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Wrong place, but if you want to come chill with me while me and my buddy DJ, sign up here.
Etcetera said
Because ending life is no better. I promise you that it's worth it.

If you say so.
souleaterfan320 said
because you made friends like us.

*Pokes my neck with the sword and then sheaths it*
I wouldn't even die if I did that.
Etcetera said
Yes. And never think for a second that it's not.

*Crying, so my voice is a little shouty and broken*
Give me one reason. One reason why life is worth living for a demon hybrid.
souleaterfan320 said
*alucard, covered in bruises and beaten,wakes up*ugh, what happened....

Is life even worth living?
*Looks at my sword*
*Sits against a lone tree in a field, holding my claymore horizontally in my hands, playing with it slightly*
souleaterfan320 said
partally. im more vampire than anything, and i have complete control of it. i can choose what i want my composition to be made of as long as i have aborbed enough of that thing. i am a mix of a million different beings, but if it makes you happy, ill remove it.*falls down, dead, and rebuilds himself normal*

*Stops clenching my fist and slaps your chest in anger*
Don't ever do that again!
souleaterfan320 said
i will once everyone is safe, ive made promises, and i shall keep them. i may be a monster, but i still live by honor.

Yoma. Murderers of my parents and siblings. Rapists of my foster parents, murderers of them too. Torturers and executioners of 10 of my closest friends.

Now you're one.
souleaterfan320 said
i did it to help protect everyone, no one else dies. never again. its reversible but i would have to be torn apart and rebuild myself to a previous version.

I don't care if it kills you. Reverse it.
souleaterfan320 said
*walks over to you* you alright? *sees the last guy*i see... ill get to try out something...* he removes the glove off of his arm, revealing a yoma like arm*i had slain many yoma, absorbing their lifeforce and bodies, and this was the end result, quite the painful experience. but now, my attacks are stronger with this hand. *he places the glove back on, and unsheaths his dimension cutter*

*Looks at you in utter disgust*
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