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Legend said
What do you mean? I'm not related to you or anything.

I know.. It's just me trying to compliment you.
*Rolls my eyes and pokes you on the nose*
Legend said

Your hair is soft, and I'm really annoyed that you're hogging all of the good traits to a person. No fair, save some for me!
Legend said
I love your hair!

*Walks up to you and starts feeling your hair*
Softer than expected.
*Grunts in frustration*
Why do YOU get all of the good traits?
Legend said
*Half laughs and squirms*Stop! I'm ticklish there- hahahaha!

It's not scientifically possible to be this cute. You're in big trouble young lady!
*Taps you on the nose with a pencil that.. sort of just appeared somehow*
souleaterfan320 said
its alright, no need to blush like a tomato.

I'm sorry! I didn't know!
*Covers my mouth as I get even redder*
souleaterfan320 said
id rather you not make that joke, as i was raped by my father, a sultan in wallachia who was an ottoman leader.

*Freezes before slowly turning red*
Legend said
Yeah... sorry.

*Grabs you and picks you up by holding your rib area*
Okay, this is impossible. I'm going to get my science squad on you.
*Puts you down*
souleaterfan320 said
actually, quite the contrary. try speaking to the ottomans, thats a real pain in the ass.

*Nods* I can imagine. The homosexuality rate is quite high in that domain.
*Laughs at my own joke*
Legend said
*Waves back*Hi!

*Takes a couple of steps toward you before stopping*
Heterochromia Irisis?
Legend said
*Looks through*

*Waves at you*
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