As the title says, this concept needs some more work, but I've got the base idea of it basically being a somewhat quirky school for magical creatures who are trying to integrate into the human world from Faerie, the realm of the fae (basically all magical/supernatural creatures in this are referred to as being fae, including things like vampires or werewolves). It's definitely meant to be a more lighthearted, silly kind of concept where somewhat over-the-top tropes would be welcome and even encouraged (both anime and fairy tale tropes or other such storytelling stereotypes).
My main idea is that Faerie is basically the fairy tale land, a fantasy world with magic and mythical creatures- probably even actual living fairy tales (like Snow White and all that). There are some regular humans that live there (or there wouldn't really be fairy tales), but they are less common than magical creatures, and live perpetually in a medieval type society. The human world is just that- pretty much the regular modern human world. For a few reasons (mainly plot convenience), the existence of Faerie and of fae themselves is kept secret from the human world, but fae (and occasionally humans) from Faerie do sometimes decide to immigrate to the human world for periods of time, whether for study, recreation, or just a change of scenery- or to escape their past in Faerie. Because their world and true existence need to be kept secret, though, before they are allowed to visit the human world they must first learn to blend in, which means, essentially, that they have to learn how to pass as modern humans. And that means school.
As an additional twist, maybe there are also some humans attending the school who want to move to Faerie, and they have to learn from the fae how to live in that society as well? This is an optional side plot.
Anyways, probably most of the teachers at the school would be regular humans from Earth, or else some fae that have lived on Earth for a long time and know how to better "relate" to their fae students. Most of the characters would be students, basically just learning about the modern world from the perspective of long-lived (and possibly powerful) medieval magical creatures, using their powers for shenanigans and occasionally going on field trips to the human world (or maybe Faerie as well) and probably also causing shenanigans there. It would leave a lot of room for creativity, a lot of silliness, and some possible serious moments and character development as well. Could definitely have some more serious plots at different points, like having to try to stop evil fae from getting to the human world and exposing them all or things like that. But mostly it would be pretty lighthearted.
Would anyone be interested in doing something like this?