Plot : The Kingdom of heaven is created in three layers, The first layer is made with the proud Seraphim the closest to god and the most powerful of the angel family. The second sphere is the order sphere meaning this is where the princeable and cherubim rule and council the angels and archangels on choices. the last sphere is where the archangels and angels live and inhabit. This is the sphere known most to mankind because this is the sphere of the guardian angels as well the guards of heaven and the earthen realm. The layers always had disagreements with each other about small things. the only layer that stayed out of it was the Seraphim and for good reason. After 3016 the angels finally decide they want to hold a tournament to show off their skills against one another. The prize ? The Seraphim crown that would be given to the player that wins. The seraphim crown is a crown that can boost a lonely angel to the highest of races within winning. But the win also has its costs. once you become a Seraphim all your connections to those you love must be left behind. Will you risk it all for power and glory ?
- All angels are accepted, But I will only allow two Seraphim angels to join {other then myself}
- All angels have similar powers, But if you wish to have a different power then most angels please do talk to me and we shall see what we can do
- There are NO demons in this roleplay {sorry XC But all the angel and demons i have had to do before hand on other sides made me sick of the idea}
- All angels have speicalized weapons for their race, Angels have sword, Archangels have holy blades or spears, Princeables have lances or archery, Cherabum have Holy fire and seraphim have blinding staff that can cause others that dare to look upon them to go blind.
- No angel is going to be a angel from the bible meaning there is not going to be a lucifer or a Michael or Raphael walking around in the roleplay {You can though be related to them}
- I ask that all the people that join can post a round 2-3 paragraphs please
- Also do not worry if you are not Christian i do not care you can still play. this is a loose leaf angel roleplay and not strically bible other then the layers of heaven