Sir Marcus Lucroy The Duke of Norfolk

Age: 25
Personality: Charming, witty, flirtatious, Honorable, Refined and a gentleman.
History: Marcus was born a noble in the city of Norwich, and gained the title of the Duke of Normandy as the oldest of his three siblings. He grew up to be the perfect son, great in the art of war, diplomacy, leading. While his younger brothers seemed to lack in all departments.
Suffice to say that his Father and mother were not pleased...AT ALL That he found the life as a royal boring as hell, and the man who taught him to fight...wasn't his father, it was an old hunter. He dreamed of the life of excitement. When at 20, Just after he was knighted. He headed out on his own, He did very well for himself as he worked. A Year later he ran into Flint. The two becoming the best of friends, working off of of each other in both fighting and jokes.
Signature Weapon: Bastard (hand and a half) sword. Belonged to the old man who trained him. The blade mixed with Silver. He also carries a Kite shield with his families crest, But often covers it in a tanned hide, to keep him from being too noticed.
Things they look for in a partner: Honorable, smart, beautiful, not air headed like most lady's in the court. Strong willed and kind.