"His wife Vrigga fought at his side for much of the war, joining the final battle for unification while carrying Yuliana. "
So she fought while she was pregnant? Or she carried your newborn character into battle?
And for your favored weapon, I have a list i'd want you to choose up there. From reading your bio I assume its a two handed axe, though? Interesting, you're character kinda sounds like a female berserker! legit history i'm pretty sure only men were berserkers. Thats the joy of making this RP so alternate to legit history, we can come up with fun stuff like female berserkers aha
Edit: oh, almost forgot! i'd like a bit more of a detailed explanation of your character's appearance. I realize you put a bit of that in your bio, but just some more formalities like height and just restating other physical traits from your bio in that appearance section will be fine.
And just in case you forgot from our PM in the IRC, it'll be Aeolfsdottir, not Aeolfdatter. Other than that, and everything else I mentioned, it all looks good!