Avatar of The Rectifier
  • Last Seen: 8 yrs ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 39 (0.01 / day)
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    1. The Rectifier 9 yrs ago


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9 yrs ago
Current "At what point does genius turn to insanity? Who knows. Mostly because the genius himself hasn't the capability to realize he's crossed the line."


In your future and in your past, I come and go so senseless and fast.

My purpose is unknown to all and remembrance seems to drift, then fall.


Most Recent Posts

I have the most insane dreams, my subconscious is like some sort of subatomic macrocosm of a netherworld. Kinda fun though, my dreams end up being so detailed and long, like intricate adventures with all kinds of people I've never met and supernatural conundrums.

I don't have normal dreams like "Ahh I forgot my homework" or doing normal things. (/)òmó)/) it gets annoying.
Fuma pushes his orange bangs off his smooth mask.

I should intercede with his pursuers... Rai never fails to get tracked down here.

He heads toward the barricaded door. Before he makes it there, his existence decomposes to that of black swirling energy that seeps through the crack of the door, goofy mask morphing into two red orbs for eyes. He vanishes into the hostile surrounding area.

Fuma regains his boyish composition under the blackened clouds, and stops at the edge of the cliff that drops vastly down a few yards from the base. His eyes sweep the land from behind his mask.

Nothing TOO alarming... Some flashes on the horizon.. I should really go check that out.

He takes a few steps back... and runs toward the drop off at full tilt. Fuma jumps off the edge as misty black shadows engulf his boots. It expands and laces completely around his body, taking the murky black form of a personal fighter jet. The shadows move at his command, and his craft accelerates into the black sky. He seems to vanish, as the shadow energy blends with the charred atmosphere.

Wooooo. Off I go.
Fuma spots his good friend Rai and lets out his breath slightly. He felt relieved. It had been a long double shift for a rider of Rai's level. Fuma trots over to his station and slaps Rai briskly.

"Your ass is sore isn't it, I bet that hurt." He smirks at Rai who is angrily grimacing.

"Haaaaaa thanks man, yes it is. It's too quiet out there." Rai gives Fuma an annoyed look, but grins his white smile flashing those unnatural fangs. Fuma has always thought they were kind of weird but also cool.

He was slightly jealous of them.

"Does the darkness whisper to you? Lets hope so, I haven't been able to read manga lately, Radio is being so stingy. I need something interesting." Fuma's mask smirks again, but Rai can tell he's exhausted and most likely tired.

"Let's debrief a little later alright? I really need a break."

"Okay alright I see how it is, you're too tired for me, I get it. I'm a nonentity after all, sigh, I guess I'll just go. Keep your chin up Rai. We're doing a good thing here remember." Grins at Rai, remembering the valiant origins of this rebellion. Fuma realizes the risk and the ever-hovering darkness in this dimension. It haunts his fighters, so he always tries to cheer them up by acting like a goof ball and be sarcastic.

In the recent past, a new growing syndicate of warlike association had decided to attack the 3rd syndicate. To conquer was their purpose, as they had already conquered several others. However, in these exploits many of their pawns had been lost as cannon fodder, sent to die on suicide runs and recklessly destroyed. This created a need for man power, and the foundling 12th syndicate was their source. This unnamed, unestablished War syndicate invaded the 12th, and robbed it of their children. They were enslaved and indoctrinated into foreign ways, supernaturally kept alive after death in the form of a Shadow. This boy, by the given name "Rai", is one of these children. Despite the harsh change, and the destructive nature of the War syndicate, these children's hearts burned. They burned for freedom... for peace... and for their own identity. Rising up among them came a revolutionary, a young man by the name of Fuma. He was different... His soul burned with a light unfaltering, and he united the Shadow Children, like Rai. Soon they grew stronger and learned the War syndicates weaknesses, their plans. The revolt began in the early hours of the morning... Fuma signaled and sabotage ensued. Despite the betrayal of a close conspirator, it succeeded, and the Shadow children took what was left of them and receded into the wasteland of the alternate dimension in which these wars take place. There they continued train and foster their camaraderie, and to sabotage the War syndicate. Here they remain, slowly attacking again and again through guerrilla warfare, a tired war of thoughtful attrition.

It's serious business.
<Snipped quote by The Rectifier>



<Snipped quote by LordInquisitor>

Time well spent.

I hope I am not terribly late to things...

I spoke with Specter and Cara about my character concepts before I posted one, and Spec went ahead and okayed me posting in the IC. I didn't want to surprise anyone with it, so I am just sending a quick note here to say hello, and I shall start an IC post shortly.

Sounds of clinking metal, revving engines and young ambitious voices pierce the darkness of Fuma's subconscious.

It was a dream? Again.. I've had that dream before. I think.

He sits up slowly, sore muscles dousing his nerve endings in an oddly pleasant wave of fire all the way down his back. This elicits a legendary groan from the back of his throat as he runs one hand through his orange hair.

It's always cold here. The low, creaky infirmary cot is warm... But there was much to be done.

Fuma stands after pulling on his boots, glancing at the digital clock that had been knocked to the concrete floor. Three hours ago he had collapsed on the cot, not entirely sure what part of the bustling rebel base in which he resides the welcome rest would come from. That's three hours more rest than usual, at any rate. His mask slowly regains it's signature features as he pulls on his weapons. It appears his armor never made it off, an urban style of Kevlar and blow-resistant matte plastic. It alludes to motorcycle gear, but without the pristine, fanciful aesthetic that the riders have. But I digress.

He makes his way into the metal walled hall that leads straight to the astronomically huge hangar of the base. It's a small base, but effectively equipped and manned by a fearless personnel of which he was the young leader. Fuma checks the regular maintenance stations, and comes upon the weapons tech and artillery department. He claps the back of his main technician gratefully.

"Thanks for holding down the fort. I needed the break."

Axel, the wiry looking technician grins widely, clearly running on pure caffeine.

"Please, I get to have fun when you finally give up the ghost! You can be kind of a hard ass."

The obviously insane tech jests, but regains a more serious countenance. He knows of Fuma's torments, but always hesitates to ask.
Fuma breaks this silence by smiling widely as the most active radio control officer walks passed both of them. Her hair is a dark blue accompanied by lavish makeup, gothic bracelets, and a gothic twist on her uniform. She has her long thick hair in a ponytail, power bangs in the front, large hoop earrings and loud chewing gum. Her expression does not look welcoming.

"Well well if it isn't the lovely Radio. When are you gonna tell us your name eh? Lookin' good."

Radio slows her gait and whirls around to face him.

"Not today Fuma, I'm busy. Besides, I'm way out of your league. Ding bat."

"Too mean Radio, you're so harsh. You know I'm just yanking your chain. Rai is the one who likes you so I have to make him squirm SOMEHOW."

She sighs and turns on her heel, regaining her long strides through the hangar. Fuma winks at Axel who already looks bored.

"Fuma I don't understand how you manage to keep such a light attitude in this place. It really baffles me.. this abyss gets the best of even our older vets, but you continue to egg on whats left of our childhood spirits. What's the point? I could die today."

Fuma's mask looses it's playful expression as he looks out across the hangar at the lives that he is responsible for. His countenance is unreadable, a code full of information and yet inaccessible.

"Axel... You really think too much."
Dreamwalker is definitely sticking around! He's just working on a character sheet and learning how this site works (hence lack of comments)
@Carantathraiel OMG I'm sorry too
//fans self with girly hands// I was about to be very irked but I didn't peg you for that XD SORRY thank you for considering my friend's perspective.
@Carantathraiel Define encourage?
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