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Legend said
We'll help you!

This is not your battle.
Galaxy Raider said
I'm not trying to teach you the information I'm actually speaking. I'm saying that I am in a similar boat as you, and know how you feel.

*Tries to speak, and chokes*
You're lying, just like everyone else. Nobody knows how I feel.

Galaxy Raider said
Not many can stay strong. Those who are strong have willpower, and without that willpower, they lose their strength. There are others out there... Strangers... Family we've never met and will never know that depend on people like us.

*Stands up and walks over to you, a tad closer than comfortable*
Do you think I know not of the ways of the world? It is hatred pushed back and forth between being after being, and only kindness will even scratch the invincible links on the chains of the cycle. I will gladly throw away my life to make the life of an evil being even slightly more difficult.
Legend said
Then establish a purpose. We all have a reason to live, that doesn't involve living for others.

I live to protect. The Organization is too weak for the Yoma now, and they know it. This means that all of us will die anyway.
What's the point of staying strong? I have no family to look after or provide for.
Galaxy Raider said
A lesson life has taught to me far too many times.

Life teaches, nay, preaches so frequently the eternal choice. Live or die. Strength or Cowardice. I always opt strength, but I fear death may take it's cruel grasp upon my life sooner than thought.
Galaxy Raider said
I- no, sorry. None of us do, to my knowledge.

Can you replace a stolen soul? Fix a broken heart and wipe the mind of trauma?
*Cries more*
No, no being can.
Legend said
I'm so sorry. Is there anything I can do?

Can you raise the dead? -Muffled-
souleaterfan320 said
* looks down,a tear falling from his eye* i understand that well,my partner and close friend was killed recently by kaine, i swore vengance, but i cant defeat him....

*Nods* Sorry for your loss.
*Tucks my head back into my knees*
souleaterfan320 said
*appears, seeing teresa in the corner, and walks over to her, kneeling*hey there, whats wrong?

*Looks up at you*
My friend was killed in my recent assignment.
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