@Lady Amalthea: That moment when you feel like you were the instrument for a blessing or miracle.
9 yrs ago
I made the decision to work every day I can until I head back to school in order to pay off my immediate debts. Four hours into this decision I already regret it immensely.
9 yrs ago
@Cynder: Two thumbs up to that idea!
9 yrs ago
@Cynder: On my end it's your avatar, I like looking at ones I'm interested in (be it cool, cute, or whatever) up close. Guess you'll know when I yours catch my eye now. XD
9 yrs ago
@Cynder: Bring it.
Simply a writer who enjoys working with others.
What, that isn't enough? Okay, fine.
Let's see, I've been roleplaying for... eight years now, I think is the number. Hard to remember, it's been so long. Of course, the first few years of my roleplaying I'd rather not remember (Adriane was great though), but I feel I've developed into a competent enough writer as to not completely embarrass myself. Group roleplays, one on ones, anything you can think of I've probably done it. I'm in college currently, the RA (Resident Assistant) of my wing of the building, so not only do I have class but an around-the-clock job too. I love writing with others, getting to know their characters and see them develop, while developing my own. Some of my proudest moments have happened when characters of other people are influenced by my own, and change because of it. I'm a bit of a planner, as I usually write with arcs in mind, and an overarching story.
I was here before the Great Collapse, and when the transition happened I made an account but never used it. The Great Collapse happened during one of my lower times, and I couldn't bring myself to keep roleplaying. Now I'm back though, with new experience and new ideas. I'm ready to go.
@Ashgan Hey, glad I caught your interest! Trust me, I understand that feeling entirely, it's why I've been gone for so bloody long and am just coming back now. Honestly makes me kind of proud that this roleplay has caught your attention, though, and brought you back for an attempt.
Alright, so about the plot... Basically, if I were to require anything of the characters, it would be to have a development plan in mind. I know that's pretty general, so let's see if I can get closer to that meaning. The first arc is pretty much about the war between Barcea and H'kela, I don't think that spoils too much, so to begin with things are going to be fairly "human" in terms of power and enemies. However, I already have plans for throughout the first arc to hint at the greater things in the world, the things going on behind the scenes. The overall story of this is going to involve meeting and possibly even fighting god-level beings, so there needs to be room for your character to grow, either through "artificial" or "natural" means.
When it comes to characters meeting each other, to begin with perhaps they'll be on different sides, but eventually they'll come together to stand against greater powers and evils. Since the focus is in the East to begin with, for example people from places like the West or Jasi can be travelers after some sort of goal that changes to them joining up with the main group (which will probably be Barcea-centric), or even, in the case of Barcea and H'kela, when the war is resolved it's sort of a tense alliance.
What will you be allying against? Well...
The story will eventually proceed into a four way war between East, West, and two other factions. This will be what's happening during the "Final" arc, and maybe perhaps before. One of these factions has existed throughout the history but isn't known, so I didn't include them above. The other faction is one that is newly made, and has a lot to do with the end of the world.
So, in a shellnut: Characters who will be able to grow and survive as battles escalate beyond the realm of "normal," and characters that you're willing to plan with me if necessary to bring into the fold. I don't want to give too much general information beyond that just because it might not apply to everyone, and it might also lead to too many spoilers.
Also! While it would be cool for people to have characters in that main fold, it would also be cool to have some supporting villains as well. If someone would really, really like to help me place more pieces on the board, then feel free to ask. Depending on what your idea of a villain might be, I can give you more information to how they might fit in. That, or you can ask about one of the factions straight away, and I'll just start feeding more and more information slowly, until we come to a workable point where I feel like, "Yes, this idea will be brilliant," and then I can feed you lots of information about said enemies.
I hope this text dump clears up some confusion and brings some enlightenment! If not I'll try again, it's been awhile since I've had to tiptoe around plot elements while describing so I'm out of practice.
Various Minor Characters (Such as the Arena Brawl Characters)
Ambrosia, Lady of the Abyss
Character Sheets Organized by Roleplayer
Full Name: Cyril Serio Nicknames/Titles: Prince of Barcea Occupation: See above, Leader of the Sentinels Birthday: May 16th Height: 5'9" Weight: 155 lbs Race: Human Sex/Gender: Male Age: Twenty-two. Sexuality: Mostly heterosexual, some bisexual tendencies. Place of Birth: Barcea Biography: The first part of Cyril's life was one of comfortable living but lingering fear. His father, Olain Serio, was often constantly in conflict with the forces of H'kela to the west. There was concern throughout the entire nation of a sudden invasion, though Barcea held strong at the border. Because of this situation Cyril was trained to be a warrior from an early age, though by people other than his father. The discipline that was weathered into him laid the foundations for his physical strength and speed in his later years, and his skill in combat. Whether fortunately or not, Cyril was not forced to put these skills into war at an early age as, just before he reached his teenage years his father passed away after heading West to the God King War, and his older sister Kori came into power. Unlike their father, his sister was a peaceful individual and ended direct conflict with H'kela, instead turning her focus into her own nation for rebuilding and improvement. It was her example that led to him one day creating the Sentinels around three years before. The Sentinels are a group led directly by him that patrol the borders and throughout the nation, actively helping the people in any way possible and discouraging the bandit population. Despite the peace, there still lingers some suspicion in the Prince's mind of H'kela, and what they might be planning. This suspicion has been inflamed by the recent actions seemingly taken by Barcea's neighbor to the west, and when at the Capitol Cyril has often been found talking quietly and rapidly with his older sister. Personality: Cyril is a born leader, and a very people-centric person. He always puts others before himself, and is genuinely concerned for pretty much anyone he can be. This makes him a very thoughtful leader, one people look up to. At the same time, this can become self-destructive for him, as in the past he has become extremely reckless just to get someone else out of a bad situation. He also struggles to come to terms with the idea of balancing duty towards everyone within Barcea all at once, while maintaining one's self as well. He looks up to his older sister, and looks out for his younger sister. He values the support and lives of his comrades, and listens carefully to all. He loves his two sisters dearly. He tries to refrain from ordering full bloodshed, but will if necessary. Likes: Training with each other, group activities, good food and company, good competition. Dislikes: Bullies, oppressors, any sort of individual like that. He also dislikes seeing others suffer or hurt, and he still harbors lingering resentment towards his father for the mistakes of the previous generation. Skills/Strengths: Cyril is strong and fast, naturally at the forefront of any battle. He's decently skilled with a variety of weapons but most so with his own sword. Physically he is a talented combatant, especially for one so young. Flaws/Weaknesses: Currently, Cyril has no magical ability, and is a "regular human." That means that, as durable as he is, it's not the same as someone of superb, almost impossible talent and nature. He also can be extremely stubborn, which leads to trouble. Weapons/Equipment: Besides basic equipment such as a water skin and similar tools, his main weapon is a hand-and-a-half sword that he keeps at his side. The weapon is rather simple, with no extra color or anything like that. Appearance: An individual of decent height and of an athletic build, Cyril has dark hair of a bluish hue which does not go down his neck. He has blue eyes as well, though this blue is of a brighter shade. He dresses in white and blue, Barcean colors by now if you can't tell, including a cape that goes over one shoulder. He has long pants and sleeves, boots and gloves. He carries his blade at his side, and has found a balance between looking ready to travel or being ready to sit down at a long (and probably boring) meeting. Theme Songs:All Saints Day - The Silent Comedy Theme of the Serio Family: Sins of the Father - Donna Burke Other: N/A Main or Side: Main. Username: The Darklight Project
Full Name: Ayano Serio Nicknames/Titles: Princess of Barcea Occupation: See above. Birthday: April 21st Height: 5'2" Weight: 110 lbs Race: Human Sex/Gender: Female Age: Sixteen. Sexuality: Bisexual Place of Birth: Barcea Biography: Ayano was born blind. It is something she has dealt with since before her memories begin, but because of it she wasn't able to see much of the terrible things that happened during the time of war. However, she was able to hear it, smell it, taste it, and feel it. Instead of having sight, she had color; she could sense color with her four working senses, and it is what she associates with her memories. Along with this, despite not being able to see, her skill with painting and drawing is still extremely accurate (and popular to boot too). She doesn't remember the times of war very well thankfully, and for the most part has happily lived during the time of her older sister's rule. She has always looked up to her older sister and brother, and because of that not only dreams to be in the Sentinels, but asks to be (and demands it) as well. It is only recently that Cyril has begun to half-seriously think about this. Personality: In a way, Ayano lives in her own world. Her emotions are simple, with a kind nature towards everyone. She's willing to give everyone a chance, even if others don't think they deserve it. She's very distant at times, often doodling and/or being lost in her own thoughts. When brought back to the world however, as quiet as she may be she has a natural talent of being able to go on and on when talking. She also may or may not accidentally get too close to a person or thing, depending on what's being worn or the color in general- being drawn to colors, she can't help herself. The color that draws her the most is purple. In general she can be a little disoriented and distracted by colors; at worse, with lots of colors at once, along with multiple senses experiencing the colors at once (like taste and smell from eating candy), it can produce an extremely distracting euphoric effect for her, leaving her in a blissful mess for some length of time. She also loves animals and, in general, is able to enjoy almost anything. Likes: Colors (especially purple), painting, animals, having things read to her, and music. Dislikes: Certain colors, vegetables, homework assignments, spider webs, and walls. Skills/Strengths: Ayano doesn't really have any combat abilities yet. However, because of how she can sense colors through all of her senses that work, she has utility as a sensor. Flaws/Weaknesses: She cannot fight, she is blind, and she can be overwhelmed by colors. Weapons/Equipment: Typically keeps tools to draw and paint on her, so if even the slightest desire strikes she can go at it. Also, she keeps a purple cloth on her at all times. Appearance: Ayano is a skinny, petite individual, but full of energy. She has long white hair, and either dresses in colorful dresses or in pure white. Her most distinctive feature is how she has clean bandages carefully wrapped around her head at the eyes, in order to keep whatever is beneath completely concealed and protected. The purple cloth she carries with her can often be seen, as she plays with it in her hands whenever she is bored. Theme Songs:Shadows - Lindsey Stirling Theme of the Serio Family: Sins of the Father - Donna Burke Other: To reiterate, she can sense color (and possibly intent, though that isn't clear) through her working senses. Main or Side: Side. Username: The Darklight Project
Full Name: Kori Serio Nicknames/Titles: Queen of Barcea. Occupation: See above. Birthday: December 12th Height: 5'10" Weight: 130 lbs Race: Human Sex/Gender: Female Age: Twenty-Eight Sexuality: Bisexual Place of Birth: Barcea Biography: Kori never really liked the way her father did things, and how aggressive he was with H'kela. She kept her dislike and distrust to herself, and when her father went West she just quietly waited for the inevitable. When he died and it was time for her to take power, she was ready. There were those who would take advantage of her and would have had her continue the old ways, but she was more than ready to not bend to anyone. She had her own help and allies, and with them she began almost immediate reform. Warmongers were removed, and a new era of peace was begun. Though the people distrusted her in the beginning, some even hating her because of her father, she won them over with her kindness and honest, slowly but surely. Now she is a beloved Queen and symbol who has refused to take any aggressive measures against H'kela, though she still keeps a watchful eye towards the border. Personality: Kori is a living embodiment of peace. She is calm, quiet, and friendly. She always listens to others before speaking, and she makes sure to carefully think out whatever response that she might make. She loves her people, and it always shows. Yet she also finds herself being able to understand other people, and love them as well. Because of this, though Barcea does come first because of her duties, she often thinks of other innocents, and what affect her actions will have upon them. Likes: Reading, music, talking to others in friendly situations. Dislikes: Lying, combat, resentment. Skills/Strengths: Kori is not a fighter. She prefers peaceful approaches to situations, and because of that she is skilled at influencing others with her words. Flaws/Weaknesses: As already said, she is not a fighter. She relies on others for her protection. Weapons/Equipment: Unknown. Appearance: Kori is a tall, beautiful woman with graceful features. Always dressed as a Barcean Queen should be in blue finery, she has bluer hair than her younger brother, which goes down just to her bottom of her neck. As Queen, she has a silver crown. Besides the blue, there is also white and gold tastefully spread through the cloth of her clothes. Theme Songs:Heavens Divide - Donna Burke Theme of the Serio Family: Sins of the Father - Donna Burke Other: N/A Main or Side: Side, but important. Username: The Darklight Project
Full Name: Alasa Nicknames/Titles: N/A Occupation: Sentinel Birthday: February 3rd Height: 5'8" Weight: 150 lbs Race: Human Sex/Gender: Male Age: 23 Sexuality: Heterosexual Place of Birth: Barcea Biography: Alasa was born into poverty, something that was becoming all too common in Barcea during the times of war. He stole and poached to survive, and more often than not nearly got into severe trouble. Eventually, though, the law caught up to him, and it was not prepared to hold back just because he was young and starving. Fortunately, though, Olain was overseas, and Cyril was there. It was the Prince who kept the punishment from being too harsh for the younger Alasa, and to this day he remains thankful to the Prince because of it. It was only natural that, when the Prince began to gather individuals for the Sentinels, Alasa signed up. It kept him from falling farther into the not so lawful side of the world, and probably even saved his life once again. Personality: Alasa is a very quiet and very focused individual. He prefers to keep to himself and observe, rather than be the focal point of others. He is extremely dedicated and extremely cautious, preferring to act only when he is absolutely certain of an outcome. He's a planner, able to look at a situation as a whole, and then focus on the most important aspects. He puts this to use in his work as a scout and an archer. Likes: Quiet and being outside, contests of skill. Dislikes: Too much noise or too many people set him on edge and irritate him. Skills/Strengths: Alasa is a skilled archer and tracker. This is where he shines, and he is usually one of the ones on watch for the Sentinels. Flaws/Weaknesses: Alasa prefers to keep threats at a distance, for good reason. Weapons/Equipment: Beyond survival gear, such as basic first aid material, a water skin, rope, etc., he carries a bow and a quiver of arrows for combat and hunting. Appearance: Alasa has longer blond hair that goes down his neck, and dresses in greens and browns for camouflage. His clothes fit well and comfortably, but are clearly made for scaling surfaces and getting into rough situations. He typically slings his bow and quiver around his torso, and has his pouches and the like for carrying things around his waist. Theme Songs:The Theme of the Sentinels: Warriors - Imagine Dragons Other: N/A Main or Side: Side. Username: The Darklight Project
Full Name: Diane Laues Nicknames/Titles: Lady as a prefix. Occupation: Duke's daughter, Sentinel. Birthday: November 11th Height: 5'1" Weight: 105 lbs Race: Human Sex/Gender: Female Age: Twenty-one. Sexuality: Bisexual, prefers women. Place of Birth: Barcea Biography: Diane has always known an upper class life, though there were some difficulties when she was younger. Her family's estate is in the western part of Barcea, and therefore closer to the H'kelan border than one at war with said nation would want. Relatively near her home was a pass through a canyon that was a way between both nations, and therefore more than a few battles were held to hold the pass. Thanks to the thorough defense of the Barcean military, the people she lived around didn't suffer, but they did not escape completely unscathed. Diane has known the Serio family for her entire life, especially the newer generation, so when Kori rose to power she made sure her father was a supporter. When she reached her teens she learned that she had a talent for healing, and she began to foster and grow it into a true skill. Because of that and her dedication, Cyril invited her to the Sentinels, something she accepted. Personality: To say Diane is prim is putting it lightly. She is very proper, and expects the best from everyone. If something doesn't reach her standards, her tongue becomes a knife and she sets about to fixing whatever "eyesore" might be happening. Some may see her as bossy (or a pain in the arse), but others have learned to live with it, and even find entertainment out of it. Those who know her know it's mostly just smoke she blows, and that there is a different side to her. Of the royal family, she seems to love Ayano the most, taking care of her like an older sister or a mother would. Likes: Reading, healing, looking after the Princess, order. Dislikes: Disgusting/dirty things, disorder, and loudness. Skills/Strengths: Diane is a healer, one whose skill continues to grow. She's reached the point that, so long as nothing is detached, she can effectively healer a person back into a workable state. She is also more than decent at riding a horse, but other than that she has no skills for combat, which means she keeps to the back lines as possible. Flaws/Weaknesses: She is a healer, not a fighter. She does not engage in open combat (even if she can throw a mean right hook or slap), so she relies on others for protection in order to do her job. Weapons/Equipment: A staff to channel magic for healing. Appearance: Diane is always dressed nicely, in a dress with gloves and nice boots. She has slightly sharp features, pale skin, and long blonde hair that goes down to collect at either shoulder. The colors of her clothes are assorted off-whites and tans, with little dashes of light pink and green here and there. Theme Songs:The Theme of the Sentinels: Warriors - Imagine Dragons Other: N/A Main or Side: Side Username: The Darklight Project
Full Name: Sampson Avary Nicknames/Titles: "Sampson the Hungry" is a name often joked with him. Occupation: Soldier, Sentinel Birthday: August 27th Height: 5'10" Weight: 160 lbs Race: Human Sex/Gender: Male Age: Twenty-four Sexuality: Demisexual Place of Birth: Barcea Biography: Sampson was born to a family that wasn't too rich, but not too poor either. They were relatively successful farmers, comfortable enough, but it wasn't the life he wanted. He lived in the eastern part of Barcea, so he had very little contact with the war with H'kela. Perhaps because of that he wasn't daunted from pursuing a military career, and at the age of sixteen he joined the Barcean military. Though he started during the time of peace, he still has seen a decent bit of combat thanks to issues with bandits that the military are called on for, and it was his actions during one skirmish that brought him to the attention of Cyril, who then recruited him. Personality: Sampson is a genuinely nice fellow, though easily overwhelmed. He has a kind heart, to the point that it's almost surprising that he wanted to be a soldier. However, he is extremely dedicated to what he does, often training in his free time, keeping his strength and skill up. However, the most... unnatural thing about him would be his love for food, and his capacity to consume it. It should be impossible for someone to eat so much food, but Sampson does that and more. For those seeing it for the first time, it can almost be something terrifying to see. Likes: Food(, food, and food), training, and he is extremely proud of being a Sentinel. Dislikes: Limited portions, not getting enough sleep, and being still. Skills/Strengths: Sampson, though young, is a soldier through and through, and best as a calvaryman. He is known to make daring maneuvers that somehow work, and works as a striker in combat. Flaws/Weaknesses: A normal human being, he does not have any sort of power of the magical or unnatural nature (besides his capacity to eat). Weapons/Equipment: Wears some plate armor, carries a sword and a spear. Appearance: Sampson has shorter brown hair that sometimes comes up in a little cowlick. He has slightly tanned skin, and wears some plate armor, mostly focused on his chest and legs. The color that the cloth and the painted parts of the armor is a deep green. He keeps his sword at his side and his spear on his back when he is not using them. Theme Songs:The Theme of the Sentinels: Warriors - Imagine Dragons Other: N/A Main or Side: Side Username: The Darklight Project
Full Name: Gortul Nicknames/Titles: N/A Occupation: Sentinel Birthday: August 29th Height: 6'0" Weight: 180 pounds Race: Human Sex/Gender: Male Age: Twenty-six. Sexuality: ????? Place of Birth: The border regions between Gurata and Barcea, but he considers Barcea his home. Biography: Gortul was born away from civilization, in the strip of land between the nations of Barcea and Gurata that can't really be considered part of either. He was born into a small community, one that kept to itself a fair bit. They did not live in a town, but they were not nomads either. Their existence may have been missed entirely if it weren't for all of the moving about during the wars, which ended up uprooting the community to move to safer spaces in Barcea. Gortul had very little learning, which caused its own struggle, but he slowly but surely learned how to function in Barcean society and come to love it. He was discovered by the Prince on one of his hunts, and his skills were noted. It was because of them that Cyril offered him a position on the Sentinels, and he happily agreed to join. Personality: Gortul is a very, very friendly man with a heavy accent. He genuinely cares for anyone he meets, and loves nothing more than the help others. It's part of the reason why he's so compatible with the Sentinels, and why he is a great team player and a protector. Likes: Animals, the outdoors, sparring. Dislikes: Hurting others, accidentally breaking things (happens a lot), and Diane when she is really angry. He gets scared of her. Skills/Strengths: Gortul is a very strong and very durable individual, and this shows when he fights. Flaws/Weaknesses: His lack of armor, and his difficulty speaking and communicating can be a hindrance. Weapons/Equipment: He carries a large axe, and smaller ones for throwing. Appearance: Gortul is very tall and very muscular with tanned skin. He wears furs, though most of his torso is bare most of the time. His hair is cut short and is a very dark brown, and he often has stubble on his cheeks and chin. Theme Songs:The Theme of the Sentinels: Warriors - Imagine Dragons Other: N/A Main or Side: Side Username: The Darklight Project
Full Name: Seryosa Nicknames/Titles: Chief Seryosa, Chief of the North Occupation: Chief of Gurata Birthday: October 17th Height: 5'9" Weight: 152 lbs Race: Human Sex/Gender: Female. Age: Thirty-eight. Sexuality: Heterosexual. Place of Birth: Gurata. Biography: Seryosa is the oldest child of the new generation of Guratan chiefs, the power having been passed to her and her siblings when she was thirty-two. Her area of domain is the northern part of Gurata, and is therefore one of the coldest places in the world. She holds tight to the nomadic traditions of the Guratans, often following many that are considered old or forgotten. She has no real interest with what's going on down to the south. Personality: Seryosa is a cold, brutal individual, with no time for those she sees as weak. For her, it is very much the survival of the fittest in the coldest reaches of the north. Her nature has hardened her people as well. Likes: Unknown, save for her mount. Dislikes: Doesn't enjoy dealing with her siblings. Skills/Strengths: Seryosa is strong, and perhaps the best of the Guratan chiefs at leading people into battle. She is also a mounted fighter usually, which presents its own advantages. Flaws/Weaknesses: She is used to being a mounted fighter, so on her feet she is fairly uncomfortable or annoyed. Weapons/Equipment: Seryosa wears full armor, and uses a massive maul while fighting. While not a piece of equipment, her "mount" is a massive armored snow leopard (clearly either some sort of mutant or somehow otherwise unnatural due to its side) that she has affectionately named Whiskers. Appearance: Seryosa has very pale skin, unlike her siblings, and already grey hair. Her eyes are also a stormy sort of grey, and she very rarely goes without her dull grey armor. Theme Songs: A fun little extra I always like to include. Other: N/A Main or Side: Side Username: The Darklight Project
Full Name: Calypso Nicknames/Titles: N/A Occupation: N/A, accompanies Etsuko Tanaka. Birthday: Unknown Height: 5'11" Weight: 105 lbs Race: Human(? Assumed.) Sex/Gender: Female Age: Appears to be in early twenties. Sexuality: Homosexual. Place of Birth: Unknown. Biography: Calypso's history will be short because even she knows so very little of it. All she knows is that, one day, she woke up as she was being found by a young woman named Etsuko Tanaka. She simply attached herself to this caring young woman, following along with her and soon coming to live with her. While they are not lovers, Calypso deeply cares for Etsuko, and has taken a sort of position of looking after her and protecting her. She follows Etsuko wherever she goes, and usually defers to what she says. Personality: Eccentric. She is, overall, a very calm, collected individual, good at various situations and adapting to whatever necessary. She is obviously confident in her own abilities, though, and is extremely skilled at what she does. She doesn’t go out looking to be friends with people, but she has a natural sort of politeness that just allows her to casually start a conversation with anyone, often randomly. However, despite all of this, it's like she's still learning about the world, like a child taking their first steps. Likes: Music-lover, cats, owls, snowfall, the various forms of arts, and interesting talents or skills that she's never seen before. Dislikes: Obnoxious people, crowds, and slackers, and having to speak up about her dislikes. Skills/Strengths: Calypso has a speed and grace that belies a hidden strength. However, she has more... very "unnatural" abilities. One of these is the ability to shapeshift. She can change her form at will, changing her appearance. She cannot, or perhaps does not, use this ability as a direct combat tactic, as in stretching limbs or anything like that. She uses it almost whimsically, just changing her appearance as necessary if she feels different for a day, or as a disguise. However, the ability to shapeshift does seem to give her some form of a healing factor, as well. Flaws/Weaknesses: Her almost innocent nature is a weakness as often she is still learning. In combat, that means she's learning tactics for both herself and others, making things... messy and dangerous for both herself and others. Out of combat, it means that she may make mistakes or become confused in certain social situations, though she learns quickly afterwards. She is also terrible at baking, though other forms of cooking she can more than manage at. Weapons/Equipment: Currently, she uses knives. She has two longer ones, and many smaller ones to throw. Appearance: Very tall, what one could refer to as Calypso's "standard" form is very beautiful. She has smooth and ample curves, and she seems to be aware of how attractive she is. She has pale skin and silver hair, long enough to come down to just above her shoulders. Though her eyes often change color, a standard seems to be either purple or blue. She dresses in darker, form fitting clothes, with her weapons in clear sight at her sides, on her legs, and on her arms. Theme Songs:Soul Society - Kamelot Other: N/A Main or Side: Main. Username: The Darklight Project
Full Name: Joachim Raizen Nicknames/Titles: The Wanderer, formerly the Fearsome Phantasm. Occupation: N/A, former Gifted. Birthday: January 9th Height: 5'6" Weight: 117 lbs Race: Human. Sex/Gender: Male. Age: Twenty-nine, though he appears younger. Sexuality: Heterosexual Place of Birth: Kyora. Biography: The Wanderer's story is one that will be revealed within the roleplay. Because of this, this will only go over the broad strokes. He went West at a young age to fight in the God King War, and when it was done he simply disappeared. Now, he has returned East, avoiding using his own name and title in order to remained concealed. Personality: Joachim appears to be a bit of an oddball. Though calm, quiet, and ever polite, he sometimes seems to become very distracted. He smiles at others, but he avoids making contact as much as he can, at least while travelling. He seems to be very easily surprised and overwhelmed. This, however, is often revealed to be an act, as in battle a certain coldness comes over his gaze and personality as he proceeds to end the battle as quickly as possible. Despite this coldness, he refrains from killing. He seems to enjoy being around children and taking care of them, but often seems to descend into a sort of melancholy afterwards. Likes: Children, quiet, being outside, and walking. Dislikes: Violence and killing, those who take advantage of the weak, and standing by as innocents are harmed. Skills/Strengths: The tales of the Phantasm's abilities are almost horror stories, especially to those who stood against him. He seemed to appear and disappear at will, and was a master of the blade. With ease, he would hack through limbs and heads, slaughtering all those who dared to fight him. What made him even more dangerous was clear Void power, a Dark sort of magic that made his blade that much more deadly, and added range where he should have none. Now, he seems to prefer to keep his blade sheathed, and very rarely uses his magical abilities if at all. It is, in fact, unknown just how strong he is, or if he has started to lose these abilities. Flaws/Weaknesses: His own restraint is his greatest weakness. Where killing would be the quickest solution, he chooses not to, and often gets hurt because of it. Weapons/Equipment: He has equipment for travelling, and the only weapon he carries is a slightly curved blade that he keeps in its sheath. Appearance: The Wanderer's appearance is surprisingly effeminate. Though he doesn't wear makeup or try to accent this fact, the shape of his face and the slenderness of his body is almost like a woman's. He has dark hair of a sort of purplish hue, and deeply purple eyes. He wears dark purple travelling robes, and a large, round hat for his head. He usually keeps his hair pulled back, for it is very long. Perhaps the most interesting feature he has is a wavy sort of scar on his cheek that curves around down to his neck, the scar sometimes glowing every so often (he keeps this hidden to begin with by bandages, at is a very defining mark). Theme Songs:What a Wonderful World - Joseph William Morgan ft. Shadow Royale Theme of the Gifted: SIX-HEROES Other: N/A Main or Side: Main. Username: The Darklight Project
Full Name: Christopher "Daniels" Nocte Nicknames/Titles: N/A Occupation: N/A, in training. Birthday: October 6th Height: 5'10" Weight: 165 lbs Race: Human Sex/Gender: Male Age: Nineteen Sexuality: Heterosexual Place of Birth: Bordering mountains between Gurata and Barcea. Biography: Christopher has lived most of his life like a hermit, up in the mountains between Barcea and Gurata with his adopted mother. He has no memory of a time before he called this woman his mother, and even though he knows he is adopted it doesn't bother him in the slightest. Despite the seclusion, it was a comfortable enough life, one that Christopher sometimes feels the urge to go back to. However, that wasn't his fate, as his mother one day called for a favor upon the Paladin Damon Dubois, to take him out in to the world and teach him not just how to survive, but to live as well. The Paladin agreed, and because of that Christopher has spent the past few years constantly on the move, learning from the Paladin how to fight and survive in the world. He has seen most of the East already. Personality: Christopher is a relaxed individual, to the point of almost being lazy. He prefers calm, quiet moments to intense action, yet within intense action he thrives. He's a curious person, but sometimes prefers to find the answer out by himself than just ask for it. Overall, he's a very hands on person. Every once in a while he gets an urge for mischief, and he hates being truly disrespected. Likes: Music, engaging in private exercise, the mountains, solitude. Dislikes: He and animals don't really get along, so he usually avoids them. He also seems to have an underlying fear of what the Paladin can do, as if he's seen it before, and wants to avoid falling under the wrath. That doesn't keep him from a healthy amount of backtalk, though. Skills/Strengths: Christopher is a brawler, getting into the thick of the action. Because of this, he's adept at taking hits, no small thanks to a healing factor he has. The speed he heals at depends on the level of the damage. He's physically strong as well, which mean his hits can really hurt. Flaws/Weaknesses: Even with his healing factor, he has a habit of getting hit too much. He also has no real ranged options, which means he has to get in close to land a hit. Weapons/Equipment: Survival gear, but his main weapons are the gauntlets around his arms. They are enchanted with electricity magic, which adds more oomph to his hits. Appearance: Christopher has short grey hair, which he usually just leaves messy. He wears darker clothes, accented with white and red. This includes a jacket that he usually wears, the sleeves pulled down over the gauntlets. He keeps a bag with him for his supplies. Besides all of this, he wears silver gauntlets on his arms. The metal is smooth, and the plates slide over each other with ease. Electricity sometimes sparks over it, especially as he gets more and more active. He has blue eyes. Theme Songs:In the Heat of the Moment (Toydrum Remix) Other: N/A Main or Side: Main. Username: The Darklight Project
Full Name: Damon Dubois Nicknames/Titles: The Divine Paladin Occupation: See above and below in the bios for details. Birthday: December 16th. Height: 6'5" Weight: 210 lbs Race: Human Sex/Gender: Male Age: Forty-three Sexuality: Heterosexual(?) Place of Birth: Barcea Biography: Dubois is a legend in his own right. Little is known about him before he arrived at the church dedicated to the Seven Divines in southern Barcea, but when he did at the young age of perhaps eleven he was taken in. He had an aptitude for the religion, so because of it he was raised to one day be a priest. However, when one day he started exhibiting powers upon an attack by wild beasts in his teenage years, he began learning how to become a Paladin instead. For years he trained like this, until he left the church at the age of twenty, beginning to travel and do the work of the Divines. Wherever there was injustice or suffering, he was there to "take care" of it. A few years before the present, he was asked a favor to teach a certain young man how to work and survive, and he accepted. Since then, Christopher "Daniels" Nocte has been coming along with him, and Dubois is teaching the boy. Personality: Dubois is an imposing man, who is often extremely quiet and watching everything with a level stare. He is very hard to approach, and almost terrifying to some. However, behind this lies a genuinely good heart, as he enjoys taking care of and looking after children, and doing the word of the Divines. Likes: Religion, reading aloud, children and animals. Dislikes: Blasphemy, the ignorant, the tyrannical. Skills/Strengths: Dubois has been blessed by the Divines, and therefore has many abilities because of it. He is extremely physically fast and strong, a powerful opponent to have. He also has an extreme healing factor, to the point that blows that would normally instantly kill a man he shrugs off with ease to carve down whoever hit him. He also has various holy charms to use, to harm or limit his enemies. Flaws/Weaknesses: Dubois' power comes from the fact he is blessed. So, if he were to blaspheme or lose this blessing, all of his power would go away as well. Because the Divines have differing views and goals, this is more likely than one might think. Because of this, he picks one Divine at a time as a patron, in order to shield himself under their protection more. Currently, his patron is the Divine Ambrosia. Weapons/Equipment: He has blades that are a foot and a half long, and about an inch wide. The exact number he has are unknown to everyone except for him, as he seems to just simply have an unlimited supply. He can either throw or attack with these directly. He also has holy texts and blessed nails he uses in various manners against his opponents. His two main weapons, however, are two hammers. Appearance: Dubois is a mountain of a man, tall and with wide shoulders. He has short blonde hair that spikes up, and his skin is tanned. He has a large scar that goes over his left cheek, thickly carved into his cheek all the way to his nose. He wears small circular glasses, and dressed in black robes over his body, with dark gloves and boots. He also has a silver symbol hanging from a chain around his neck, in the shape of what could only be described as a rip or a tear. Theme Songs:Hunt You Down - The Hit House feat. Ruby Friedman Other: N/A Main or Side: Side, but with his moments. Username: The Darklight Project
Full Name: Alsius Argentum Nicknames/Titles: The Direwolf Occupation: Knight of Barcea Birthday: July 6th Height: 6'4" Weight: 200 lbs Race: Human Sex/Gender: Male Age: Forty-four years old. Sexuality: Heterosexual Place of Birth: Barcea Biography: Alsius entered the ranks of the Barcean soldiers at a young age, and he shone in combat. His skills, impressive from the beginning but even still rapidly growing, brought him to the attention of those higher up in the Barcean hierarchy. It was only a matter of time before he was knighted, and Olain Serio decided to place him in a permanent position near himself, in a combined role of bodyguard and agent. When Alsius wasn't sent to lead men and fight battles, he remained near the King as a not so subtle threat and challenge. When the King eventually decided to go West, Alsius was commanded to stay behind and protect the rest of the royal family. Perhaps it was a good thing that he stayed behind, for about halfway through the war Kyora asked for help, saying that there were revolutionaries from the West within its borders, and they were fearful of an attack sent by the God Kings to search for whoever it may be. It was rumored that at least one of the Gifted had come over, so Alsius went with a force to Kyora. There, he led a hunt that purged many of the revolutionaries, and he even fought in single combat with the Gifted who had come East, the Fearsome Phantasm. Their match ended in a draw, so Alsius never learned why the Phantasm was there. With the issue dealt with, things returned to "normal," but soon the King returned, injured and soon to die. Barcea's efforts in the God King War had been thrawted, and Alsius had never seen the West. He calmly waited as changes occurred and Kori came into power, more than prepared to obey whatever orders she gave. For a while he remained in Barcea, but soon Kori asked him to be one of their diplomats in Gurata, due to the "political" nature there. He accepted this, and has for several years lived in the north in Gurata, sometimes returning to Barcea but normally just sending messengers. Personality: Unforgiving. Others would use more basic words such as harsh or cruel to describe him, but the best one to describe him as would be unforgiving. Walking hand in hand with this word is “brutal;” though he has survived into the current age of Barcea, hearkens back to the days of Olain Serio in the way he deals with problems. The third word to describe him as would be cold. He is never angry, never frustrated; he just becomes more serious, or gains a light, somewhat concerning smirk. He doesn’t flinch away from using violence, and seems barely able to feel pain himself. For him, life seems to have very little meaning; more than once others have accused him of enjoying whenever he kills. Morbid to an extreme degree, he gives off an air of arrogance that isn’t wrongly placed; he can back up whatever words or feelings he gives off with no hesitation. Likes: Smoking, simple foods, cold weather, combat, reading, and alcohol. Dislikes: People in general, gatherings, stubborn people, obnoxious individuals, complications, and he views most music as a waste of time. Skills/Strengths: Alsius is almost a monster in combat, a terrifying opponent to face. Not only is he physically strong and fast, he has a brilliant and strategic mind that adds to his lethality. Flaws/Weaknesses: Whenever Alsius gets too far into combat, it seems to be difficult for him to pull out of it. He ignores injuries he receives, so against opponents of equal skill he'll start gaining more and more, even as it becomes much more dangerous to do anything. Weapons/Equipment: A long, thin blade, and he wears pieces of metal armor over his body, mostly as protection on his forearms and legs. Appearance: Alsius is tall and thin, one who looms over most people. He has bright red hair and sharp blue eyes, his face almost feral in shape. He typically dresses in an off-white cloth, his armor matching this with a dull shine. He keeps his blade at his side. He usually is smoking. Theme Songs:Drebin 893 - Metal Gear Solid 4 Other: N/A Main or Side: Side, but with his moments. Username: The Darklight Project
Full Name: Yihira Nicknames/Titles: Chief Yihira, Chief of the East Occupation: Chief of Gurata Birthday: April 20th Height: 5'7 Weight: 148 lbs Race: Human Sex/Gender: Female Age: 31 Sexuality: Bisexual Place of Birth: Gurata. Biography: Yihira is the youngest of the new generation of Guratan chiefs, the power having been passed to her and her siblings when she was twenty-five. Her area of domain is the eastern part of Gurata, so most of her territory borders Barcea. She is a leader with the future in mind, so within her domain there has been plans for one day building proper settlements, so that they can properly grow. Being the youngest, she is sometimes overshadowed by her older siblings, but like them she is a skilled fighter and powerful leader. Personality: Yihira is a relatively cheerful person, giving respect where it is due and always up for a good sparring match. She is a hard worker, leading people by example. She can get a little hot tempered or excited, but she's usually able to bring herself back in. Likes: Sparring, building, and leading her people. Dislikes: Doesn't have too many good thoughts about H'kela and gets tired of Seryosa's attitude. Skills/Strengths: Yihira is a warrior, and has been for years. Not only is she skilled at her forms and methods of combat, but she is also skilled at leading others into battle. Flaws/Weaknesses: A "normal human," so against unnatural opponents she struggles. Weapons/Equipment: A sword and circular shield, along with the armor she wears, being a sort of armored skirt and a breastplate. Appearance: Yihira has tanned skin, with almost white hair which she pulls back. Her eyes are green. Her armor is accented by red here and there in the form of her clothes that she wears beneath it, where it shows. She typically carries her blade with her over her shoulder, choosing not to have a sheath to put it away in. She keeps her shield on her back when not in use. Theme Songs: A fun little extra I always like to include. Other: N/A Main or Side: Side. Username: The Darklight Project
Full Name: Kisarin Nicknames/Titles: Chief Kisarin, Chief of the West Occupation: Chief of Gurata Birthday: September 14th Height: 7'0" Weight: 225 lbs Race: Human. Sex/Gender: Male. Age: Thirty-five. Sexuality: Heterosexual Place of Birth: Gurata. Biography: Kisarin is the middle child of the new generation of Guratan chiefs, the power having been passed to him and his siblings when he was twenty-nine. His area of domain is the western part of Gurata, so most of his territory borders H'kela. He has been dealing with bandit raids from along the border, but he believes that even if they seem to be Barcean, it is just a ruse by H'kela to sour relationships overall. He seems to enjoy the nomadic lifestyle and the customs of Gurata. Personality: Kisarin, despite his imposing size, is a cheerful fellow, one who enjoys a good feast and party. Perhaps the term gentle giant suits him, though there are times he can be not so gentle. He enjoys having a fun time, but when danger is present he is more than ready to fight. Likes: Celebration, good food, the nomadic lifestyle. Dislikes: Annoyed by H'kela, quite possibly fearful of Seryosa. Skills/Strengths: With his massive size and strength, Kisarin is a powerhouse that will absolutely destroy a defense. His size also gives him a significant range, as does his weapon. Flaws/Weaknesses: He is not particularly fast, so he has to often work faster opponents into a corner with his larger range. He also wears no real armor. Weapons/Equipment: A massive blade that is as tall as he is and as wide as his torso. Appearance: Extremely physically fit, Kisarin has tanned skin and short dark hair. He wears furs and the like of multiple animals, but his arms are bare. He keeps his blade on his back at an angle. There are scars all over his body from the many fights he's been in. Theme Songs: A fun little extra I always like to include. Other: N/A Main or Side: Side. Username: The Darklight Project
Full Name: Richard Leto Nicknames/Titles: The Alaemortis Occupation: Head Butler to the Lady of Demons Birthday: February 3rd Height: 6'2" Weight: 165 lbs Race: Human Sex/Gender: Male Age: Sixty-two Sexuality: Heterosexual Place of Birth: Unknown, currently resides in the mountains to the east of Barcea. Biography: Richard's full story will be revealed. For now, know that he was once an extremely well known monster hunter but has been serving the Lady of Demons for many, many years now, and has been a messenger for her as well especially to the Serio family. Otherwise, he waits on his Lady, patient for orders. Personality: Richard is a calm, cool, and collected individual, as expected of the Head Butler of the Lady of Demons. If there is a problem, he will have it dealt with as quickly and quietly as possible, and no sign of it will ever reach his Mistress. He is perfectly polite and punctual, and respects authority. He expects the best of those beneath him, and what few may exist at his level. Likes: Smoking after a hard day's work, working and especially cleaning and cooking. Dislikes: Messes, disrespect to his Mistress, problems for his Mistress. Skills/Strengths: Despite his age, Richard remains a powerful individual, perhaps due to the influence of his Mistress. He is fast, strong, and deadly. His offensive and defensive skills are very high. He also has a strange, almost impossible magic that is available to him in the form of time and space magic, able to manipulate the perception of both aspects for others. Flaws/Weaknesses: Despite being somewhat alleviated, age has still has an effect on him. He is not nearly as strong as he was in his hey-day, and now he prefers to remain stationary to conserve as much strength as possible. Weapons/Equipment: His main weapons come in form of magical wires that seem to come from his fingertips. With these, he can do everything from lightly catch an object or person, shred them to bits, or block attacks. Appearance: Tall and thin, Richard's pale skin has its fair share of wrinkles. His dark hair is turning grey, and he often has it back in a ponytail. He wears a shirt, vest, and pants, all dark. He also has gloves, and shiny black shoes. He wears a monocle over his left eye. Theme Songs: A fun little extra I always like to include. Other: N/A Main or Side: Side. Username: The Darklight Project
Full Name: Badain Nicknames/Titles: The Blind Champion Occupation: Fighter for hire. Birthday: May 27th Height: 5'10" Weight: 140 lbs Race: Human Sex/Gender: Male Age: Thirty-five(?) Sexuality: Unknown. Place of Birth: Aatroia. Biography: Not much is known about Badain before he entered the Arena in Gurata. It is known that he came from the West and entered around five years ago with another competitor, Sarah, but beyond that his lips are sealed. He's a talented and honorable fighter, one who is prized by those who have disputes to settle. Personality: Calm and polite, nothing can seem to shake this man. Extremely intelligent and experienced, he fights with very little restraint while still giving the utmost respect to his opponents. Likes: Literature, music, and a good fight. Dislikes: General rudeness, grudges, and dirty fighting. Skills/Strengths: Extremely agile and skilled with his blade. Flaws/Weaknesses: The man is very clearly blind, but has seemed to adapt beyond this weakness. Weapons/Equipment: A long, thin, rapier-like blade. Appearance: Tall and thin, he has short dark hair. His clothes are warm, mostly of tan shades. He has cloth wrapped around his eyes, concealing them. Theme Songs: N/A Other: N/A Main or Side: Side Username: The Darklight Project
Full Name: Mizra Nicknames/Titles: The Brutal Witch Occupation: Fighter for hire, currently. Birthday: October 17th Height: 5'10" Weight: 140 lbs Race: Human Sex/Gender: Female Age: Thirty(?) Sexuality: Unknown. Place of Birth: Unknown. Biography: Mizra's entrance into the arena was bloody, and her stay hasn't lessened the bloodshed. She entered as an unknown element, and absolutely slaughtered her opponent before they had a chance to surrender. Most of her fights end up this way, and though she is certainly walking the line she never crosses it to actually break a rule. Because of that, she is usually only hired whenever someone is truly certain to have the winning cause, and doesn't mind if a life is snuffed out in the process. Personality: Very forward and unforgiving, Mizra appears to live for the thrill of battle, and even more so for the thrill of ending a life. She doesn't fight to win; she fights to kill, and has no regrets in doing so. Likes: Fighting, killing, and anything involved with that. Dislikes: Being restrained in any way and not properly finishing an opponent. Skills/Strengths: Extremely skilled with magic and her weapon, Mizra excels at obliterating her opponents before they really have a chance to act. Flaws/Weaknesses: Her focus on the long range makes her very uncomfortable up close, and she prefers to avoid close range fighting at all costs. Weapons/Equipment: Her weapon and what she casts her magic through is a staff with a crescent moon-shaped blade on the end of it. Appearance: With shockingly green hair and yellow eyes, Mizra has pale skin. She wears a mixture of blues and whites, with yellow symbols varying from suns, moons, and stars all over her. This includes a pointed hat. Theme Songs: N/A Other: N/A Main or Side: Side Username: The Darklight Project
Full Name: Sarah Nicknames/Titles: The Blind Champion's Eyes Occupation: Fighter for Hire Birthday: May 28th Height: 5'6" Weight: 120lbs Race: Human Sex/Gender: Female Age: Twenty-five(?) Sexuality: Unknown Place of Birth: Aatroia Biography: She entered Gurata and the arena five years before, with Badain. Since entering she hasn't fought nearly as often as her teammate, but whenever she did it was always with Badain. She hasn't made as much of a name for herself as Badain, but she seems fine with that. Personality: Very chipper, Sarah is very supportive with everything Badain does, and tries to be friendly with everyone she can be. Even while fighting, she seems to worry about her opponent more than herself. Likes: Cooking, archery, running. Dislikes: Grudges, rude people. Skills/Strengths: Has a high amount of skill with the bow, adept at firing away accurately even while moving. Flaws/Weaknesses: Purely a ranged fighter. If one is able to close the distance with her, there is very little she can do to keep herself from getting hurt. Weapons/Equipment: Bow and arrow, magic quiver. Appearance: Sarah is a very simple girl with longer brown hair and brown eyes. She wears simple clothes of dark blue colors, carrying her bow and quiver with her pretty much always. Theme Songs: N/A Other: N/A Main or Side: Side. Username: The Darklight Project
Full Name: Oubera Nicknames/Titles: Kneecapper Occupation: Fighter for hire. Birthday: July 16th Height: 6'0" Weight: 196 lbs Race: Human Sex/Gender: Male Age: Forty(?) Sexuality: Unknown Place of Birth: Gurata Biography: Oubera was born in the north, and was very naturally a strong hunter and fighter. Becoming a professional of the Arena was only a matter of time, and within those walls he excelled. He fought for the highest bidder, and always fought to win. In his time, he's killed a few people who weren't wise enough to back down, and crippled even more... Including a certain "Joy." Personality: Oubera is very indifferent to many things. He fights for the highest bidder, and doesn't think too much about his opponents. This has allowed him to fight to his very best, at least from his perspective, and also keeps him from feeling guilty about previous fights. Likes: A good, long fight, filled with danger and challenge. Dislikes: Easy fights are his greatest dislike. Skills/Strengths: Very physically strong and resiliant, Oubera is a very tough opponent to take down. Flaws/Weaknesses: The telling nature of his attacks and the slower speed of the warhammer. Weapons/Equipment: A large but simple warhammer Appearance: Typically dresses in furs from the waist down, his top bare. Only slightly tanned with dark brown hair, plenty of scars and even fresher bruises and cuts. Theme Songs: N/A Other N/A Main or Side: Side Username: The Darklight Project
Full Name: Karul Nicknames/Titles: Fresh Meat Occupation: Fighter for Hire Birthday: November 3rd Height: 5'11" Weight: 170lbs Race: Human Sex/Gender: Male Age: Twenty-two Sexuality: Unknown Place of Birth: H'kela Biography: Karul's family left H'kela when he was very young, in order to try and avoid the constant warring with Barcea. Staying for a time in Barcea, they eventually made their way all the way to the Homestead in Gurata, thinking of it as an easier, if more rural, place to start. Aimless for a little while, he soon ended up joining the Arena whenever he learned he had a bit of a talent for fighting. This was only very recently, so he has little recognition among his peers. Personality: Very young and very inexperienced, Karul still has a lot to learn. He is eager to do so however, constantly watching and adapting. Likes: The jovial nature of those in the arena, continuing to grow and develop. Dislikes: The brutal nature of those in the arena, getting stuck or puzzled. Skills/Strengths: With decent skill, Karul's greatest strength is probably how quick of a learner he is, and how he can adapt to his opponents. Flaws/Weaknesses: Karul is struggling to find a definite place or style, and this shows as he fights with slight indecisiveness and nerves. Weapons/Equipment: A spear. Appearance: Light blonde hair of short length, Karul has tanned skin, and wears varying shades of brown. Theme Songs: N/A Other: N/A Main or Side: Side. Username: The Darklight Project
Full Name: Tihn Nicknames/Titles: The Arena's Stickyfingers Occupation: Fighter for Hire. Birthday: March 13th Height: 5'7 Weight: 130lbs Race: Human Sex/Gender: Male Age: Twenty-seven(?) Sexuality: Unknown Place of Birth: Barcea Biography: Tihn was probably always a thief, even from a very young age. Keeping away from the Barcean authorities started to become too difficult, so he fled north, over the Guratan border and out of their grasp. His attempts to steal in the very differently structured Gurata got him captured, and almost pressed into service in the Arena to pay back for his crimes. By the time he had done his penance, he learned that he had a talent in the Arena, and decided to stay. After all, the people he beat could only do so much to keep him from stealing from them, especially after knocking them out. Personality: Casual to a fault, Tihn's focus is very, very narrow. He only cares about himself really, and what he can get his hands on to make some easy coin. Likes: Money, pissing others off. Dislikes: Punishment, not getting a good haul. Skills/Strengths: Tihn is very agile, good at getting up close and landing multiple hits before moving away to a save distance. Flaws/Weaknesses: Not very resilient. Will fold after a few hits. Weapons/Equipment: Two daggers. Appearance: Black hair, wears various greys, has different bags to keep things at his sides and over his shoulder. Theme Songs: N/A Other: N/A Main or Side: Side. Username: The Darklight Project
Full Name: Karin Renata Nicknames/Titles: The Lady of Demons Occupation: N/A Birthday: December 21st. Height: 5'0" Weight: 85 lbs Race: Demon Sex/Gender: Female Age: Thousands of years, but appears to fluctuate back and forth between the age of an older child or a younger teenager. Sexuality: Homosexual(?) Place of Birth: Unknown. Currently resides in the mountains to the east of Barcea. Biography: Karin's story will be revealed. For now, know that she has been a source of information and advice for Queen Kori, is a quiet friend of the Serio family, and now lives in a magical, reality bending area (probably due to her own influence) in the mountains. Personality: Renata’s personality stems from the fact that she doesn’t like being bored. She proceeds almost casually to correct this problem, making her seem rather uncaring and sometimes downright sinister/sadistic. Because of this, she’s often seen with a slight smile on her face, which can be described as anything from slightly amused to completely twisted; it depends on who you are asking and what’s going on when it pops up. Her attempts to remain amused can lead to her either committing the most innocent actions to some of the more concerning. She personally doesn’t seem to see anything wrong with her actions, but then again she stops herself just before doing anything cruel as well.
With this basis in mind, the rest of her personality can be inferred, and how it would apply to different situations. Her personality seems to sometimes shift back and forth from a more childlike state to a more adult one. At times she can seem a little selfish as well, but this is when the more childlike state is in play. Although it may take a little persuasion, she performs her duties with extreme speed and ease, to the point that she’ll often put all work off until the last minute, and then complete it all within an hour or so. Due to the fact that she stops just before becoming cruel, it can be inferred that she feels at least some form of concern for those beneath her, although many believe this to be highly unlikely. Likes: Roses, sweets, the night, the cold, games, and, of course, human blood. Dislikes: Boredom, too much sun, many other demons (though they're long dead). Skills/Strengths: Unknown. Flaws/Weaknesses: Unknown. Weapons/Equipment: Unknown. Appearance: Karin has a smale frame, pale skin, and deep red eyes that have slits for pupils. Her hair is silver, and long enough to frame around her head fully. She typically wears a beautiful dress of extremely light pink, almost white, which is accented by deep dark red and black, including black jewelry hanging from the dress and a red sash around her waist. Typically, black is used in a patterned manner on her clothes. Her shoes are red, and her leggings and sleeves are black. Her nails are long, sharp, and red. Theme Songs:The Devil Within - Digital Daggers God is a Popstar - Oomph! Other: N/A Main or Side: Main, but not necessarily present. Username: The Darklight Project
Full Name: Helle Renata Nicknames/Titles: The Younger Sister. Occupation: N/A. Birthday: June 21st Height: 5'0" Weight: 85 lbs Race: Demon Sex/Gender: Female Age: Thousands of years old, but appears to fluctuate between that of an older child and a younger teenager. Sexuality: Bisexual(?) Place of Birth: Unknown, currently lives in the mountains to the east of Barcea. Biography: The full story of Helle Renata will be revealed within the events of the story. For now, know that she lives with her sister, and spends her days exploring and having a fun time. Personality: Helle has an extremely childish, playful personality, completely embracing her child-like appearance. She has very little cares in the world, just enjoying playing with her toys and with others, and meeting new people. She is very easily excited, and is extremely friendly. Likes: Cute things, sweets, games, new people. Dislikes: Being bored, vegetables, having to sit still or be "proper." Skills/Strengths: Being a demon of the Renata family, Helle is extremely fast and strong, and has inborn latent abilities that she has yet to truly tap into. Flaws/Weaknesses: She has not worked to train herself, so she has very little control of her abilities despite her age. Weapons/Equipment: N/A. Appearance: Helle has pale skin and red eyes. Her hair is blonde, most of it long enough to frame her head but a longer part is pulled into a side ponytail by a red bow. Her dress is also red with white accents, and is very simple. She prefers not to wear shoes and rarely does indoors, but will if absolutely necessary or commanded by her sister. Theme Songs: A fun little extra I always like to include. Other: N/A Main or Side: Side. Username: The Darklight Project
Full Name: Gartian Nicknames/Titles: The Bastard King, the Rabid King, etc. Occupation: King of H'kela Birthday: July 29th. Height: 6'0" Weight: 165 lbs Race: Human Sex/Gender: Male Age: Thirty-three Sexuality: Bisexual(?) Place of Birth: H'kela. Biography: Gartian was born to the previous Queen of H'kela, out of wedlock and with an advisor. The previous King did not take kindly to this, and many advisors were killed, and eventually his mother was too. However, Gartian was smuggled away, and raised in secret. When the time came that he was of proper age, he suddenly revealed himself with his support, overthrowing the previous King in a sudden violent coup and taking power. This was around the time that conflict between Barcea and H'kela was put on hold, so the people were ready for the violence, and supported Gartian. Since then, Gartian continued to build and build H'kela's strength, constantly needling the Barcean borders as he prepared for the inevitable conflict. Personality: Gartian definitely appears to be very unstable, but no one dares to challenge him. Because of this, his eccentric, violent nature has grown unhampered, and turned to something truly dangerous. He hates Barcea completely, and wishes nothing more than to destroy the nation, perhaps especially because it is such a "peaceful" nation now. Likes: Combat, violence, himself. Dislikes: "Peace," Barcea, Kori. Skills/Strengths: Gartian's instability and insanity lends his speed and strength an element of unpredictability that disorients his opponent and catches them by surprise. Because of this, he is a dangerous combatant. Flaws/Weaknesses: While a strength, his insanity is also a weakness as he often doesn't fight to immediately win, drawing out combat in sadistic pleasure. Also, he is a "normal" human besides his insanity. Weapons/Equipment: He wears some armor over his shoulders, on his forearms, and some on his chest. His weapon is a blade that sudden "zigs" back on itself before "zagging" back forwards. Appearance: Gartian is a tall, lanky individual. He has darkly tanned skin, and dark short red hair. He wears a crown on his head with his armor, and the color of his clothes are sort of tan and black with yellow, the cape he wears yellow as well. Theme Songs: May add when I find something especially fitting. Other: N/A Main or Side: Main, antagonist. Username: The Darklight Project
Full Name: ??? Nicknames/Titles: The Advisor. Occupation: Advisor to Gartian. Birthday: Unknown. Height: 5'6" Weight: 125 lbs(?) Race: Human...? Sex/Gender: Female Age: Unknown, appears to be in her thirties. Sexuality: Unknown Place of Birth: Unknown Biography: No one knows much about the Advisor. It's debatable how much Gartian even knows about her. However, she is believed to have been involved in the smuggling of him away from the previous King of H'kela, and the one who taught him how to rule, and gathered power to him. Now she constantly lurks nearby Gartian, feeding him information or advice quietly when necessarily, while also standing as a deterrent against a direct attack on King Gartian. Personality: Quiet, what little of the personality of the Advisor that can be perceived is prideful, yet calm. Likes: Unknown. Dislikes: Unknown. Skills/Strengths: Unknown. Quite possibly extremely physically strong and fast. Flaws/Weaknesses: Unknown. Weapons/Equipment: Unknown. Appearance: The Advisor wears long, black robes. There are places where the robes are cut so that they don't cover, such as around the midriff and the ends of her arms. However, where she would be bare, she instead wears armor made of a strange dark metal that gleams oddly. Her skin is pale, and her hair dark and pulled back. On her face she wears a black mask that covers the top half of her face, down to her nose. The mask is designed, with sharp edges curving around. Theme Songs:Theme of the Manu Propria: Deacons of the Deep - Dark Souls III Other: N/A Main or Side: Antagonist, Side. Username: The Darklight Project
Full Name: Ambrosia Nocte Nicknames/Titles: The Divine of Love, The Lady of the Abyss Occupation: Dark Divine. Birthday: Unknown. Height: 5'9" Weight: 150 lbs(?) Race: Divine Sex/Gender: Female(?) Age: Immeasurable. Sexuality: Pansexual. Place of Birth: Unknown. Resides either in the mountains that border Barcea to the north, or in the Divine Plain every so often. Biography: Ambrosia is a Divine. To recount her entire history would quite possibly be impossible. More recently, she has begun to prefer living in the so called "mortal world", at least for the past several centuries. Here she quietly lives in mostly solitude, though around 20 years ago she began to raise Christopher since he was a baby. She is the one who he refers to as his mother, and she refers to herself as his mother, too. Personality: Ambrosia is more than a little different. Whenever she is found, she is typically napping in some of the most unusual places and positions; upside down on a tree branch, in the middle of a flower field or garden, and underneath the kitchen table (literally on the underside) are just a few examples. After waking and soon before falling asleep again, she’s often in a half groggy/half dazed state, apparently not really noticing or understanding what’s going on around her. She will eventually attempt to fall asleep once again, like this. If kept awake, her mind will slowly clear, and she will eventually reach an awakened state, content to be functioning. Like this, she’s a rather playful, mischievous person, with a curiosity that cats could never survive with.
She enjoys having fun as well; she enjoys witnessing parties, not necessarily being the center of attention but being there none the less. She enjoys a good drink every once in a while as well, if not an excess. She enjoys rare things as well, often collecting curious items and storing them away. She seems to be a rather kind person most of the time, although this kindness because slightly twisted and frightening when she finally reaches a point of irritation; it becomes unnatural, and is a warning for all of those nearby to start running away as fast as possible. However, reaching this point of crossing her temper takes an immense amount, unless a few certain words are said in a certain order. Likes: Sleep, alcohol, popping in areas unexpectedly, teasing others, playing pranks, and fluffy critters. Dislikes: Being awake for extended periods of times, not being allowed to drink, being rushed, hard work, and comments about her age. Skills/Strengths: She is a Divine. This will be unknown for a while. However, her brand of magic usually involves creating 'tears' in reality that go from one place to another, so that is a bare minimum. Flaws/Weaknesses: She is a Divine. This will be unknown for a while. Weapons/Equipment: Unknown. Appearance: Ambrosia is a beautiful woman with long blonde hair. She wears a dress that is a whitish sort of grey on the sleeves and at the sides, and purple down the middle. Here and there are red ribbons as accents. She wears a sort of mob cap on her head, and carries a parasol she always keeps with her. Her eyes are deeply purple with golden flecks, and her lips are a bright red. Physically, her body is clearly shaped to be as attractive as possible, and being a Divine it's probably very possible she can shift her appearance. Theme Songs:Calling to the Night - Natasha Farrow Other: N/A Main or Side: Main, but not necessarily present. Username: The Darklight Project
Full Name: Resalia Narratio Nicknames/Titles: N/A Occupation: Researcher for Karin Renata Birthday: Does not celebrate her birthday. Height: 5'3" Weight: 105 lbs Race: Demon Sex/Gender: Female Age: Thousands of years old, but appears to be in her thirties perhaps. Sexuality: Asexual. Place of Birth: Unknown, currently lives in the mountains to the east of Barcea. Biography: Resalia's history is known only to herself and Karin Renata. What matters now is that, currently, she works for the other demon, practically living within the impossibly massive library within the Renata household and constantly at work. Personality: One word is really only needed to describe Resalia; apathetic. She seems to care about very little, at least about anything alive. When it comes to people, she avoids contact at all costs. She appears to be closed off from the world completely, but she still has the uncanny ability to call out anyone doing anything she deems wrong in the library, no matter how absorbed into her activities she seems to be. She doesn’t like paying attention to other people talking, and often uses her extreme amount of knowledge to come up with complicated answers to others’ questions in order to get them to leave her alone. All in all, she is rather introverted, and trying to get her to socialize is asking for strugg le. Likes: Quiet, being alone, reading, writing, research, and resting. Dislikes: Physical activities, loud things/people, being outside, her books threatened, life forms in general, and anything obnoxious. Skills/Strengths: Resalia's strength lies in her magical power and amount of knowledge, combined with her acute senses. For thousands of years she has been studying, and now she is a magical powerhouse. It is highly doubtful that there is a form of magic that she isn't aware of, if not extremely well educated in. Flaws/Weaknesses: Resalia is extremely physically weak now, and is in combat almost completely stationary. This is due to a unique disease that has been ravaging her for centuries, building up slowly day by day to its current state. Currently, she often has trouble even moving around, struggling to breathe. Weapons/Equipment: Magical tomes, and her preferred methods of distributing magic are through crystal. Appearance: Resalia is small, thin, with extremely pale skin and long purple hair. Her hair is pulled into two lengths that go down either side of her head in front, down to just above her stomach. She typically remains in nightclothes all day, just throwing a night robe with a hood over what she sleeps in. She has multiple bows of light red and blue in her hair and over her clothes. She walks around in slippers. Theme Songs: A fun little extra I always like to include. Other: N/A Main or Side: Side Username: The Darklight Project
Original Post: I'll be posting all the characters at the top, and perhaps organizing them in one or more ways. Right now the idea is to have one section of organization dedicated to homelands, and then the other dedicated to organizing by the players.
From One came the Cast Off and the Seven From the Seven came the World
The tale of this world is a long one, one that is rapidly coming to its end. Much of its history has been lost, forgotten and in many cases destroyed. Much is only known in broad strokes, exact names and details forgotten. It is a world watched by Seven Divines.
Long ago, thousands of years, the continent of Jasi rose in power and splendor. Its influence stretched out to rapidly encompass the rest of the world, made up of the larger continent to the north, Vei, and the even larger continent to the west and northwest, Aatroia. The continent of Jasi was much more advanced and powerful than the rest of the world, and with these advantages the Emperor of Jasi was able to keep a solid grip on his rule. The only way his rule would end would be a falling apart on the inside. The sons and daughters of the Emperor stood against him, and together slew him, and split the world among themselves. Though some of these lines died out or just disappeared, some royal families are still believed to be descended from these Jasian sons and daughters.
For a long time, the world continued on in a relatively normal manner. Kingdoms rose and fell, power shifted hands, and people grew and died out. However, one hundred years ago, Aatroia erupted into sudden turmoil that went quiet. The instigators of this chaos became known as the God Kings. Any previous rulers were found and slaughtered by their forces, and the God Kings were the ones who claimed power. Their power was beyond that of any mortal, and though some appeared human some clearly weren't, anymore at least. With their power they could "Remake" an individual, shattering their soul and piecing it back together into one that completely worships the God King or Queen. This was how they gained such power and followers, and brought the previously established kingdoms to their end.
While the God Kings gained power and made new kingdoms in the west, to the East the continent of Vei was split, for the most part, between three nations: Barcea to the southeast, H'kela to the southwest, and Gurata to the north. Barcea, a green land with plains and hills with mountains to the east, was ruled by the Serio family for generations. H'kela, a desert land with ancient crumbling structures, often changed leadership due to the political struggle for power. Gurata, a cold, rocky land, was split between the various tribes that roamed the land. During this time the struggle between Barcea and H'kela began, rooted within religious reasons.
The God Kings kept their rule completely up until fifteen years ago. Finally, a full-fledged Rebellion began to form, large enough to not immediately be destroyed or "Remade", and continue to go. To the east, the then ruler of Barcea, Olain Serio, put his struggle with H'kela on hold to head West as well, to fight and perhaps gain land and resources. It was a struggle, and though the Rebellion gained momentum it seemed that one day they would eventually lose... Until, suddenly, individuals who could not be "Remade" began to appear. This group of people became known as the Gifted, and helped lead the Rebellion to victory. Those God Kings who were not killed were banished or fled preemptively to parts unknown. The forces of Barcea were defeated, Olain Serio terribly wounded, and returned back East. New kingdoms and governments began to rise, led by the people, and many of the Gifted elected to take rewards in the form of positions, land, or power, while some went back to their former lives, and even more just simply disappeared.
As this redevelopment happened in the West, things began to change to the East. Olain Serio eventually died of his wounds that he earned in the West, and his oldest daughter became the new Queen. To the surprise of many, including those that would manipulate her, she began immediate reforms, ending conflict with H'kela entirely and bettering the lives of the people to the best that they had ever known. Along with herself, her younger brother and sister became symbols of this rebirth and bettering of the land.
In the present, Barcea is still a nation of peace, though H'kela's aggression continues to grow and grow.
It is five years before the end of the world.
There are many religions within this world, of various sorts. Even the God Kings were worshipped as gods come to the world, after all. However, the most prevalent of these religions is worldwide (though of course suppressed in the West in the days of the God Kings) and well known, concerning the Seven Divines. It is believed that the Seven Divines created the world and all within it, before leaving to a "Divine Plane" made for themselves. They are divided between the "Light" and "Dark" Divines, three each along with one who falls into both categories. Basic information, such as names and themes of each Divine, follows.
Ambrosia: Dark Divine, Female, The Depth of the Void, Love The Master: Dark Divine, Male, The Edge of the Void, Power Silvae: Light Divine, Female, The Warmth of Light, Compassion Danmun: Dark Divine, Male, The Grip of the Dark, Control Azim: Light Divine, Male, The Revelation of the Light, Knowledge Yumio: Light Divine, Female, The Brilliance of Light, Freedom The Masked: Dual Divine, Unknown, The Incomprehensible, Secrecy and Mystery
Some nations see one or more of the Divines as Patron Divines. For example, in the case of Barcea, they now see Ambrosia as their Patron. H'kela, meanwhile, see Danmun as their Patron. This is just two examples, and sometimes they vary, such as villages proclaiming one over the others, or towns, or even smaller amounts.
It is worth knowing that individuals sometimes appear who are considered "Divineborn," with a father or mother as a Divine. These individuals have a unique ability, being that of "Creation;" they are able to "Create" a weapon, object, etc. Furthermore, they can learn to extend this ability even further, into that of armor or forms. However, Divineborn are not common, and very rarely seen or confirmed.
The land of Barcea is a beautiful country, with villages and towns spread throughout and the Capitol in the center. The land is green, with plains and rolling hills and rivers throughout. There is a mountain range to the east, which then curves to extend along the north of the country some. The people are kind and have been ruled by the Serio family for generations, but they are more than just a little fearful of H'kela to the west. The land has seen its hardships, which only ended between fifteen to ten years before, with the death of King Olain, which led to the coronation of Queen Kori. She brought reformation, changing Barcea from a nation of forced war to one of peace. Still old and abandoned forts for war litter the landscape as grim reminders of past conflict with their western neighbor. The Capitol itself is surrounded by a circular wall, where the city is within and then another circular wall to protect the castle itself. The queen is named Kori, the Prince Cyril, and the Princess Ayano. While the Queen and Princess typically keep to the Capitol, the Prince is often out and about, involved with the protection of the people within and along the borders. To do so he has gathered together a group of individuals to him, called the Sentinels.
The land of H'kela is hot, filled with sandy dunes. Here and there are oases, where villages often center around, along with one river where the Capitol and other towns are built along to make use of the fertile land. Political struggles from within and constant warring with Barcea in the past has left the land of H'kela quite used to conflict. The current king, Gartian, uses the lingering resentment to drive bandit attacks against Barcea, and to keep the people focused on one goal. Constantly moving troops in aggressive manners along the border of Barcea, it is clear that King Gartian wants war.
The land of Gurata is cold, rocky, unforgiving. Between sets of mountains, the people who live there are made up of nomadic tribes. There are no real villages or towns, save for one place: The Arena. Despite being nomadic people, the Guratans are still prepared to follow a single leader. There is a "ruling family" in charge of the largest and most powerful of tribes: a brother and two sisters. Together they lead across the country, but the Arena is a unique case. Here, anyone can come and fight for their cause, whether Guratan or outsider. Those who win have their requests not only heard, but usually accepted. The brother leader is Kisarin, and the sisters are Seryosa and Yihira. There have been a few squabbles with bandits from the south for the past few years.
Though not a large country, Kyora can be considered a powerful city-state. Located where the borders of the three major nations of the East meet, Kyora is a unique mixture of those cultures. There is a curve of mountains surrounding the city, and a connecting port. Kyora was the only place in the East where the God King War reached, where during the lowest part of the War for the Rebellion some of its members fled east, and were then followed by agents of the God King. Kyora is not the only city-state/nation that exists besides the larger three of Barcea, H'kela, and Gurata, but it is easily the most powerful, successful, and independent.
The West, only fifteen years into its newfound freedom, is still learning to understand how to use that freedom. The continent of Aatroia is large, with environments spanning almost all kinds, if not naturally then thanks to the influence of the God Kings, even after being gone for so long. There are many nations within the West of all different kinds now, from kingdoms to people led governments, these various ideas coming together in this new attempt at life in the West. In some cases, small (or large) chunks of land were given to the heroes of the war, such as some of the Gifted. The Gifted's territory was to the north (before it starts to turn cold), while below that the new countries vary. What follows are some brief details on the more successful nations.
Renduit, a kingdom along the eastern shores.
Lioay, an attempt at democracy along mountains and plains.
Wintubi, a kingdom in a jungle and along rivers.
Yejum, a grouping of towns and cities that exist along a desert and even hotter territories.
Hitoam, a kingdom in both earthy and rocky areas.
Much about the general strokes of the God King War has already been said, so what is written here are some specifics. Here is some information on the God Kings, such as names, realms of power, etc.
Ridat Mazami: Fire (Male) Levinata: Water (Male) Salye: Ice (Female) Ulgom Tynat: Earth (Male) Chrysanta Kokinos: Plants (Female) Ralua: Air (Female) Gamoh Rian: Electricity (Male) Xerym: Will (Male)
The greatest of these was God King Xerym, who the others would eventually listen and bow to if necessary. The reasons for this authority concern a matter of extreme power, and how Xerym could Remake again those that other God Kings had already Remade, a feat that the others could not accomplish.
On the other side of the God King War you had the Rebellion. Led by the man Iaim Ciua for most of the War, the reason why the Rebellion even had a chance of winning was the Gifted. What follows are their titles and names, and what part of the world each came from.
The Void Lord: Kuraihi Linea, Aatroia The Fearsome Phantasm: Joachim Raizen, Kyora The Relentless Storm: Aavantir, Unknown The Rose Knightess: Lucara Torria, Aatroia The Awoken Giant: Eoa, Aatroia The Silent Butterfly: Veneno, Aatroia The Brilliant Horror: Mandum Teven, Jasi The Forgiven Exile: Nivarrha, Aatroia The Colorful Fool: Luke Ignotum, Aatroia The Terrible Legion: Mataku, Unknown The Faithful Duelist: Kamiko, Barcea The Frozen Order: Levitas, Aatroia The Devil's Fire: Shisor Yaguar, Aatroia The Death's Virtuoso: Morchram, Unknown The Bone Thief: Chikako Momomiya, Barcea The Contaminated Blessing: Melodie Ellanore Citar
Though a powerful force that certainly helped win the War for the Rebellion, the Gifted did not agree on everything that would come after the War, and even fought over it. The most well-known example of this is Shisor Yaguar, whose radical philosophies led to him being hunted down and disposed of by the Rebellion, towards the end of the War.
Though no longer an empire and not having been one for thousands of years, the nation of Jasi is still a proud, powerful place. The island nation to the south, though hot, is covered with cities and examples of industry. The land of Jasi is full of technology and magic, and is extremely advanced. Within Jasi, there is always some form of research and inventing going on in all walks of life. The social climate is split between two tiers, upper and lower. The upper class makes up all of the decision making positions and holds most if not all of the power. The government is full of double-dealing, backstabbing, and use of magic for advantages. The upper class has a habit of "adopting" lower class families, enlisting their services and taking credit for their inventions in return for finances and protection. There is definitely a sort of Jasian elitism.
The world is most widely populated by humanity, who are present in all areas. Beyond them are the dwarves in the West and the elves in the East. These are the three largest races, though there are others of various natures, such as reptilian, feline, etc.
There are so-called "nonhumans" that exist in the world. To describe them would be to describe humans with animal-like traits, specifically that of one animal in particular. They are not seen as any lesser of any greater than other humans; racism in this world has come down to a matter of lines on a map, so perhaps it's more nationalism than anything. A general rule of thumb is that if a nonhuman and a nonhuman mate a nonhuman will be born, human and human will mean human, and nonhuman and human will lead to a 50/50 chance of either.
There are also more unnatural races, ones that do not populate the world as much. This includes the race of demons. Demons are classified within "families," where the various types and also allegiances are noted. Where exactly they come from isn't really known, and now there is no real way to find out. The race of demons around the time of the Jasian Emperor suddenly began to disappear rapidly, and almost completely. What scholars know is that the ones who survived either bow to or are fearful of one name: Renata.
For the most part, this world is one of magic. It takes various forms, almost anything imaginable, but the world reacts to it in different ways. In particular, the strictest is probably H'kela, where magical talents usually mean a forced military career. There are many types of magic: natural magic, sorcery, etc., etc. In both magic and technology though, Jasi excels in comparison to the rest of the world, both knowing and possessing things that are still difficult for the other nations to even imagine.
In a related note, there are also such things as supernatural and extraordinary abilities that are almost magical in nature.
Arc One: A War Resumed - Five Years Before the End of the World
Tensions between Barcea and H'kela grow day after day. Bandits believed to be influenced and even hired by the H'kelans constantly attack within Barcea, and movements within the desert nation has the Barcean authorities on edge. Conflict is brewing, and it seems as if nothing will keep it from bursting over, much to the despair of the peaceful nation.
Rules and Understandings
First things first, follow the rules of the site. That's common sense.
All of the above description is considered "general knowledge," unless otherwise stated. Depending on who you are and what you learn, more of the truth will be revealed.
Please, be active. Post regularly, talk to others in the OOC, get to know each other, the characters, and plan. We're all here to write and have fun, but to do that we have to work together. I'm looking for dedicated writers willing to not only listen to my ideas, but listen to the ideas of others and give their own.
You can have "main" characters and "side" characters. For example, I've got a bunch of characters in mind and ready just to tell the overarching story that we'll be going through. However, my main focus for posting will be on a few of mine, with some accompanying characters. You don't have to use every character in every post, and I'm more than welcome to having lots and lots of characters. Just post at least as the ones that need to be posted as first and foremost.
Post as you can. I'm not going to make a rule like "post twice a week" or whatever, because people do have lives. Just realize that you will have others waiting on you, and they are expecting you to post. Be fair to them. If you get busy and want to either take a leave of absence or drop, please let us know. We'll be understanding. Just please work to sort of "write your character away" so that we're not stuck at a critical point waiting for a post that can't come.
For the posts themselves, I prefer quality over quantity, and smooth flow over chunky. When it comes to what I mean by that, it mostly has to do with conversations; too often have I seen conversations between two characters turn into massive internal monologues about some of the most ridiculous stuff, with only a line or two of conversation said between those interacting. Even worse, I've seen people try to cram multiple lines regarding different topics into one post, forming a massive backed up wreck. In those kinds of situations, I understand shorter posts, and in fact welcome them. I want conversations and interactions to feel natural, not long just for the sake of being long.
No godmodding. For real. I don't care if it's in the middle of battle or just a conversation, you do not just control another person's character. Now it's different if you talk with a person and get their permission, actively working together to plan posts, move action, land hits, note things, etc. In fact, if you're willing to work with each other, that will make this run so much more smoothly and coherently.
My Goals and Vision for this Roleplay
This is a story about the end of a world. Depressing enough, but at the same time it can be considered one last series of great struggles before the end. The roleplay will go through the final stories before the end of the world, and the actions of those who had the greatest impact. I have the overarching story in mind, but things can easily change due to the actions of those within. I also don't want the roleplay to be completely dominated by my story. I would love for there to be events and even arcs centered on what you, the players, come to me with. When it comes to the "realism" of the roleplay, I see it as being mixed. By that I mean I don't want it to be too over the top, but things like fighting and the like can be more... stylistic, rather than steeped in pure realism. However, as the roleplay continues, then all sorts of new abilities and powers will be found, so the combat will grow in terms of... "ridiculousness."
Also, I'm open to all sorts of ideas. This is the world I've made from different ideas and inspiration, but it can be so much more. Different races, smaller nations, types of magic, everything. I'm even willing to extend the list of characters like the Gifted if you give me a really good idea and impress me with it. In terms of organization, I see this as going sort of like a D&D game almost, where (for the most part) the various players come together and work together to achieve a goal, while I provide many of the obstacles and villains, but also some guidance and help. However, again, I'm more than willing to listen to ideas, and if you want to come up with some villains or antagonists I can get behind that too, so long as the proper planning is done.
To begin with, we'll be starting in the East. You can have characters from the West or Jasi, but they should hopefully have made their way over to the East for some reason. If you need ideas, please ask me. There are so many background plans that I'll almost undoubtedly be able to give your character a purpose for being outside of their homeland.
On Character Profiles and Some Notes
When it comes to the kinds of characters accepted, I reserve the right to refuse characters I don't see working or fitting in, are too ridiculous, or whatever. However, with that being said, I want a real nice variety of characters so that we have a diverse and intriguing cast. I'm also fine with those with unnatural traits, such as weird hair colors, etc.
Below is what you need to fill out to join. In some cases I include some descriptive information if I felt the need to. When completed, post in the character thread under a hider and send me a PM to make sure I know to look over it and approve (or just send it to me in a PM, if you prefer that). All approved characters will be posted by myself in the first post of the CS thread, as a quick guide to those present in the roleplay.
Consider these character sheets as living documents. Characters will be learning new things, strengthening and gaining new abilites. I want characters to develop throughout this roleplay, so we'll probably be coming back to the sheets to add in new abilities every... Arc or so, perhaps.
Full Name: Whether it be just one or twenty four. Nicknames/Titles: Be sure to specify between the former and latter. Occupation: If necessary. Birthday: Month and Day. Height: Weight: Race: Sex/Gender: Include everything you believe to be necessary Age: If necessary, what appears to be your age and what the actual age is (rare cases). Sexuality: Place of Birth: Nation/Part of the World. Biography: Some information about the character's history. Personality: Likes: Dislikes: Skills/Strengths: Include unique abilities. Flaws/Weaknesses: This part is especially important because being OP is always an issue. Weapons/Equipment: Appearance: Feel free to include a picture for a "face-claim" if you so desire, but a worded description would be greatly appreciated. Theme Songs: A fun little extra I always like to include. Other: For anything I may have forgot. Inspirations: What gave you the idea for this character, if you don't mind sharing. This is something I'll remove, but I'm always curious as to where people get their ideas from and develop them. Main or Side: How prominent you intend for this character to be. Username:
Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Drama, Mystery, and some minor ("magical") Sci-Fi and Horror when applicable.
Please forgive for a lack of color and the like. I don't trust myself to handle that. Hopefully the information is good enough by itself to be appealing.
@RadioactiveRat That should be okay for the time being, since it's already done. Leave it there for a little while, and see who comes. Not everyone is on 24/7, so people will be looking at it at different times. If you know what level of writing you want it to be though (free, casual, advanced), I'd edit the topic and add that in to the title and the tags, if you haven't done that yet. If you don't get much interest in the general section, then do an interest post in the section you specifically want to write for, and see what happens. Hopefully just giving it a little time will get you what you want, though.
Edit: Just saw your edit, working on adding that into here.
Edit's Edit: @RadioactiveRat So basically Free, Casual, Advanced are different levels of writing. Of them, Free is the most relaxed. It's where people who don't want to worry about grammar or being extremely in depth gather. Kinda like a "starter" section, for people who have never rp'ed before. Casual is a little more regulated, with better grammar expected, more work put into the posts, etc., etc. Advanced, meanwhile, is the most regulated, and the most is expected of a person. However, it isn't as daunting as it sounds. Advanced is technically described as "two paragraphs or more", so depending on what level of Advanced you want to roleplay, you'll find something that's comfortable for you. Does that help?
Hello, hello, and welcome! You're bound to find something you'll enjoy to do, I'm sure! You have what you want to do in mind already, so it's only a matter of time before people start speaking up.
Mind listing off some of your favorite video games? I love them and am curious.
Simply a writer who enjoys working with others.
What, that isn't enough? Okay, fine.
Let's see, I've been roleplaying for... eight years now, I think is the number. Hard to remember, it's been so long. Of course, the first few years of my roleplaying I'd rather not remember (Adriane was great though), but I feel I've developed into a competent enough writer as to not completely embarrass myself. Group roleplays, one on ones, anything you can think of I've probably done it. I'm in college currently, the RA (Resident Assistant) of my wing of the building, so not only do I have class but an around-the-clock job too. I love writing with others, getting to know their characters and see them develop, while developing my own. Some of my proudest moments have happened when characters of other people are influenced by my own, and change because of it. I'm a bit of a planner, as I usually write with arcs in mind, and an overarching story.
I was here before the Great Collapse, and when the transition happened I made an account but never used it. The Great Collapse happened during one of my lower times, and I couldn't bring myself to keep roleplaying. Now I'm back though, with new experience and new ideas. I'm ready to go.
<div style="white-space:pre-wrap;">Simply a writer who enjoys working with others.<br><br>What, that isn't enough? Okay, fine.<br><br>Let's see, I've been roleplaying for... eight years now, I think is the number. Hard to remember, it's been so long. Of course, the first few years of my roleplaying I'd rather not remember (Adriane was great though), but I feel I've developed into a competent enough writer as to not completely embarrass myself. Group roleplays, one on ones, anything you can think of I've probably done it. I'm in college currently, the RA (Resident Assistant) of my wing of the building, so not only do I have class but an around-the-clock job too. I love writing with others, getting to know their characters and see them develop, while developing my own. Some of my proudest moments have happened when characters of other people are influenced by my own, and change because of it. I'm a bit of a planner, as I usually write with arcs in mind, and an overarching story.<br><br>I was here before the Great Collapse, and when the transition happened I made an account but never used it. The Great Collapse happened during one of my lower times, and I couldn't bring myself to keep roleplaying. Now I'm back though, with new experience and new ideas. I'm ready to go.</div>