Of course, he shouldn't have been so silly under Doctor's orders. One last nod to the Dragon and a little guilt flickering as he observed the man, still somewhat stooped in age, bending down to replace his fallen books and show a sign of his own exhaustion. He really was such a troublesome guest, he supposed, and all on the first day of his visit. Night hadn't even passed yet. He let out a silent sigh, less of it attributed to him having to better support the Mer's weight upon him since his prior plan of supporting one another didn't seem to work out very favorably. He did not mind that Sindre had to cling, but he wished the Mer wasn't so tall and cumbersome. He had never quite known what it was like to 'learn' how to walk, to suddenly know how to not use one's own limbs, but he figured the Mer was completely new to what could be considered alien appendages to him. The height difference forced him to reach up awkwardly to loop his arms around the Mer's side and support his chest wholly as they made their way forward.
At least, the Mer responding to his speaking encouraged the Fae as he broke from his completely despondent state, perhaps he was only ever so withdrawn and walled off when he was in the presence of others or perhaps in the presence of more than one person. He could understand not liking crowds, the feeling was all too familiar to him at times, but even more so was the feeling of not being around enough people. The Fae might have sighed once more if not for the Mer's sweetly naive and simple curiosity, a small smile tugging up at the corners of his lips as he tried to elaborate, "Well, it's a place where many of us return to sleep to at night. It's...a piece of furniture or-" He trailed off, having to ponder his next words a little, "-functional decoration if you will. I will show you what it is once we get back to my room."
And it was almost becoming comfortable supporting the Mer creature or at least speaking to him was well enough to overshadow the burden of the awkward tangling of limbs and movements until they reached their destination.
The Mer's words did confuse him a little though, the smile slipping off his face as his brow knit. Strange sounds? In the midst of a dark starless night, sounding into his room? A longing sound? That threw him off, but did nay sway what he said next, "Perhaps it is merely your imagination Sindre, especially on the land, you might well be disorientated or even just hungry if you had not yet eaten then. I'm sure you'll feel of clearer mind once you're rested and fed." He paused and stared down at the floor before he lifted his head, processing the rest of the clashing hisses, "And, you do not want to go back to the sea?"
That seemed like a sudden decision even on the creature's part, especially when before he seemed to have no qualms when the Fae spoke of getting him back to the ocean's depths, "That, seems like a colossal decision, Sindre." He said quietly, "Maybe you should rest before you make any big decisions. Here," He patted the mattress next to Sindre after he had set him down upon it, "This is what we call a bed and..a bath is ,from what I understand, a container that people fill with water to wash themselves in, though I know that at times, they merely wish to soak themselves and relax in the waters. I have not yet seen my own, but it may be big enough to accommodate you for the night."
He tried to make do with hand gestures, pretending to outline the figure of a tub; hopefully suffice to explain it's width and size. He thought he had explained it adequately enough for the Mer to understand. He wondered what else the Mer would not know about though, he didn't think there was very much beneath the waves to know. Never mind, Amanti would address it once the subject was brought up.
"Don't worry too much about it, just rest here and think about it a little bit while I get you something to eat okay?" Leaning over the bed, he tugged at the blanket that he'd discarded earlier after use as a curtain. Without thinking, he drew it over the Mer's shoulders, letting it drape across him like a cloak before he turned on his heel and very carefully kicked the carpet over the remaining pieces of shattered glass to hopefully avoid future injury.
A small wave to the Mer and another quick assurance that he'd be back soon and he was out of the door. His foot felt much better, a little numb at the very least. He could well remember his way towards the dining room, after having run from there all the way back to the room when he had heard the Mer had gone. He figured that the kitchen would not be far off from there, if not right next to the room in a much small cooking area. Though, everything seemed so extravagant, he wasn't sure what to expect entering said facility.
((Well, I'll leave it off here so you can decide if perhaps these two clash in the middle of the night. I mean, it could still be Amanti's fault for what happened to the Dragon's door, he could've stopped over there when he was running back to his room and left that message, maybe, maybe it was him...or someone else, who knows you know?))