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Etcetera said

*Waves at you before standing*
I'll be here more often as of now.
souleaterfan320 said
*wallks over to you, kneeling down to you*need help?

No, I'm okay.
*Fiddles with a pouch I retrieved from my pocket until it opens*
*A small vial slides out anti-climatically, and I unscrew it. I then pour a deep black, thick tar-like substance onto my tongue and swallow, instantly rejuvenating me*
I was hungry. Haven't felt that feeling in a long time... That was about 3 years of hunger all at once!
souleaterfan320 said
*appears in waternaux city with the others, looking around*. so many laights, beautiful buildings, all in one place, its amazing!*looks towards the group*hello isis and teresa, how are you?*looks to the newcomer* well hello there. who may you be?

*Briefly raises my hand off the floor as a sign of acknowledgement, before allowing it to flop against the hard ground once more*
Etcetera said
Okay then... I don't know where to get ramen.

Ramen comes from my country...
*Collapses forward, faceplanting on the floor out of exhaustion*
I shouldn't have any.. *cough* .. orders from the organization.. to take care of for a while.
*Staggers in, blood strewn across my armour*
What.. *Pant* Did I miss?
Araby264 said
Whatever, I'm done. I'll see you guys tomorrow.

Why did the person - whom I may add only has alleged existence - who took the username of Toxic Diamond decide to use the name Aruna as a main character? It seems a little fishy for an imposter to know that name, no? Since I made that name up completely back in the days of iFunny. I'd also dub the possibility of that being a coincidence too slim to be true. I have somewhat of a feeling that you'd decided to leave the RP, couldn't face telling us, then regretted it - hence the rather unbelievable story that's currently presented. Or, I'm being a tad too sceptic, and this all actually happened. If it's the former, please come clean. Living a lie is no way to live, and we won't care. We'd forgive you. If it's the latter, then I ask of you for forgiveness, in light of my scepticism.
Problem is though, is that if the issue follows through, I shan't be returning. Otherwise I shall be.
Well I'm not sure how long I'll be around either. Not because of the fact I'm leaving you guys, but because of some IRL circumstances you'd need not worry about.
Etcetera said
Bad things have been happening.

This is why sleep is bad.
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