taking a breath to calm herself, Kotori instead prepared herself for the upcoming dungeon - and feeling the presence of Kikuri-Hime within herself as ready as ever did help somewhat to alleviate some of her worries.
Kotori Shirohane - Warakuma Shopping District: Shirohane Residence | Saturday, June 27 2015 - After School

Kotori had been in her room, sitting at her desk and working on the weekend's homework when an unexpected sound almost made her jump in surprise. It took her a moment to realise that all it had been was her phone letting her know someone was calling which had interrupted her concentration so suddenly - and leaving her to feel a little silly for being so surprised. That feeling however was quickly lost when she saw who the caller was - one Shinichi, Rui. A sinking feeling began to take hold once again - given what had happened on the previous weekends, such a message rarely bode well. After a moment's hesitation, Kotori answered the call and found her fear to be entirely warranted - there had been another kidnapping. However, as Rui quickly explained the situation, the worry she'd harboured a week before too came to be when it turned out that this time around there had been three victims - and only took a turn for the worse when he mentioned that they knew one of them to be her underclassman and fellow Agriculture Club member, Shizuka.

Kotori was immediate in her agreement to meet up first thing in the following morning to mount another rescue - even if the worries wouldn't make for a very restful night.

Kotori Shirohane - Mirror World: Crossroads | Sunday, June 28 2015

Kotori was still quite out of breath from having rushed over to the warehouse as quickly as possible. Once there, she found both Matthew and Rui already present - the former looking rather worried and impatient to finally get going, understandably. It didn't take long for the rest of the team to arrive one after another - and those present didn't want to wait much longer for any late arrivals today, given the unprecedented scope of operations; including the two newest members Ryan and Sieghardt.

As ever, a brief shiver came over Kotori as she entered the Mirror World - no matter how many times she came here, she still couldn't get used to the strangeness that surrounded them at every turn. However, much like the times before, she pushed on nonetheless as the navigators quickly identified the quickest way to the kidnappees - and thereby leading them once again to a crossroads, splitting off into three rather distinct places: the Moritomi Home for the Disturbed, the Hall of the Slain and the Super Magical Runway. Kotori blinked at the rather odd line-up - not just because one of these seemed a bit out of place next to the others, but because she also recognised the name as that of one of her classmates, Mako Moritomi. Worries crept up once again - even if she knew them to be irrational, she couldn't help but wonder if these kidnappings had something to do with her, given how two of them were relatable to her.

Shaking her head to put the nagging fears aside as well as she could, Kotori focused her attention back to the matter at hand as Rui began to assign the groups. He'd be leading Matthew, Sato and Akane into the Super Magical Runway under Megumi's supervision whilst Kami would be the lead for Alexei, Riku and herself with Ayano's support. Finally, Tadao would be leading Chiaki, Ryan and Sieghardt to scout the third dungeon. Though Kotori would have liked to help with what by all accounts appeared to be Shizuka's captivity, she still agreed to the composition - after all, there were still others that were caught inside these strange places and these would be no less dangerous and therefore in need of everyone's abilities to reach, including her and Kikuri-Hime's healing spells.

As such, she'd given a slightly reluctant nod as they gathered everything they needed, made any last minute preparations and got ready to head out. As they exchanged some final good luck wishes and the like, Kotori gave a small bow to the group heading to Shizuka's aid before speaking. "Uhm... please bring her back safely," she said, the worried tone evident in her voice - even more so when, as she began speaking, she realised that saying such was really not all that necessary, given that that was the exact purpose for which they'd come here after all; leaving her to briefly fidget with her fingertips before quickly turning back to join her own group and give a nod to show her readiness to proceed onwards, lingering worries notwithstanding.
Kotori Shirohane - Warakuma High School: Agriculture Club | After School

Her glance about the room was interrupted a few moments in when Kotori's gaze fell upon the only other figure in the room - Matthew had arrived first, as usual, and was already watering the plants. He, in turn, seemed to have been deep in thought as well - something that seemed to be occuring more often as of late - as he only turned around once she had announced her own presence with her greeting; something he now returned. For a moment, she wondered if he was perhaps worried about the kidnappings - after all, Ryan had expressed interest in joining the club - before he spoke up again, asking if she'd seen someone.

It was at that point that Kotori in turn remembered overhearing him talking to himself not too long ago; leaving her to give an awkwardly quizzical look at his words - only for Matthew to stop mid-sentence when another soft voice spoke up from behind her. But before Kotori could as much as shake her head to answer Matthew's question or turn to greet the younger member of the Agriculture Club, Shizuka, a veritable whirlwind rushed across the clubroom, past herself and snatched up Shizuka; leaving Kotori to merely blink in surprise at the spot that Matthew had occupied just a moment ago before slowly turning to see the vacant spot from where she'd heard Shizuka's voice.

He'd said it would take only a bit - but that was long enough for Kotori to put the thought of what she'd accidentally overheard and the rather strange and flustered way of speaking together. Placing her her school bag beside the chair, Kotori proceeded to finish the watering that had so suddenly been interrupted; most content to wait for the two to return from whatever-it-may-be they happened to be up to - as it looked, there hadn't been any need for herself to worry about them, Kotori thought to herself with a smile upon her lips all the while.
Kotori Shirohane - Play of Control: Backstage Penthouse | Sunday, June 21 2015

With the combined strike against the bodyguard, it too fell - and without enough time to summon new shadows, the main foe was suddenly in a decidedly outnumbering situation; albeit on the receiving side now. The team surged forward and struck out against the shadow as it desperately attempted to wave another fast stack of cash into the air - but between the magical attacks, ranged fire and melee attacks being rained down upon it, it had no chance. Sent flying from the last strike, the shadow and its chair exploded into a shadowy mess - and then reformed once more into a more human form, if one excepted its unnaturally golden eyes.

Kotori meanwhile was simply glad for the brief respite to catch her breath. A single dungeon was already draining enough - but a second right afterwards was really pushing her stamina. She hoped that these double kidnappings were the exception rather than the rule - or, worse yet, that it was only a sign for further increases. Either way though, she looked up between deep breaths as Rui encouraged the kidnapping victim - Sieghardt, as he'd called him - to accept his other self. The shadow meanwhile began taunting the boy anew - but this time, it did he did not fall for its tricks. Instead, Sieghardt agreed.

Judging by his words - which Kotori once again felt rather awkward to be listening to so uninvitedly - he seemed to be from a rather well-off family. However, that had not exactly brought him much joy or friends; at least none which wouldn't call themselves such without expecting something for themselves in the future for it. A small sympathetic smile came across Kotori's lips when Sieghardt declared to no longer rely on such false friends but rather to seek out some true ones - it seemed that no matter one's circumstances, people always were in some way afraid of rejection or solitude.

As she did so, the shadow smiled - before beginning to glow in a by now familiar bluish light; signalling another transformation from shadow to persona. Sieghardt's was a princely humanoid clad in fanciful clothing, wearing a half-mask over its face and holding a one-handed scythe of sorts - Saturnus. Turning around Sieghardt seemed a little confused for a moment - uttering some words before the all-too-powerful fatigue overtook him and he slumped over. With matters thusly taken care of, two more members of the team were assigned to bring the unconscious boy to the hospital. The rest briefly met up at the warehouse - but without any real leads and Kaminari not being present, there was little left for them before heading home on their separate ways; something Kotori was a little bit thankful for after the entire ordeal.

Kotori Shirohane - Warakuma High School: Classroom 2-2 | Monday, June 22 2015

The ringing bell signalled the end of the lesson; the teacher reminding everyone to make sure to finish up their exercises for the next class before dismissing them. As the usual buzz began - students discussing their afterschool plans, heading to other classrooms to meet their friends or just packing their things - Kotori was left finishing her notes once again before checking them over. She gave a small nod in passing greeting when anyone said goodbye as they walked past her second-to-front row seat on the way out before she too packed her books and, with a by now mostly empty classroom around her and similar hallway ahead, headed out without having to deal with the usual afterschool rush out.

As she walked down the hallways, Kotori considered visiting the newest kidnapping victims in the hospital - but remembering the uneasy feeling she got whenever she had to visit that place, she decided against it. She felt a little bad for the selfish decision - after all, she'd been pleasantly surprised when so many people had come to visit her. With a small sigh she continued onward nonetheless.

Kotori Shirohane - Warakuma High School: Agriculture Club | Monday, June 22 2015

A faint knock could be heard from the Agriculture Club door, albeit barely. Kotori waited another second or five before slowly opening the door to the club room. "Good afternoon," she quietly greeted with a bow - before looking up to see if anyone was even there before her. In doing so, a small smile crossed her face at the familiar but ever pleasing sight of the dozens of plants of various kinds and colours all around the room.
Kotori Shirohane - Play of Control: Backstage Penthouse | Sunday

With the numbers evened out a little, it seemed that the tide was starting to turn. No longer needing to focus on defeating the enemies just to gain some breathing space, everyone had enough time to prepare some buffing spells for which Kotori was rather thankful. Akane strengthened everyone's offensive power whilst Rui was the target of multiple buffs, culminating in a wide Gale Slash by Askr that ripped through the various shadows with ease - so much so, in fact, that all but the burly bodyguard were destroyed in that strike; leaving the rest of the group free to attack it - and the main shadow if they could take it down quickly enough.

As Rui called for the attack, Kotori gave a quick nod before pointing Kikuri-Hime at the bodyguard. After a deep breath, her call for "Zionga" was immediately answered by an even louder than usual thunderclap as Akane's group-wide Tarukaja amplified the lightning bolt to a great extent - so much so that it left Kotori blinking in surprise; looking between the bodyguard and Kikuri-Hime - and she could have sworn the latter shrugged ever so slightly before they focused back on the task at hand.
Kotori Shirohane - Corporate War Zone: Floor 2, Warden's Office | Sunday

The combined attack upon the small shadow seemed to have a serious effect as it was sent reeling - for a moment, Kotori felt hopeful that they might for once be able to bring down the shadow in just one attack. Unfortunately, however, this quickly turned out to not be the case at all as the small shadow really did buckle beneath the hail of magical and physical attacks - but rather than cause the enormous shadow behind it to dissolve, this only seemed to anger it. Tearing its shackles apart outright, it immediately took a swing at the group, sending Kotori fleeing as quickly as she could out of the way of its enormous fists; narrowly avoiding being struck. A frightful moment passed when she looked behind herself and saw that Alexei stepped right into the path of the giant's attack - but then, together with his persona, stopped the blow mid-swing.

At first, Kotori was just left to blink in disbelief at the sheer disparity of sizes between the giant and Alexei - but she quickly recovered when she saw him straining to contain the massive enemy's power even with the aid of Prometheus. "Diarama," she called to Kikuri-Hime - but just as the healing light enveloped Alexei, the shadow gave a bellowing roar. Looking up, she only saw the aftermath of Rui's attack - Askr's dealt the final blow to the shadow as Rui leapt down and landed safely; the shadow slowly falling backwards and dissolving into nothingness as it did so.

Kotori breathed a sigh of relief - once again, they'd managed to defeat the shadow without any serious injuries. As Ryan, encouraged by Rui, stepped forth to speak with his reformed shadow, she used the moment to catch her breath. And as she did, she once again felt more than a little awkward at being present to hear another person talk about their inner secrets as Ryan, spurned on by the events that had transpired, elected to give other people a chance rather than just shut himself off - which brought a small smile to Kotori's face when she remembered the circumstances of her own shadow. With Ryan's acceptance of himself, the shadow began to glow before transforming into a knightly figure, armed with a rapier and clad with a single wing before dissolving; leaving Ryan to turn to Rui for answers - but that would have to come at a later time as, like most of those before him, the strange fatigue overtook him.

But before they could celebrate a successful rescue however, Ayano informed them that the other group was still facing stiff opposition - leading Rui to send Alexei and Sato to bring Ryan to the hospital whilst she would accompany him and aid the others. Luckily, Kotori had managed to recover from the exertion and quickly nodded that she was ready as Sato headed off with Alexei who carried Ryan; an almost comical sight given the difference in stature between them if circumstances weren't so dire.

Kotori Shirohane - Play of Control: Backstage Penthouse | Sunday

"Kikuri-Hime, Media," Kotori called, a little out of breath once more, after arriving on the scene and seeing the beat-up state that everyone seemed to be in after the long battle they had found themselves in; hoping to ease any pain the might have and let them fight on more effectively. It seemed that the enemies were simply re-appearing whenever they brought them down and thus never quite managed to take enough down to make an real attack upon the main shadow; much to the displeasure of most of those present it would seem, given their rather frustrated faces.

A quick nod from Kotori followed once more as Rui ordered Kazuki, Matthew and herself to keep the shadows busy whilst he, Noboru and Akane would prepare something to take them down. Drawing on Kikuri-Hime once again, Kotori summoned a lightning bolt down upon the first shadowy minion to draw near; a thunderous crack accompanying the bright flash even as the continued fighting was starting to feel increasingly physically taxing despite being mostly magical in nature.
Kotori Shirohane - Corporate War Zone: Floor 2, Warden's Office | Sunday

As it turned out, Kotori's worry was unwarranted - the combined strikes of the four managed to blast the giant shadow's fist wide; sending its attack far off course and unbalancing it enough to give them a brief window of opportunity. She quickly glanced around to assure herself that no one got caught in any suprise attack before Rui headed the charge; calling for everyone to focus their fire on the far smaller warden. Though it appeared tiny compared to the enormous shadow behind him and almost frail, it was still a person's shadow - which had always proven to be a foe to be taken very seriously in the past. Though Ayano hadn't foreseen any hidden attacks from the warden, Kotori couldn't help but remain fearfully wary as she called for Kikuri-Hime to unleash a Zionga attack on the warden.

A brief flash and thundering echo accompanied the magical attack as the lightning bolt struck home; leaving a by now more heavily breathing Kotori to nervously glance between the warden to see if their attacks had any effect, the giants to be prepared for when it was ready to strike again as well as the other three group members should they require any assistance to due counter-attacks or other such surprises.
Kotori Shirohane - Corporate War Zone: Floor 2, Warden's Office | Sunday

Thankfully, they didn't have to wait long for Ayano's scan as she soon enough informed them that the giant shadow was about as vincible as one would expect from the sheer size difference between them whilst the smaller one was both the its director and weakpoint. Though without at least temporarily taking the former out of commission it would likely be somewhat difficult to actually land a strike on it - which meant that they somehow would have to stun, disable or otherwise distract the enormous shadow. Neither of those ideas appealed all too much to Kotori as she looked between the shadow giant and the crater it had left in the ground.

Thankfully though, Rui spent less time fretting and more waiting for the most opportune moment - as Kotori anxiously kept an eye on the slow raising of the giant's fist for another strike in order to dodge a potential attack in time, the group leader declared that they should strike in time with it in order to unbalance the huge foe. Kotori gave a quick nod as she took a deep breath and prepared for Kikuri-Hime to unleash a Zionga attack on the mark; hoping she'd be able to make at least some difference in the devastating attack's course when the time came. At Rui's cry, Kotori released the lightning strike; a thundering crack echoing as the bolt struck the giant's fist just as Sato shoot the bow, Alexei threw his attack upon it and Rui's Askr struck a Mighty Swing at it. Kotori hesitantly hoped that it might be enough with the combined strikes - if not to unbalance the giant, then at least to shift the path of its attack away from any of the party members.
I don't think Rui would touch that if she nonchalantly declares being his girlfriend her status.
Sho Minazuki

Well, all's good then:
[...] She's also Rui's boyfriend.
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