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Legend said
Try empathy. Or at least sympathy. If you can't do those, then don't expect someone to help you when you're down.

Empathy is something I do all the time. For example, you're shattered and I can feel that. But for some reason you don't like my help?
Legend said
*Slaps you*Tell me that again when you get to be my age.

*Looks even more confused*
What did I do?
Legend said
I won't forget Don! I never will! And just a by the way, I won't see him again. It's not going to happen.

So deal with it? Set it all aside and continue, it's easy!
Legend said
*Glares*I've known Don for over six thousand years. You try losing someone you've known that long.

Well I can't, I'll only live about 50 years. I've known my parents for 22, and my brother, and they were both eaten by Yoma.
*Looks confused*
You should try to forget about it.
Legend said
Thanks.*Buries my face in my knees*That sure helps.

*Pokes you in the knee*
There's no point in dwelling over lost loved ones. You'll see them again one day, and I'm sure they wouldn't appreciate all your sorrow.
Legend said
Don. I've known him since I was forty. He was one of the first friends I ever really had.

I'm sorry for your loss.
Legend said
One of my greatest friends just died...

Legend said
I'm not mad...

I was being sarcastic.
*Sits against my sword near you*
What's bugging you?
Legend said
Worse.*Blows up a small rock*

Ah, the reds.
Legend said

*Looks at you briefly*
I see you also have a case of the blues.
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